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Terrorist indentification system

Project made by- Shriyans Pattnaik,Sreenik Choudhary,Asmin

Enjoy Pradhan
About: Our SDG Goals

• We have chosen this SDG Goal(SDG goal 16) beacuse has specific targets and
• 1.) Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development
• 2.)Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure
equal access to justice for all
• 3.)Reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
• 4.)Develop effective, accountable, and transparent institutions at all levels:
• 5.)Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory, and representative decision-
making at all levels
• 6.)_Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the
institutions of global governance
• Terrorism is a term used to describe the deliberate use of violence, intimidation, or the
threat of violence to create fear, often for political, religious, ideological, or social
reasons. It typically involves acts that target civilians or non-combatants and aims to
instill terror or coerce governments, societies, or specific groups into taking certain
actions or accepting certain beliefs. Terrorism can take various forms, including
bombings, shootings, kidnappings, hijackings, and cyberattacks, among others.
• Terrorism involves acts of violence or sabotage carried out by individuals, groups, or
organizations with the aim of instilling fear, coercing governments or societies, or
advancing a particular agenda. Motivations for terrorism can vary widely, including
political, religious, ethnic, ideological, or economic reasons.
Explaination of our project
• In this project we have a transformer that converts 230V to 12V and there is a regulator which converts
12V to 5V and the 7V is converted to heat energy and the heat sink absorbs the 7V heat energy then, the
project runs on 5V energy. 3 optical sensors will detect the vehicle, the first sensor will detect whether there
is a vehicle or not, and if there is a vehicle the gate1 will open and let the vehicle pass through the. When
the vehicle comes in the middle of the road gate 1 will close, there are two cards one is an authenticated
card and another is a fake card, if there is an authenticated person or a military commander he/she will have
this card given by the Indian govt. or army, he/she will show the card to the card reader, and the card reader
will detect the card and let the commander or the authenticated person go through gate 2 but, if there is a
terrorist and he shows the fake card the buzzer will beep and the information will show in the LCD monitor
which is in military check post and then the military will take action on the terrorist and the gate 2 will not
open. If the terrorist doesn't show the card and goes the buzzer will also produce a beep sound in that case
and will not open the gate2 and the terrorist will be caught by the military.
Block diagram

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