Group Six Proposal

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College Of Medicine and Health Science

Department Of Health Informatics

To designe and develope Web-Based pharmacy Information Management System in samara at samara health

Student name Id number

1)Ansha Mohammed…………………………........su1302609
2)Belaynew Mengste……………………………...su1300934
3)Bezawit Mulualem………………………………su 1300945
4)Getaneh Mbeje………………………………… 1301142
5)Sualih Dejen……………………………………..su1301165
6)Yismaw Birhan …………………………………su 1301569
05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal
Statement of problem
Objective of the project
Scope of the project
Limitation of the project
Significance of the Project
Problem of the existing system
Requirements of the Proposed System
Modeling proposed system
System design
implementetion and result
Conclusion and recomendetion
05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal
Background of the organization

• Samara town is the capital city of Afar rigon. It is located on 588km

away from Addis Ababa.

• In Samara towen there are only one gevermontal health care facility.
this health care facility is samara health center, Samara health center is
one of the small health centers in Afar which is administrated by
regional minister of health.

• Samara health center was established in 1993 E.C.

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal
Statement of the problem
• Incomplete recording and reporting

• Lack of information system storage

• Difficulty of retrieving the necessary data from a manual system

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal


• Incomplete registered data make the data accuracy to be low for

efficient decision making,

• Illegible hand writing in retrieving about the prescriptions and related

drug information from the log book

• Lack of data confidentiality and security,

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal

Objectives of the project

General objective
To design and develop a web based pharmacy management information system for
Samara health center in 2024.

Specific objective
To collect requirement for the PMIS system

To analyze the requirement for the PMIS system

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal


To design the PMIS system

To develop user interface of the PMIS system

To implement and test of PMIS

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal

Scope of the project
• The proposed system will only functional at pharmacy department in
Samara health center, due to financial, time and other constraints.

• There are different actors will use the proposed System.

• System administrator is a person who has responsibility to control

the whole system and able to create, edit, search and delete user
account. In the system,

• Pharmacist are able to add drug, purchase request, generate report.

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal

Limitation of the project

• The system not support all nation and nationality of Ethiopian

language, so limited by only English language

• This project use only pharmacy department so with out pharmacy

department is useless

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal

Significance of the Project

• The purpose of this project is to design and develop PMIS in Samara

health center Designing this system could have the following

• For patients: Since the main goal of the health center is to give
quality service for patients, patients should be benefited from the
system by getting quality services which includes good documentation
of their records.

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal


• For health pharmacist: The PMIS system may have a better

significance for health professionals by solving the problem of
illegible hand writing in records and prescriptions.
• For the health center: The PMS could have a benefit for the
health center for giving a better health care service, for adequate
planning and budgeting, for keeping adequate records, for
prescription of drug and service reporting purposes as a source
of relevant information.
05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal
Problem of the existing system

• In general the following limitations and challenges are identified with

the current paper-based pharmacy management information system.

• Illegibility of hand writing: in case of the data is written by health

professionals, it is difficult to read.
If the data is not legible there is no clear understanding between
health professionals,this leads to the pharmacist to make wrong
drug order on the patient diagnosis process because the pharmacist
does not understand the message that receive from other physician.
05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal

• Problem on report generation: a side that reports are generated

manually, there are expected personal errors or imperfection and the
accuracy of data is questionable.
The only ways of reporting methods happen to be mostly narrative
description and rarely tables. Graphs and charts are not in use.

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal


• It lacks confidentiality and security: in the existing system, patients’

medication history is placed randomly in the form of paper document.
This paper document has no personal identification (password) to
keep patient medication history. Means that files or document easy
to lose from the organization that some want to take that file for the
purpose of himself or to attack some once else.

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal

Requirements of the Proposed System
Functional Requirements

• The functional requirement of the proposed system is concerned with

the activity of the system may be perform. Those are

• Admin login and pharmacist login

• The system should enable admin’s to manage customers

• The system should enable admin’s to inventory

• The system should enable admin’s to manage suppliers

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal

The system should enable the pharmacist to medicine inventory

The system should enable the pharmacist to customer view

The system should generate reports.

The system should enable admin generate stock purchase

The system should enable the admin’s manage and view drugs.

The system should enable the pharmacist to add sales.

 The system should enable the

admin’s to request view low stocks.
group 6 project proposal
Non-functional Requirements

• A non-functional requirement defines system properties and

constraints or it is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used
to judge the operation of a system rather than specific behaviors.

• The following are the non-functional requirements of the proposed


05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal


Performance: - the response time that the system uses to process and
retrieve drug data and information from database is very short. That means it
takes short response time for a given piece of work.

Integrity: - only authorized users of the system (administrator, manager,

and other) can able to update, modify, delete and access patient data. Access
is denied for an authorized and an authenticated user of the system.

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal


Cost: - it minimizes cost that is reduces wastage of money during

advertization and reduce consumption of resource to maintain.

Error Handling: - the system must handle an error and should

display error message. If the user imputes the characters that are
mismatched corresponding data types.

Security:-provide authentic and authorized features to the proposed

system where private and confidential data can only be viewed by
authorized user.
05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal
System Analysis


• Use case diagram is a representation of a user`s interaction
with the system and depicting the specification of a use case.
• Its main purposes are used to gather requirements of system; to
get an outside view of a system; to identify external and
internal factors influencing the system.
. group 6 project proposal
UML sequence Diagram

• The proposed system uses UML sequence diagrams model to show the flow of
logic within the pharmacy system being developed in a visual manner,
enabling both to document and validate the system logic, and are commonly
used for both analysis and design purposes.

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal


Figure 2 sequence diagram of view login

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal
UML Activity diagram

• The proposed system uses activity

diagram to control flow from a
start point to finishing point and
also showing the various decision
paths that exist while the activity
is being executed.

figure 3 Activity diagram for display login page
group 6 project proposal
UML domain model class diagram

• In analysis phase the proposed system uses class diagram to describe the
structure of our system by showing Classes at the top, attributes at the bottom
of the diagram and the relationships among objects .

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal

05/26/2024 figure 4 Uml model
group 6Class Diagram
project proposal

UML design class diagram

• The proposed system uses class diagram in Unified Modeling Language

(UML) to describe the structure of the system by showing the system’s
classes, their attributes, operation and the relationship among objects.

• In design phase, it is represented with three layers/parts of box, the top part
contains the name of the class, the middle part contains the attributes of the
class and the bottom part contains the methods the class can execute.

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal


5 Uml system Class Diagram
group 6 project proposal

•In this section of the project implementation, different user interfaces designed,
results of the evaluated system have been discussed and described.

Major Function of the System

• The major functions of the system are add medicine, update medicine, delete
medicine, add customer, update customer, delete customer, add supplier, manage
supplier, add employee...etc
05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal
• the following images are user designes of pharmacy management
information system

image 1: admin login page

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image 2: admin dashboard page

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal

Image 3 Add medicine interface

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal


• A web-based pharmacy information management system is a system for

managing the patient and associated data or is a system that used for record.

• Our main objective is to develop web-based pharmacy information

management system to achieve this objective; requirements were and
identified by applying interviews, observation, and document review

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal


• Samara health center should fulfill the necessary hardware like computer and
server which is important for the implementation of the system. 
• The workers should get training to have clear understanding about the newly
developed System 
• The health center should provide training on basic computer skill and PMIS
system to its staff.

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal

thanks for all

05/26/2024 group 6 project proposal

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