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For 9 grade
What is the main purpose of saying “congratulations”
a. To express sympathy.
b. To show disappointment.
c. To acknowledge and celebrate achievements.
d. To apologize for a mistake.
Your best friend has just been accepted into a
prestigious university. You want to express
your happiness for them.
Which of the following would be the most
appropriate thing to say?
a) I'm sorry to hear that.
b) You should have studied harder.
c) Congratulations on your acceptance!
That's amazing!
d) Better luck next time.
You receive an email from your colleague
informing you that they have been promoted
to a higher position at work.
How would you respond to their email?
a. I'm disappointed for you.
b. Oh no! What happened.
c. Congratulations on your promotion!
You deserve it.
d. I'm so sorry to hear that.
You want to express your desire for someone's speedy recovery
from an illness. Which of the following is the most appropriate

a. I wish you're feeling worse soon.

b. I hope you get sicker.
c. I hope you recover quickly.
d. I wish you remain unwell."
You're congratulating a friend who is about to
take an important exam. Which sentence
reflects your positive feelings for their

a. I hope you fail your exam.

b. I wish you don't do well on your exam.
c. I hope you ace your exam!
d. I wish you don't pass your exam.
Your colleague is starting a new job.
What would you say to them ?

a. I hope your new job is terrible.

b. I wish your new job is boring.
c. I hope you excel in your new job!
d. I wish you struggle in your new job.
Your sibling is preparing for a sports competition.
How would you express your support?
a. I hope you lose the competition.
b. I wish you underperform in the competition.
c. I hope you perform your best in the competition.
d. I wish you regret participating in the
Your friend is participating in a cooking
competition. How would you wish them luck?
a. I hope you fail the competition.
b. I wish you don't win the competition.
c. I hope you win the cooking competition!
d. I wish you regret joining the competition.
You're sending a message to a friend who is attending
an important interview.
What do you say to encourage them?
a. I hope you make a terrible impression.
b. I wish you fail the interview.
c. I hope you impress them during the interview!
d. I wish you don't get the job.
Situation: Dina heard that Chanda won the first
prize in the national skating competition this year.
Dina wants to congratulate Chandra.

What should Dina say to Chandra?

a. I’m sorry to hear that.
b. Congratulations, Chandra. I’m happy for you.
c. Congratulations. Who helped you win?
d. Good luck, Chandra.
After saving money for months, Sarah finally bought a new
camera __________ she could pursue her passion for

What should be inserted in the blank?

a) but
b) in order to
c) so that
d) although
Denny : My mom told me that you finally got a
to Australia. Congratulations and good luck!
Tommy : Thanks. That’s a very kind of you.
Denny : Don’t mention it. I hope _________.

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….

a. We can stay in touch although we’re apart.
b. You don’t get it.
c. You don’t go.
d. I can be here forever.
Alex decided to take a public speaking course __________
he could overcome his fear of speaking in front of an
What should be inserted in the blank ?
a. and
b. in order to
c. although
d. so that
After saving money for months, Sarah finally bought a
new camera __________ she could pursue her passion
for photography.
What should be inserted in the blank ?
a. but
b. in order to
c. so that
d. although
Megan rearranged her schedule __________ she could attend
the important meeting in the afternoon.
What should be inserted in the blank?
a. but
b. in order to
c. so that
d. and
Sam : Did you know that I just opened a new business in
New Castle?
Timmy : No, I didn’t. That sounds great. Congratulations
on your new business.
Sam : Thank you. Any wishes for me
Timmy : Of course. I _________

To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is ….

a. I am happy for you.
b. I hope your business can be larger and larger.
c. I wish I can have the same business.
d. No, thank you.
Mark : I saw your hard work and I think you deserve it 1
more than anyone. Many congratulations on
achievement. I cannot find a word to describe
happiness for you.
Shawn: _______. It means so much for me.

What is the right expression to complete the dialogue?

a. Never mind.
b. I’m sorry to hear that.
c. Thanks a lot.
d. Good luck.
The following sentences can be used to express
congratulations, except ….

a. Well done! I am so delighted to congratulate yo

b. Please accept our warmest congratulation on
your incredible success.
c. I will not congratulate you because I know you
don’t deserve it.
d. My sincere congratulations go out to you.
Shania : I just knew that your project is nominated
as the best project of the year. ________
You have worked so hard.
Stephen : I can’t find a word to thank you.
You have been one of my support

The correct expression to complete the dialogue is

a. Thanks a lot.
b. Congratulations on your wedding.
c. Should I congratulate you?
d. Congratulations on your well-deserved success!
You can use the following expressions to utter your
hope, except ….

a. I am going to continue my career in Malaysia soon.

b. We hope you enjoy this phase of life.
c. Let us hope for the best.
d. She hopes to meet her favorite artist in the airport.
Andy: Congratulations on your new baby. ____________
Terry: Thank you so much. You have been very nice to us. 1
The correct wishing expression to complete the dialogue is ……
a. I wish I also had one.
b. I wish you happiness in the world.
c. Do you want to make a wish?
d. I have no wishes to say.
Jake started learning the piano __________ he could
play his favorite songs for his family.
What should be inserted in the blank?
a. and
b. but
c. in order to
d. so that
In his free time, Mark enjoys reading various books
__________ expand his knowledge on different subjects.
What should be inserted in the blank?
a. in order to
b. although
c. so that
d. and
Every morning, Sarah wakes up early __________
have enough time for her morning yoga routine.
What should be inserted in the blank?
a. and
b. but
c. in order to
d. so that
George: Happy wedding. I wish you a lifetime of
John: Thank you. You are my best friend.

Why does John say thank you?

a. Because it is his wedding day.
b. Because he is George’s best friend.
c. Because George congratulates and wishes happiness
for him.
d. Because George forgets to congratulate him.
Thank You!

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