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Moral principles

and value

 Refer to the foundational guidelines and
beliefs that guide ethical behavior based on
the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible.
These principles serve as a moral compass
for Christians in making decisions and living
according to their faith.
Values in Christian morality

 The deeply held beliefs and virtues that

Christians strive to embody in their daily
lives. These values are derived from the
teachings of Jesus Christ and the biblical
scriptures. They shape the character and
actions of Christians, influencing their
relationships with God, others, and the world
around them.

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Examples of moral principles and values in
Christian morality

 These principles and values provide a framework for

Christians to navigate moral dilemmas and live a life
that reflects their faith in Christ.

• Love
• compassion
• honesty
• integrity
• justice
• forgiveness
• humility
• sanctity of life
• sexual purity Sample Footer Text
• fidelity


Ethical theories
 Provide frameworks for understanding and
applying moral principles based on the
teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible. While
specific ethical theories may not be explicitly
outlined in Christian doctrine, certain
principles and values guide ethical decision-
making within the Christian faith.

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Ethical theories in Christian

 Are often rooted in the belief that moral
principles are derived from God's commands
and teachings. Christians believe that ethical
theories should align with the overarching
principles of love, justice, mercy, and the
pursuit of righteousness.

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 Moral principles in Christian morality 8
are derived from the teachings of Jesus
Christ and the Bible.

These principles include:

 Love and Compassion:

• Christians are called to love God and love their
neighbors as themselves, showing compassion and
care for others.

 Justice and Fairness:

• Christians are encouraged to seek justice, promote
fairness, and treat others with equality and respect.

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 Integrity and Honesty:
• Christians are called to live with integrity and honesty, 9
speaking the truth and acting with sincerity.

 Forgiveness and Mercy:

• Christians are taught to forgive others and show mercy,
reflecting the forgiveness and mercy they have
received from God.

 Sanctity of Life:
• Christians believe in the inherent value and sanctity of
human life, from conception to natural death.

 Sexual Purity and Fidelity:

• Christian morality upholds the importance of sexual
purity within the bounds of marriage and fidelity to
one's spouse.

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Cultural and religious diversity

 It can influence the interpretation and

application of moral values. While there are
core moral values that are shared among
Christians, cultural and religious differences
can shape the understanding and emphasis
placed on these values within different
Christian communities.

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 Cultural diversity within Christian morality

acknowledges that individuals from various
cultural backgrounds may have different
perspectives on certain moral issues. Cultural
factors such as traditions, customs, and
societal norms can influence how moral
values are understood and practiced within a
particular cultural context.

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 Religious diversity also plays a role in

shaping moral values within Christian
morality. Different Christian denominations
and traditions may have varying
interpretations of scripture and theological
teachings, leading to differences in moral
emphasis and understanding.

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 However, despite these diversities, there are

overarching moral values that are commonly
upheld in Christian morality, such as love,
compassion, justice, integrity, and the pursuit
of righteousness. These values serve as a
unifying foundation, guiding Christians in
their ethical decision-making and conduct.

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 It is important for Christians to engage in

respectful dialogue and seek understanding
when encountering cultural and religious
diversity within moral values. This allows for
a broader perspective and fosters a spirit of
unity and mutual respect within the diverse
Christian community.

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Julie Ann Betio
Helen Grace Cambarijan
Aimae Gane Diginion
Jean Cambarihan
Dave Caballero
Mark Brandia
Israel Calimpusan


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