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Social Media

Advantage and Disadvantage

Qno.1 What is Social Media?
Social media is any digital technology that allows users to
instantly generate and share information with the public.
Social media includes a wide variety of websites and apps.
Some, such as Twitter, are focused on sharing links and
brief written messages. Others, like Instagram, are
designed to facilitate sharing photographs and videos.

What distinguishes social media is that it is simultaneously

vast and somewhat uninhibited. While many social media
businesses place certain restrictions, such as removing photographs
that depict violence or nudity, there are far fewer restrictions on what
people can post than traditional forms of mass communication,
such as magazines, radio stations, and tv.

Anyone with an internet connection can make a social media profile. They can use that profile to post any
content they like, and whatever they share is visible to anybody who views their page or account. The capacity
to instantly post photographs, views, and events has changed the way people live and do business.
Qno.2 List few examples of Social Media network.
1.Facebook(2.9 billion)
2. YouTube(2.56 billion)
3. WhatsApp(2 billion)
4. Instagram(1.47 billion)
5. WeChat(1.26 billion)
6. TikTok(1 billion)
7. Facebook Messenger(988 million)
8. Douyin(600 million)
9. QQ(574 million)
10. Weibo(573 million)
11. Kuaishou(573 million)
12. Snapchat(557 million)
13. Qzone(553.5 million)
14. Telegram(550 million)
15. Pinterest(444 million)
16. Twitter(436 million)
17. Reddit(430 million)
18. LinkedIn(310 million)
19. Quora(300 million)
20. Viber(250 million)
21. imo(200 million)
22. LINE(178 million)

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