Chapter 5 4th Reporter

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Background Reports of activities, be it
experimentations in the
laboratory, interviews or field
studies, could be presented
in several ways. If a step-by-
step procedure was
employed, a written report
can present the findings
clearly and accurately.
1. Reports can be either in oral or written form.
CHARACTERISTICS 2. The preparation of the reports develop the skill in
gathering relevant information and presenting them
in a clear and easy-to-interpret illustrations such as
graphs and tabulations.

3. The ability to communicate in their own words

and in an interesting manner is developed.
4. This activity is an effective way of searching for
exceptional and not-too-common information such as
biographies and historical accounts. The persistence of
the student in such search must be duly acknowledged.

5. The skill and experience gained in presenting a

scientific paper is a valued achievement.

6. Special reports require careful evaluation and can be

part of a student’s “best works” portfolio.

7. Oral reports may be evaluated instantly, hence criteria

that will be used must be clear beforehand.

1. .Special reports are resorted to

either by an individual or by
groups. The manner of reporting
may be suggested by the teacher.

2. If the reporting will be done by group,

make sure that everyone is actively
involved in the activity. The report will be
prepared cooperatively and is surely well
understood by the members.

3. Individual reports may be

assigned for topics that are rare
and the data needed is difficult to
gather. Allow more time for the

4. In order to be able to prepare an

authentic report, suggest techniques such
as interviews or actual visits to the area
being observed.

5. Refrain from plagiarizing when printed

materials are consulted.

6. Scientific reports are written starting

with a statement of the problem, gathering
and recording of evidences, analysis, and
formulation of conclusion.

7. Oral reports must be assigned

to those who can deliver well
organized information and can
command the attention of the

8. All sources of information must be fully

1. Results of experiments conducted on some
vegetables by the Department of Agriculture
2. Report of an interview with an internationally
acclaimed poet
3. Record of mayon volcano eruptions
4. Experiences of a Math wizard
5. Life story of a Magsaysay awardee
6. Survey ratings of a government official
7. Qualifications of a teacher awardee
8. Ones own experiences
9. Travels and insights
Background Student research is a teaching
methodology that is employed as
a special task in connection with
lessons planned for a while unit.

An individual research may be

undertaken in the laboratory
where simple tools and
equipment are available. A library
research can be a search of
information from books and other
printed materials.
Instructional Characteristics
1. The students are able to gather and . . 3. With this method, they are
determine relevant and much-needed led to follow the steps of a
data and information and organize it in scientific method which includes
art orderly manner. formulating a hypothesis, testing
it, gathering and analyzing data
gathered and drawing a
2. It affords training in the rise conclusion.
of appropriate science processes
and proficiency in its consistent
employment is assured.
Instructional Characteristics
4. Through constant practice, the 6. Their decision-making ability
ability to formulate conclusions and sense of responsibility and
and generalizations based in fair judgment are internalized.
sufficient and reliable data is

7. They develop a deep sense of

5. It personalizes instruction, appreciation and gratitude for the great
thus allows the choice of topics achievements of research experts and
to be studied depending their recognized scientists whose findings are
interests and motivation. being enjoyed and used world-wide.
1. A research methodology is too
2. There is a need for modern
equipment and more varied
materials. .

3. They may lack the skill in

employing the science

1. The problem to be answered must be clearly

defined and well-understood by the student
researcher so as to avoid trial-and-error method.

2. The choice on which hypothesis is to be tested would need

guidance or else they might end up gathering irrelevant data..

3. Organizing data through use of graphs, charts and

diagrams makes it easy to analyze and arrive at a
reliable and conclusive interpretations.

4. Provide the needed equipment and abundant materials in

order to facilitate a step-by-step procedure. Substitutions for
unavailable ones must be suggested so as to avoid delay.

5. The level of competence in performing the planned

activities by using a variety of processes must be considered
before assigning.

6. The progress being made from one step to the next must be
monitored to make sure that the student is working in the right
direction. Occasional questions and simple reminders will be of big
help in insuring a successful completion.

7. Other sources of information may be included in the

search such as additional readings, interviews and simple
case studies as would be needed..

8. A successful, student research deserves recognition and reward.

Findings could be shared with the class, thus develop positive attitudes
and values. The teacher likewise develop confidence and fulfillment for
a student’s achievements under her guidance and tutelage
1. Effects of pollution on marine organisms.

2. Nutrition content of two milk products.

3. Gas released during photosynthesis.

4. Economic conditions prevailing on own barrio.

5. Teaching proficiency of old and young teachers

Used as a teaching methodology, it consists of
a fixed step-by-step procedure directed
towards finding an answer or a solution to a
problem. It starts with a clear definition of a
problem, followed by a hypothesis or tentative
solution which serves as a guide in trying to
solve it. The next activities would include
gathering of data and relevant information,
analyzing such and finally arriving at an answer
to the problem.
Problem solving is also termed a scientific methodology. The steps
followed could be stated briefly as follows:

a. Defining the problem.

B. Formulating a hypothesis or a tentative solution
c. Testing the likely hypothesis using appropriate methodology
d. Gathering, recording and analyzing data
e. Arriving at a conclusion or generalization

Used extensively in Science and Mathematics classes, the students are

trained to be sensitive to problem situations, state a tentative solution
and find answers to problem by themselves.
.1. It represents a systematic and scientific
way of finding answers or solutions to

2. The problem solver gains first-hand

experience. The student undergoes all the
steps otherwise it will result to a trial-and-
error method.

3. Learning becomes permanent.

4. The training develops critical-mindedness,
likewise inculcates systematic habits of work
which are carried throughout their adulthood.

5. It develops ones creativity and ingenuity in

solving problem situations.
6. The skill in collecting and analyzing recorded
data will enable the student to formulate accurate
and reliable conclusion.

7. The students get actively involved.


8. Problem solving develops higher level thinking

9. A high sense of responsibility, originality
and resourcefulness are developed that
enable them to undertake independent study
or research.

10. Guided with a step-by-step procedure,

they will be able to work systematically,
likewise develop the traits of orderliness and
The different steps are time-consuming.
This methodology is recommended for those who
2 possess patience and persistence to continue the
search for answers even if it takes a long time.

Some students lack the analytic and critical mind to

3 process the data gathered resulting in incorrect
1. Consider the ability and attitude of the students before
employing a problem solving approach
2. 2. The students must be observed closely and assisted
accordingly as they progress from one step to another in
order to make sure the steps are thoroughly followed.
3. Missed steps must immediately be remedied so that students
will not be discouraged to continue.
4. The problem to be investigated must be within the level of
maturity and intellectual ability of the student.
5. The instructional materials and equipment that will be
needed must be prepared in advance in order to avoid delay in
proceeding to the next step.
6. Observe carefully their performance and monitor their
progress in order to be sure they are in the right direction.
7. There might be a need to explain the rationale for
every step in the procedure.
8. During the discussion of the results, ask the students
to explain the conclusion they formulated.
9. Involved the students in determining the criteria with
which they will be evaluated.
10. The development of skills and attitudes takes
priority over knowledge.
Suggested Lessons

1. How to solve mathematical problems

2. How to keep an aquarium balanced
3. Enforcing town ordinances regarding a
community problem
4. Helping solve a traffic problem
5. Lessening corruption of some groups in
undertaking community projects
6. How to identify a good painting that will last
Suggested Lessons

7. Raising the yield of common vegetables

8. How to hasten the ripening of some fruits
9. How to reach a place for the shortest time possible
10. The best way to deliver a lecture to young
11. Disposing garbage properly
12. Determining the most durable materials

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