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& & Administration
IV Manual
Stability Table
Standard Medication Administration Time
Hospitals are expected to develop policies and procedures that include:
• Medications not eligible for scheduled dosing times
• Medications eligible for scheduled dosing times
Medications not eligible for scheduling dosing times

• STAT doses (immediate(
• First time or loading doses (initial large dose of a drug given to
bring blood, tissue or fluid levels to an effective concentration
• One time doses; doses specifically time for procedures
• Time‐sequenced doses; doses timed for serum drug levels
• Investigational drugs.
• Drugs prescribed on an as need basis (PRN doses(

LASA Medications
 safety strategies to prevent or minimize errors with
these confusing medications such as:
o Reading carefully the label each time a medication is accessed, and/or
prior to administration.
o Minimizing the use of verbal and telephone orders.
o Checking the purpose/indication of the medication on the prescription
prior to dispensing and administering.
Preparation of Doses for Medication Administration
Preparation of Doses for Medication Administration

1. Prepare and administer meds for only one patient at a time.

2. Use only the medication labeled for that particular patient.
3. Do not borrow medications from another patient.
4. Inspect medication for expiration date, contamination, particulate matter,
discoloration or defect.
5. Remember to comply with the 10 Rights of Medication Administration:
Preparation of varying dosage form of Medication
Preparation of varying dosage form of Medication
Preparation of varying dosage form of Medication
Preparation of varying dosage form of Medication
Any Questions

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