DOE L-01 C-01 Introduction To Designed Experiments

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Design of Experiments

BITS Pilani Varinder Singh @Goa
Pilani Campus


Design and Analysis of Experiments.

 Douglas C. Montgomery,
 Eighth edition, 2013, Wiley India.

At Amazon-

DOE L-01
Course Handout and Evaluation

 Course Handout of a previous semester is available at MS

 Textbooks, Reference books, Topics, Delivery plan ……

 Evaluation scheme-
Code Component Weight, % Date(s)
EC-1 Quizzes and Assignment 30 To be announced in the next session
EC-2 Mid-Term Test 30 Announced by WILP office.
EC-3 Comprehensive Exam 40 Announced by WILP office.

DOE L-01
As in the Course Handout of a previous semester

Chapter # Topic
1 Introduction to Designed Experiments
2 Basic Statistical Methods
3 Analysis of Variance
4 Experiments with Blocking Factors
5 Factorial Experiments Design and Analysis of Experiments-
6 Two-Level Factorial Designs Douglas C. Montgomery, Eighth edition, 2013, Wiley India.

7 Blocking and Confounding Systems for Two-Level Factorials

8 Two-Level Fractional Factorial Designs
9 Other Topics on Factorial and Fractional Factorial Designs
10 Regression Modeling
11 Response Surface Methodology
12 Robust Design
13 Random Effects Models
14 Experiments with Nested Factors and Hard-to-Change Factors

Not in previous semester’s Course Handout.


DOE L-01
Your familiarity…?

1. t-test: Nil 0-----------------------------------10 High

2. ANOVA: Nil 0-----------------------------------10 High

3. Regression: Nil 0-----------------------------------10 High

4. MS Excel: NIL 0----------------------------------10 High

DOE L-01
Introduction to Designed Experiments
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

Maturity levels of quality improvement

• At the lowest level of maturity, management may be

completely unaware of quality issues, and there is likely
to be no effective organized quality improvement effort.
• The first activity as maturity increases is to intensify the
use of sampling inspection.
• The use of sampling will increase until it is realized that
quality cannot be inspected or tested into the product.
• At the highest levels of maturity, companies use
designed experiments and statistical process control
methods intensively and make relatively modest use of
acceptance sampling.

BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus

Goals of Experiments

Higher performance
 Enhancement/Optimization of products and processes.
Higher quality
 Robust means- output is insensitive to environmental

When to use DOE?

 To determine whether a factor, or a collection of factors,
has an effect on the response.
 To determine whether factors interact in their effect on
the response.
 To model the behavior of the response as a function of
the factors.
 To optimize the response.

DOE L-01

+ Education, Nutrition, Market surveys, Sports, Psychology studies …


DOE L-01
Several experiments

Several Experimental units Several but near identical Experimental units Different treatment and different Experimental units


DOE L-01
Input-Output variables and Relationships

Y= f(X)
= a |X|
= a ln(X)
= a ebX
X Y = a/X
= a + b Sin(X)
= a + b X + c X2
= a + b X3

X2 Y1 Y1= f(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5)
X3 Y2= g(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5)
X4 Y3= h(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5)
X5 Y3


DOE L-01

One input-One output

 Drug dose on recovery.
 Fertilizer on crop yield.
 Irrigation schedule on crop yield.

Two inputs-One output

 Fertilizer and Irrigation mix on crop yield.
 Feed rate and Speed mix on Surface finish.
 Reaction time and Temperature mix on Yield.
 Glue amount and Temperature mix on Bond strength.

Four Inputs-One output

 Water, Cement, Gravel and Sand mix on strength.

Two inputs- Five Outputs

 Drying temperature and Drying time mix on Moisture
content, Water activity, Colour, Shear force and
Acceptability. Squid-laver snack, a Seafood based snack.

DOE L-01

1. Maximize fiber strength

 Fiber strength= f(Cotton-Nylon ratio)
2. Maximize surface finish
 Surface finish= f(Speed, Feed rate)
3. Maximize yield
 Yield= f(pH, Volume)
4. Maximize taste of Colddrink/Biscuits/Cake
 Taste=f(amount of sugar,, amount of baking)
5. Minimize the runs scored by the batsman
 Runs scored=f(Ball speed, Direction)

6. Maximize…
Taste= f(Sugar, Amount of Chocolate chips)
Crust= f(Sugar, Amount of Chocolate chips)


DOE L-01
Constraints and Considerations

 Availability of input materials- Animals- Mouse/Moneys.

 Characteristics of Inputs: Age and Gender of Animals.
 Choosing the inputs: Low to Large flexibility.

 Availability of facilities: One Oven/One paint shop, Manpower…

 Timings: July, Shift-1. Rainy season.

 Money: Rs 50 lakhs
 Duration: 3-months.

Physical, Economic +
 Psychological; Single blind, Double blind, Placebo.
 Legal.
 Ethical/Social.


DOE L-01
Interaction and Confounding

X1 X1 X1
X2 X2 X2
X3 X3 X3
X4 X4 X4

Independent variables do not interact Interaction between X2 and X3 variables Z- Confounding variable
Y = a + b X1 + c X2 + d X3 + e X4 Y = a + b X1 + c X2 + d X3 + e X2*X3 + f X4 (Confounding means mixing)


DOE L-01
Classification of Factors

Factors- Input variables

 Controllable factors
 Controllable design factors.
 Held constant factors.
 Nuisance (Blocking factors).
 Uncontrollable factors.

Nuisance (Blocking) factors

 May affect the measured result, but are not
of primary interest.
 Examples-
 Operator who prepared the treatment.
 Environment- The time of day the experiment
was run, Room temperature.
 Experimental units- Age group, Gender,
Income group, Education level, Amount of


DOE L-01
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

Remaining chapter will be covered in the next session.

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