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Mechanical Vibrations

Mechanical Vibrations
Mechanical vibration is the motion of a particle or body which oscillates about
a position of equilibrium. Most vibrations in machines and structures are
undesirable (increased stresses and energy losses).

• Time interval required for a system to complete a full cycle of the motion is
the period of the vibration.

• Number of cycles per unit time defines the frequency of the vibrations.

• Maximum displacement of the system from the equilibrium position is the

amplitude of the vibration.

• When the motion is maintained by the restoring forces only, the vibration is
described as free vibration. When a periodic force is applied to the system, the
motion is described as forced vibration.

• When the frictional dissipation of energy is neglected, the motion is said to

be undamped. Actually, all vibrations are damped to some degree.
Mechanical Vibrations
• The topic of vibrations is a direct application of the principles of kinetics.

• In particular, construction of a complete free-body diagram drawn for an

arbitrary positive value of the displacement variable, followed by application
of the appropriate governing equations of dynamics, will yield the equation
of motion.

• From this equation of motion, which is a second-order ordinary differential

equation, you can obtain all information of interest, such as the motion
frequency, period, or the motion itself as a function of time.

Mechanical Vibrations
Input System Output (Response)
Force(s)/displacement(s) Flexible Body Force(s)/displacement(s)
or any phenomena that can cause a
change in the system
 
energy absorption
desirable / undesirable

f(t) time dependant

System simple / complex (mass, elasticity, energy absorption)
Mechanical Vibrations

Input System Output (Response)

Force(s)/displacement(s) Flexible Body Force(s)/displacement(s)
 

Mathematical ODE
Mechanical Vibrations

To form a mathematical model we need some idealization:

1- f(t) or disturbance of a certain form

- Harmonic

- Periodic

- General

- Random

2- Motion
- Translational/linear (center of mass)

- Rotational (mass moment of Inertia)

Mechanical Vibrations

To form a mathematical model we need some idealization:

3- Degree of Freedom (DoF)

- Describes how elements of the system move

Single-degree-of-freedom systems
• Single degree of freedom means there is one mass which can
move in only direction (one displacement variable)

 The degrees of freedom of a system therefore depends on the

number of masses and the number of directions those
masses can move.

For example a system with three masses which can all move in the x, y and
theta directions has nine degrees of freedom.

Systems with a finite number of degrees of
freedom are called discrete or lumped parameter
systems, and those with an infinite number of
degrees of freedom are called continuous or
distributed systems.

Singiresu Rao. “Mechanical Vibrations” , 3rd Edition; Addison Wesley

Two-degree-of-freedom systems
Systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom are called discrete or lumped
parameter systems, and those with an infinite number of degrees of freedom are called
continuous or distributed systems.
Three-degree-of-freedom systems
Infinite-degree-of-freedom systems

Systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom are called continuous or

distributed systems.

Most of the time, continuous systems are approximated as discrete systems, and
solutions are obtained in a simpler manner.
Mechanical Vibrations
Classification of Vibration

- Free Vibration

If a system, after an initial disturbance, is left to vibrate on its own, the ensuing vibration is known as
free vibration.

The oscillation of a simple pendulum

- Forced Vibration

If a system is subjected to an external force (often, a repeating type of force), the resulting vibration is
known as forced vibration.

The oscillation that arises in machines such as diesel engines

If the frequency of the external force coincides with one of the natural frequencies of the system, a
condition known as resonance occurs, and the system undergoes dangerously large oscillations.
Failures of such structures as buildings, bridges, turbines, and airplane wings have been associated
with the occurrence of resonance.
Mechanical Vibrations
Classification of Vibration

- Undamped Vibration

If no energy is lost or dissipated in friction or other resistance during oscillation,

- Damped Vibration

If any energy is lost in some way

In many physical systems, the amount of damping is so small that it can be

disregarded for most engineering purposes. However, consideration of damping
becomes extremely important in analyzing vibratory systems near resonance.
Mechanical Vibrations
Classification of Vibration

- Linear Vibration

If all the basic components of a vibratory system—the spring, the mass, and the
damper — behave linearly,

- Nonlinear Vibration

If any of the basic components behave nonlinearly

• The differential equations that govern the behavior of linear and nonlinear vibratory
systems are linear and nonlinear, respectively.
• If the vibration is linear, the principle of superposition holds, and the mathematical
techniques of analysis are well developed.
• For nonlinear vibration, the superposition principle is not valid, and techniques of
analysis are less well known.
Mechanical Vibrations
Classification of Vibration

- Deterministic vibration

If the value or magnitude of the excitation (force or motion) acting on a vibratory system is
known at any given time

- Nondeterministic Vibration

If the value of the excitation at a given time cannot be predicted (eg. velocity, road
roughness, and ground motion during earthquakes)
Mechanical Vibrations
A vibratory system is a dynamic one for which the variables such as the excitations
(inputs) and responses (outputs) are time dependent.

The response of a vibrating system generally depends on the initial conditions as well as
the external excitations.


- To analyse the behaviour of a system under the action of a desirable/undesirable


- Often the overall behavior of the system can be determined by considering even a
simple model of the complex physical system.
Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

- Step 1: Mathematical Modeling

The mathematical model should include enough details to allow
describing the system in terms of equations without making it too

- Step 2: Derivation of Governing Equations

The equations of motion can be derived conveniently by drawing the
free-body diagrams of all the masses involved. The free-body diagram
of a mass can be obtained by isolating the mass and indicating all
externally applied forces, the reactive forces, and the inertia forces.
The equations of motion of a vibrating system are usually in the form of
a set of ordinary differential equations for a discrete system and partial
differential equations for a continuous system.
Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

- Step 3: Solution of the Governing Equations

standard methods of solving differential equations
Laplace transform methods

- Step 4: Interpretation of the Results

The solution of the governing equations gives the displacements,
velocities, and accelerations of the various masses of the system.
These results must be interpreted with a clear view of the purpose of
the analysis and the possible design implications of the results.
Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

- Spring Elements

- Negligible mass and damping

- Common type of spring is the helical-coil spring

- Any elastic or deformable body or member, such as a cable,

bar, beam, shaft, or plate, can be considered as a spring

- In a linear spring: F=kx

- F = applied force
- k = spring constant/spring stiffness/spring rate (+)
- x = elongation or reduction in length
Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

- Spring Elements

- The work done (U) in deforming a

spring is stored as strain or potential
energy in the spring:
Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

any elastic or deformable member (or element) can be considered as a


- Spring Constant of a Rod

Find the equivalent spring constant of a uniform rod of length l, cross-

sectional area A, and Young’s modulus E subjected to an axial tensile (or
compressive) force F as shown
Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

- Spring Constant of a Rod

Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

- Spring Constant of a Cantilever Beam

Find the equivalent spring constant of a

cantilever beam subjected to a
concentrated load F at its end as shown.
Mechanical Vibrations
- Spring Constant of a Cantilever Beam

F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston “Mechanics of Materials” 7 th Ed. 2015, McGraw Hill.

Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

- Spring Constant of a Cantilever Beam

Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

- Spring Constant of a Cantilever Beam

for simplicity, that the self weight (or mass) of the

beam is negligible:

W=mg , F=W

E = Young’s modulus
I = moment of inertia of the cross section of the beam
Effective spring constants- I

- Combination of springs

Springs in parallel
– Force is shared by all the
– Deflection is the same for
all springs.

W  k1 st  k2 st  keq st

keq  k1  k2  ...  k n 

Effective spring constants- II

- Combination of springs

Springs in Series
– Both springs are subjected to the
same force.
– Total deflection equals the sum of
the individual deflections.

 st  1   2
W  k11  k2 2  keq st
keq st keq st
 st  
k1 k2
1 1 1 1
   ...  
keq k1 k2  kn 
Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

- Modeling of a forging hammer
Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

- Modeling of a forging hammer

For a first approximation, the frame,

anvil, elastic pad, foundation block,
and soil are modeled as a single-
degree-of-freedom system
Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

- Modeling of a forging hammer

For a refined approximation, the

weights of the frame and anvil and the
foundation block are represented
separately with a two-degree-of-
freedom model
Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

Modeling of a Motorcycle with a rider

Develop a sequence of three mathematical

models of the system for investigating
vibration in the vertical direction. Consider the
elasticity of the tires, elasticity and damping of
the struts (in the vertical direction), masses of
the wheels, and elasticity, damping, and mass
of the rider.
Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

Modeling of a Motorcycle with a rider

the equivalent stiffness keq includes the

stiffnesses of the tires, struts, and rider

the equivalent damping constant ceq includes

the damping of the struts and the rider

The equivalent mass meq includes the masses

of the wheels, vehicle body, and the rider.
Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

Modeling of a Motorcycle with a rider

masses of wheels: mw

elasticity of the tires: kt

elasticity and damping of the struts: ks , cs

Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

Modeling of a Motorcycle with a rider

the elasticity (as spring constant kr) and

damping (as damping constant cr) of the
rider are considered
Mechanical Vibrations
Vibration Analysis Procedure

Modeling of a Motorcycle with a rider

Combining the spring constants of both tires, the

masses of both wheels, and the spring and
damping constants of both struts as single
Mechanical Vibrations
- Equivalent k of a suspension system

Figure shows the suspension system of a freight truck with a parallel-spring arrangement. Find
the equivalent spring constant of the suspension if each of the three helical springs is made of
steel with a shear modulus G = 80 * 109 N/m2 and has five effective turns, mean coil diameter D =
20 cm, and wire diameter d = 2 cm.
Mechanical Vibrations
- Equivalent k of a suspension system

Figure shows the suspension system of a freight truck with a parallel-spring arrangement. Find
the equivalent spring constant of the suspension if each of the three helical springs is made of
steel with a shear modulus G = 80 * 109 N/m2 and has five effective turns, mean coil diameter D =
20 cm, and wire diameter d = 2 cm.

Since the three springs are identical and parallel, the equivalent spring constant of the
suspension system is given by
Mechanical Vibrations
- Equivalent k of hoisting drum

A hoisting drum, carrying a steel wire rope, is mounted at the end of a cantilever beam as shown
in the figure. Determine the equivalent spring constant of the system when the suspended length
of the wire rope is l. Assume that the net cross-sectional diameter of the wire rope is d and the
Young’s modulus of the beam and the wire rope is E.
Mechanical Vibrations
- Equivalent k of hoisting drum
A hoisting drum, carrying a steel wire rope, is mounted at the end of a cantilever beam
as shown in the figure. Determine the equivalent spring constant of the system when
the suspended length of the wire rope is l. Assume that the net cross-sectional diameter
of the wire rope is d and the Young’s modulus of the beam and the wire rope is E.
Mechanical Vibrations
- Equivalent k of hoisting drum

Since both the wire rope and the cantilever beam experience the same load W, they can be
modeled as springs in series:
Mechanical Vibrations
- Equivalent k of a rigid bar connected by springs

A hinged rigid bar of length l is connected by two springs

of stiffnesses k1 and k2 and is subjected to a force F as
shown. Assuming that the angular displacement of the
bar 𝜃 is small, find the equivalent spring constant of the
system that relates the applied force F to the resulting
displacement x.
Mechanical Vibrations
- Equivalent k of a rigid bar connected by springs
The points of attachment of springs k 1 and k2 (A and B) and the point of application (C) of the force F undergo
the linear or horizontal displacements l1 sin 𝜃 , l2 sin 𝜃, and l sin 𝜃, respectively.
Since 𝜃 is small , x1 = l1𝜃, x2 = l2𝜃, and x = l𝜃, respectively.
The reactions of the springs, k1x1 and k2x2, will be as indicated in Fig. The equivalent spring constant of the
system keq referred to the point of application of the force F can be determined by considering the moment
equilibrium of the forces about the hinge point O:
A vibrating single-degree-of-freedom system:


System (m, k, c)



1- How to model a SDOF System?

2- How to find the response? (x, v, a)

Mechanical parameters

Displacement Velocity Acceleration

v a

c m

F=k×d F=c×v F=m×a

Un-damped free vibration of a single
degree of freedom system
dx ''
m   kx
Displacement dt 2

d = D sinnt k
mx '' kx  0 x' '    x  0
D m
k k
 2 
Time m m

x ''   2 x  0
Period, Tn in [sec]
m Frequency, fn= Tin [Hz=1/sec]

n= 2  fn = m

Un-damped free vibration of a single
degree of freedom system

The oscillation of a mass subjected to a linear restoring

force as described by this equation is called simple
harmonic motion and is characterized by acceleration
which is proportional to the displacement but of opposite
Un-damped free vibration of a single
degree of freedom system

Because we anticipate an oscillatory motion, we look

for a solution which gives x as a periodic function of
time. Thus, a logical choice is
General solution of 1-DOF
system- I

x' '   2 x  0
x  e , x'  se , x' '  s e
st st 2 st s    2   i

x  C1ei t  C2 e  i t
x  C1 cos  t  i sin  t   C2 cos  t  i sin  t 

x  C1  C2 cos  t  C1  C2 i sin  t Let C1  C2   A C1  C2 i  B

x  A cos  t  B sin  t

A & B are now found from initial conditions

General solution of 1-DOF
@t 0 x(0)  A  X 0 (initial displaceme nt)
x(0)  A(1)  B(0)
x'   X 0 sin  t  B cos  t
x' (0)   X 0 (0)  B (1)  V0
x' (0)   X 0 (0)  B (1)  V0 B

therefore, for a free vibrating single DOF system

 V0  
k 1 k
x(t )  X 0 cos  t    sin  t fn 
  m 2 m
Graphical representation

Pendulum equation of motion

 M o  I o
 Wl sin   ml 2   g sin  0
ml 2  mgl sin   0 l
Effective mass
Translational Masses Connected by a Rigid Bar

Let the masses be attached to a rigid bar that is pivoted at one end, as shown in Fig. The equivalent
mass can be assumed to be located at any point along the bar. To be specific, we assume the location
of the equivalent mass to be that of mass m 1. The velocities of masses m2ẋ2 and m3ẋ3 can be
expressed in terms of the velocity of mass m 1ẋ1, by assuming small angular displacements for the
bar, as
l2 l3
2  x1 ..... x3  x1
l1 l1
xeq  x1

Effective mass
Translational Masses Connected by a Rigid Bar

By equating the kinetic energy of the three-mass system to that of the equivalent mass system, we

1 1 1 1
meq x
eq  m x
1 1
 m x
2 2
 m x
3 3

2 2 2 2
2 2
2 
l2 l
x1.....x3  3 x1  l2   l3 
l1 l1 meq  m1    m2    m3
xeq  x1  l1   l1 

Effect of mass in vibration
Which colour can be represented the
vibration response of mass (m+m1)?


n  2f n  m
m  m1
Increasing mass End
reduces frequency

A block of M=40kg suspended by a spring with k=800N/m. Determine the vibration response,
if the system is given an initial displacement of 5 cm and released suddenly.

The natural frequency is defined by mass and stiffness coefficient

k 800
   4.47 rad / s
m 40

Periodic time
2 6.28
T   1.4s
 4.47
The vibration response
x(t )  0.05  cos(4.47  t )
A body moves in simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 3.0 oscillations per second, or
using SI unit 3.0 Hz, and an amplitude of 5.0 cm.

a) Write down the mathematical expression for the motion of the body
b) Calculate its maximum speed
c) Calculate the position of the body when it has reached maximum speed
d) Find the maximum acceleration of the body
e) Find the position of the body when it has reached maximum acceleration
A mass is suspended from a vertical spring and the system is allowed to come to rest. When the
mass is now pulled down a distance of 76 mm and released, the time taken for 25 oscillations is
23 s. Calculate

a) the frequency of the oscillations,

b) the maximum acceleration of the mass,
c) the displacement of the mass from its rest position 0.60 s after being released. State the
direction of this displacement.
a) the frequency of the oscillations, 25 oscillations in 23s - therefore time for one is 23/25
(that would be the period of the oscillation. f = 1/T so frequency = 25/23 = 1.09Hz

b) the maximum acceleration of the mass,

a = (2πf)2A; a=(2π × 1.09)2×76×10−3; a = 3.6 m/s^2

c) the displacement of the mass from its rest position 0.60 s after being released. State the
direction of this displacement.
x = A cos (2πft); x=76×10−3cos(2π×1.09×0.60); x=− 4.3×10^−2; x = 43 mm

direction: above equilibrium position or upwards

A 50-kg block moves between vertical guides as shown here. The block is pulled 40 mm down from
its equilibrium position and released. For each spring arrangement (k1=4 kN/m, k2=6 kN/m),
determine the period of the vibration, the maximum velocity of the block, and the maximum
acceleration of the block.

K1 K2 K1

50kg K2

a) 50kg

b) 70
Drive the equation of system motion and calculated the natural frequency?
A spring-mass system has a natural period of 0.21 sec. What will be the new period if the spring
constant is (a) increased by 50 percent and (b) decreased by 50 percent?
Question- 7
Calculated the natural frequency of following system

Question- 8
Calculated the natural frequency of following cylinder rolling in a big cylinder

Substituting the kinematic equations yields:

Question- 9
By assuming of no friction in the pully, calculate the equation of motion in the
following system?

1. J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige. Engineering mechanics: dynamics

Volume 2. Sixth Edition, John Willey & Sons, Inc.
2. W. T. Thompson, W T. (2005). Theory of Vibrations, Prentice Hall.
3. Singiresu Rao. (2018) Mechanical Vibrations, 6th Edition;
Addison Wesley.
4. Mechanical Vibrations Module Notes, Dr. Abolfazl Zahedi, School
of Engineering and Sustainable Development, De Montfort
University, UK
5. F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston “Mechanics of Materials” 7th Ed. 2015,
McGraw Hill.

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