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Good Animal Health Husbandry practice is one of the common key areas
of each value chain.
So that in order to get expected out come from each value chain good
animal health practice is the critical issue.
Before going to establish any farm business first of all we have to give
attention to biosecurity issue for safety of intended species of animal.
From all different farm businesses, poultry farms follow especial
biosecurity practice, since they are affected with a minor error like feed
change, heat, cold and/or high temperature stress.
Three sides of disease control and
prevention triangle.

A. Biosecurity

C. Good Management

B. Vaccination/Medication
What is Biosecurity?

 Biosecurity is a set of preventative measures put in place to reduce the risk of

introducing harmful bacteria, viruses or pathogens (external biosecurity); and
minimize the spread of already present disease-causing agents throughout the farm
(internal biosecurity)
 Is about protecting biological agents from intentional or malicious use such as
 Is the prevention of introduction of disease.
 Minimizing the risk of entrance of pathogens onto a farm and into a house /flock/.
 Is the exclusion, eradication or effective management of risks.
 Is recognizing risks and acting accordingly.
 Biosecurity = protecting life from living organisms
 Bio-safety: is the prevention of accidents that involve the release of
harmful biological agents from laboratory or research facilities.
 Is about protecting people and the environment from accidental
exposure to biological agents.
 Safe handling of bio hazardous materials, such as pathogens,
biological contaminants, and genetically modified organisms,
especially to prevent their accidental spread beyond a laboratory or
research facility.
 Both Biosafety and biosecurity require the implementation of best
practice and measures to prevent loss, theft and release of biological
 Bio-prepardeness: it involves knowing what to do if a biosecurity or
biosafety failure occurs
Biosecurity purpose in the farm (why

 Reduce the exposure of diseases and pathogens within a particular flock

 Reduce transmission of diseases and pathogens to a neighboring farm
 Reduce/limit the transmission of zoonotic diseases
 Reduce drug resistant diseases
 Biosecurity is the cheapest and most effective means of disease control
(Improve profitability)
 Keep out/prevent diseases
 Improve overall health of the flock
 Reduce mortality
Why biosecurity ?

Bioexclusion •Down
Bioconfinement time
period •QUALITY OF
• Outbreaks & INCREASE…
disease epidemics • Reliability
• Environmental • Sustainability
contamination Vaccine
• Human health
hazards Husbandry

• Manage costs
• Reduce risks
Traditional vs modern farm
Components of Biosecurity
 Introduction of new animal
 Cleaning and disinfection
 Feed and water
 Staff/visitors personal hygiene
 Vermin
 Manure removal
 Carcass disposal
 Equipment
 Transport
 Burying and burning
Wakuma Mitiku
Itti fufa……
Components of Biosecurity
How is Bio-security achieved?
1.Risk Assessment

 Risk assessments are essential to identify hazards and risks that may potentially
cause harm farm animal.
 Identifies and analyses potential (future) events that may negatively impact
individuals, assets, and/or the environment.
 It also makes judgments "on the tolerability of the risk on the basis of a risk
analysis" while considering influencing factors.
 What is the risk of infection?
 What are the costs of infection?
2. Test new additions and Quarantine (Introducing of
new animals)

 Physically inspect all animals before they are purchased.

 Test animals for major trade sensitive diseases (depending on requirement).
 Vaccinate animals against the most important diseases.
 Quarantine animals before shipping to a feedlot, export abattoir or export ports.
 Buy animals from areas which have not experienced outbreaks of TADs during
the last 3-6 months (depending on the type of disease).
 Accept animals with clear identification tags.
 Accept animals with the required animal health certificates.
3. Isolation
Isolation prevents contact between animals within a controlled
a) Diseased from non-diseased animal
It is very important for the farmer to learn how to detect an D- or
♣ So he can initiate the right action.
♣ It is important to isolate D+ or sick animals from the D- in order
to ensure a minimum of loss.
What is a disease?

 Disease, any harmful deviation from the normal structural or

functional state of an organism, generally associated with
certain signs and symptoms and differing in nature from
physical injury. A diseased organism commonly exhibits signs
or symptoms indicative of its abnormal state.

 The normal condition of an organism must be understood in order to

recognize the hallmarks of disease. Nevertheless, a sharp
demarcation between disease and health is not always apparent.
Determinants of a disease
How to identify healthy animal from unhealthy animals

05/26/24 Abdi Assefa

♣ Externally they are clean and alert. Healthy chicken
♣ Have normal position head and neck.

♣ Well to move and walk freely.

♣ Have strong leg and normal voice.

♣ Have bright eyes and comb.

♣ Eat and drink normally.

♣ Lay eggs normally and have smooth

and neat feathers.

♣ Soft and compact droppings.

♣ Breathe quietly.
♣ Heavy head and close their eyes
Unhealthy chicken
♣ Tired and lifeless

♣ Sit or lie down

♣ Eat and drink less

♣ Lay less or stop laying eggs

♣ Ruffled and loose feathers

♣ Wet droppings with blood or worms

♣ Symptoms( feacal colour and content change, cough, sneeze and breathe
noisily, drooping wings)

♣ Body parts mainly around anus there is waste material

♣ Movement and abnormal voice

b) Isolation of d/t farm
Poultry farm vs fattening……?
c) Isolation with in farm

• Isolate sick animals at first sign of illness and check all the other
animals in the herd.
• Avoid movement of operators and tools between isolation pen (sick
animals) and other animal premises.
• An animal with infectious signs must be subject to laboratory
• Isolation according to age
• Isolation according to breed
• Isolation area ; at least three/3/km away from nearest poultry in the
case of breeder farm and 1.6 km in the case of commercial layer
and broiler farm.
 Distance b/n two brooder house is 12 metre.
4. Dead disposal
 The main principle involved in the prevention and control of current and emerging
diseases is the scientific disposal of dead birds
 Efficient disposal of carcasses such as a burring/pit disposal, incineration, septic
tank disposal.
 points should be observed while disposing;
• Remove the dead birds as soon as possible.
• Do not deposit carcasses in or near a following stream.
• Take the necessary precautions to prevent spillage of infectious material from the
carcasses during transportation from the farm or post mortem room to the disposal
• Take sound bio-security measures at the disposal site to prevent disease
5. Litter removal/management

oWet litter is a potential source of disease

oAfter the pen is emptied, deep litter and caged layer

droppings should be removed to afield far from the

poultry shed and spread to dry in the sun.
oIt should be disposed off as soon as possible for manure

or other purposes and not allowed to remain accumulating

for a long period.
oComposting is better, since the heat produced will

destroy the pathogens.

6.Proper Nutrition
 feed prepared according to nutrient
requirements at different ages.
 Addition of coccidiostats, and
vitamin and mineral supplements
are essential.
7. Water quality

 Microbial contamination of water may happen at the source, for

insurance in ponds, rivers, open wells and the public water supply
system, or during transportations and storage, as well as in the
over head tank or bins.
 Is the drinking water clean and free from pathogens?/
The drinking water can be contaminated with E.coli,
yeast, moulds and others.

 Unhygienic practice on the farm results in the spread of disease.

8. Disinfection
 Disinfection the process or act of destroying pathogenic micro organisms.

 Phenol, chlorine cpds and indophors can be used for disinfecting surfaces as well
as the feeders , drinkers, buildings and foot wear, liquid formation at 5% level , or
formaldehyde gas by fumigation, will also serve as an effective disinfectant.

 Sun drying may be practiced for washed equipment; for cement surface dry heat in
the form of flame is recommended.

 Copper sulphate as a 0.5% solution is effective against fungi.

 Footbaths are placed outside the door of all facilities and contain disinfectants,
reducing the risk of bringing pathogens inside the buildings
• Items to clean and disinfect include:
– Vehicles
– Tools and equipment
– Reusable clothing
– Hands

Wakuma Mitiku
9. Bird and Rodent Control
 Safe housing, with suitable wild birds and rodent proofing.

 Keep rodents out from the initial stage of farming itself, since once
the farm is infested, it is difficult to get them.
 pest management program by biological, chemical and mechanical.
10. Insect Control
• Avoiding stagnation of water in around the farm premises.
• Provision of proper drainage facilities, attending immediately to
leaky drinkers, water lines, etc.
• Use of insecticide sprays at required interval.
• Feed, litter and equipment should be stored in a section separated

from live bird area to prevent contamination.

12. Fencing of farm

 High fences prevent intruders such as animals and people from entering the
premises and possibly transmitting diseases to the flock.
 Prior to entering the facility, employees and visitors should demonstrate good
hygiene by showering and wearing clean designated clothing such as boot such
as boot-covers, hair covers and cover-alls
Vaccination (Talaallii )

 Dhukkuboota daddarboo ta’an tokko talaalaan ittisuu fi to’achuun ni danda’ama

Tajaajila talaallii bu’a qabeessa ta’e kennuuf yeroo karoorfamu, gaaffiiwwan armaan
gadii yaada keessa galchuu qabna.
 Beeylada kamtu (sanyii, umurii) dhukkuba shakkameen qabamuu danda’aa?
 Dhukkubichi ji’oottan kam keessu ka’uu danda’aa?
 Haalli faffaca’insa dhukkubichaa naannoo sanatti maal fakkaataa? fi kkf.
Kana waan ta’eef, kenniinsi talaallii lukkuu akka faffaca’iinsa gosa dhukkubichaatti
yeroo yerootti jijjiiramuu danda’a
Virus strains vs vaccine production


Lentogenic (pneumotropic)

■Hitchner B1 (HB1), LaSota, cloned LaSota, VG/GA

Apathogenic (enteric)

■Phy.LMV.42, Ulster 2C, VH, QV4


The chicks are the picture of their parents

Secure the starting

life of the birds
through Maternally
Derived Antibodies

Antibodies SECONDARY Immunity : Faster


G Higher
S Ig G
M LA Tim
Virus vaccine

Bursa of Fabricius Bursa of Fabricius

Vaccination steps

1 2 3 4 5

Need to vaccinate:
•as early as possible,
•as evenly as possible,
•as accurately as possible.

Application technique;
Post-vaccination reaction
in DOC.
Talaalliin kennamuun dura eeggannoowwan
taasifamuu qaban
 Talaalliin ho’a aduuf saaxilamuu hin qabu
 Talaalliin yeroo hunda hamma diilalla eeyyamameef keessa turuu qaba
 Lukkuuwwan dhukkubsatan talaalamuu hin qaban
 Lukkuuwwan qoricha antiibaayootiksiin wal’aansa argatan talaala fudhachuu hin
 Talaalliin bishaan qulqulluu fi kiloorinii hin qabne kan akka bishaan roobaa,
boollaa, fi bishaan kurraawaan bulbulamuu qaba
 Lukkuuwwan talaala bishaaniin bulbulame akka dhuganiif, dursanii bishaan
dhowwachuun dheebossuun barbaachisaa dha.
 Lukkuuwwan talaallii bulbulame turtii sa’aatii lamaa keessatti fixuu waan qabaniif
haala qilleensaa g/galeessa godhachuun bulbuluun gaarii dha.
Itti fufa……
 Talaalli bulbulame erga kennamee boodas ta’e dura obaaftuun sirriitti qulqullaa’uu
 Obaaftuun talaalliin ittiin kennamu saamunaa fi barakiinaa irraa sirriitti kan
qulqullaa’e ta’uu qaba
 Talaalli bulbulame otoo hin dhumiin bishaan itti dabaluun hin danda’amu
 Talaallii erga fudhatanii booda walitti aansuun guyyaa sadiif vaayitaaminii
 Marfee fi siriingaa gurmuu lukkuu tokkoof fayyadamne gurmuu lukkuu garbiraaf
fayyadamuun dhorkaa dha.
 Yeroo kamiyyuu talaalliin kan kennamu, qajeelfama kaampaanii talaala oomishanii
irratti hundaa’uun ta’uu qaba.
 Dhumarrattis qaruura talaalaa sirnaan dhabamsiisuun/awwaaluun barbaachisaa dha
Vaccination Failure

 Vaccination is said to be good if the immune response to the vaccine is protective

and stable for the targeted period of time. This may be affected by:
 The vaccine itself,
 The way it is stored (including the cold chain),
 The duration of storage,
 The efficacy of administration and
 The health of the recipient birds
 Routes of vaccination affect the outcome of the vaccines
 Improper vaccine administration is the most common cause of vaccine failure
Vaccination failure …..

 Another reason is stress during the time of vaccination.

- Environmental extremes (temperature, relative humidity),
- Inadequate nutrition,
- Parasitism and other diseases.
 It is also important not to vaccinate diseased birds because the
existing disease may affect their immune response. Hence, need to
delay vaccination until the birds are healthy.
 Vaccination of chickens with partial dose
 Incorrect use of vaccines can induce disease.
 Bakka horsiisaatti rakkoon fayyaa yoo uumame, ariitiidhaan wal’aansi
barbaachisaa ta’e ogeessaan akka kennamu gochuun barbaachisaa dha.

 Beeyladni erga dhukkubsatanii wal’aanuurra, otoo hin dhukkubsatiin dursanii

ittisa dhukkubaarratti xiyyeeffachuun caalaatti faayidaa qaba.

 Dho’iinsi dhukkubaa (outbreak) ni mudata jedhamee waqtii shakkamutti, sababa

baakteeriyaan dhukkuboota dhufaniif deeggarsa (gorsa) ogeessaan
antiibaayootiksii fayyadamuun barbaachisaa dha.

 Dabalataan dhukkuba sababa koksiidiyaatiin dhufuuf immoo, qoricha farra

koksiidiyaa fayyadamuun gaarii dha.
Farmer investment
Role Play

Design a biosecurity plan for all pictures listed

below and come up with

 Risk assessment
 Risk management
 Risk Communication
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
A flock receiving good health security
care is a source of pride and profit !!!
 Bio-security has three major components:
 isolation, traffic control and sanitation.
 Isolation prevents contact between animals within a controlled
environment. This includes control of commingling and movement of
animals (all new purchases as well as commingling between established
groups of animals, segregation of sick animals, etc).
 Traffic control includes traffic onto livestock facilities and traffic patterns
within the facilities. This includes control of the movement of vehicles,
animals, people, pet animals, wildlife, rodents and birds, etc.
 Sanitation addresses the disinfection of materials, people and equipment
entering livestock facilities and the cleanliness of people and equipment
inside the facility.

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