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Chatting in tech

Let's get it started

Look at the logos of 4 communication apps.
Can you identify all of them?
What can you say about each one? Which messaging apps do you use?
How is chat messaging different from emailing?
What does this quote mean to you?
Do you agree with the statement?

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can

listen twice as much as we speak.”

Epictetus, Greek Stoic philosopher

Let’s read some tips for
effective communication
Let’s read some tips for
effective communication
Fill in the sentences with the correct word

Open a link
What are your thoughts on these questions?
● When we communicate, what is more
important listening or talking?
● What is your biggest pet peeve when it
comes to work communication?
● Have you ever had to deal with issues
that occurred due to miscommunication?
What were they?
Useful phrases
1. You want someone to clarify 2. You didn’t hear something
what they’ve said

● I don’t quite follow…. ● I didn’t catch that.

● I don’t fully understand… ● Could you repeat?
● I don’t get it… ● Can you say that again?
● Can you elaborate on that? ● Would you mind speaking more slowly?
● Could you be more specific?

3. You want to explain/clarify 4. You want to check if you understand

something you’ve already said what someone has just said

● In other words, … ● Just to be clear, you’re suggesting that…

● To put it another way… ● So, you’re saying that…
● To be more specific…. ● If I understand you correctly…
● Let me clarify that… ● Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re saying that…
Let’s practise
What would you say in these situations?
Use the expressions from the table on the previous slide to complete these

1. A. First, you need to know the nuts and bolts of running a business.
B. ___________________
A: It means that you need to know at least basic details about running a business.
2. A:I’m going to finish this task soon.
B: _______.Everyone’s waiting for you.
A: Yeah, I’ll finish by Friday.
Let’s practise
What would you say in these situations?
Use the expressions from the table on the slide 9 to complete these dialogues.
3. A: If you want to add a new vendor to the system, you have to click this button and type the
vendor’s details.
B: That’s it? I am not sure if I know what to do._______
A.Ok, so you click this button and type your vendor’s details. Remember that all fields should be filled
in. Then, you click “accept” in the top right corner. After a second, you’ll see the information on your
screen whether your form has been completed correctly or not. If not, you need to repeat the process.
4. A: So, I asked her if she knows….and how about….But she …
B. I’m sorry, but I’ve just switched off. __________
5. A: He wasn’t really honest with us.
B: _________.
A: Yes, he was a liar.
Let’s practise
What would you say in these situations?
Use the expressions from the table on the slide 9 to complete these dialogues.
5. A: Your name, please.
B: Jane Kowalski, K-O-W-A-L-S-K-I.
A: Sorry, __________. Would you mind speaking more slowly?
6. A: You should present the product, talk about all its advantages, give them the price
and make sure they buy it.
B: If I understand you correctly, I just need to sell it.
A: Yeah, ______, just sell it.
Let’s summarise those speaking tips

Click on a link and complete the following

In pairs, agree or disagree to the following opinions using
expressions from the previous slide
1. Outsourcing is a good thing for companies and economies. Extra discussion!
2. Smoking should be banned everywhere.
3. The best way to learn a language is to live in the country where
it is spoken.
4. If you want to get a good job, experience and qualifications are
very important.
5. You can never trust salesmen.
6. It is easier to speak English on the phone than face-to-face.
7. People who drink and drive should receive lighter punishments.
8. Spam is irritating.
9. If you want to be a successful businessman, you need to be
born with certain character traits.
10. You should never mix business with pleasure

Vocabulary Video task

Learn phrases and words
Watch a video and write
using Quizlet
down unfamiliar words, and
learn them

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