Passive Voice

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Adalah kalimat pasif, yang dalam bahasa

indonesia adalah kata kerja yang berawalan
dengan di
Beberapa aturan untuk membentuk
kalimat dari aktif ke pasif
 Subjek dalam kalimat aktif dijadikan objek
dalam kalimat pasif
 Objek dalam kalimat aktif dijadikan subjek

dalam kalimat pasif

 Menggunkan TO BE (is,am,are,was,were,been)
 Menggunakan kata kerja 3
1. Present Tense
Rumus :

S + TO BE (is,am,are) + Verb 3 + By + Object

Contoh :

Aktif : She eats bread everyday

Passive : Bread is eaten by her everyday
Roti di makan oleh dia setiap hari
2. Past Tense
Rumus :

S + To be (was, were) + Verb 3 + By + O


Aktif : He wrote two letters yesterday

Pasif : Two letters were written by him yesterday
3. Simple Future Tense

A. Will = akan

S + will + be + Verb 3 + by + o

B. Going to = akan

S + to be (is,am,are) + going to + be + verb 3 + By + O

Contoh :
1. Aktif : She will write a letter
Pasif : A letter will be written by her

2. Aktif : he is going to sell his house

Pasif : His house is going to be sold by him

3. Aktif : I will visit you tomorrow

4. Pasif : You will be visited by me tomorrow
Change these sentences from active to passive
1. His landlord asked him to move

2. The fire destroyed the house yesterday

3. The repairman is repairing the refrigrator now

4. The teacher punished his students for not

doing homework
5. I delivered goods to my friends

6. The ministers attended the meeting yesterday

7. We practice computer in the lab every Tuesday

8. Mr. Deni teaches computer every saturday

Rumus :


sedang di

Aktif : He is driving his car now

Passive : his car is being driven by him now
Mobilnya sedang di kendarai oleh dia sekarang
1. The court will try the case next week
P : the case will be tried by the court next week
2. His landlord asked him to move
P : he was asked by his landlord to move
3. The fire destroyed the house yesterday
P : The house was destroyed by the fire yesterday
4. The repairman is repairing the refrigerator now
P : The refrigerator is being repaired by the repairman now
5. The teacher punished his students for not doing homework
P : his students were punished by the teacher for not doing
6. I delivered goods to my friends
P : Goods were delivered by me to my friends
7. The ministers attended the meeting yesterday
8. P : the meeting was attended by the ministers yesterday
1. Hendri read the book yesterday
2. Ayu meets tanta to do the homework
3. Gebi’s father punished him for not study
4. Mr. wendi gave dian an A
5. Moi wrote a letter to ogis
6. Ogis bought new shoes yesterday
7. The homework gave by mr. wendi to Nera
8. Nini closed the window yesterday
9. Ririn finished the novel two days ago
10. Tenta locked the class last week
11. Winda ride motorcycle to school
12. Yeni sent the package to the POS
13. Yoma gives his boyfriend some chocolates

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