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Tutorial text
 To be able to master English, you must practice 4
skills, namely:
 Speaking, listening, reading and writing.
 Your reading and writing skills will be honed by
reading lots of books and writing like essays in
 Among the many English texts, we see many
procedure texts, on packaging on products.
 This is because this type of text describes the
process of making something.
Definition of Procedure text:
 Isa text that describes How something is done in a
way to explain it in a series of actions/activities
and steps/measures.

 The characteristics of the procedure text are:

 • Command sentence (Imperative sentence)
 • Active verbs. (simple present tense)
 • Conjunction of time to sequence the steps.
 • Adverbs for accurate time and place details.
 Example:
 Aim: To know how to make a cup of coffee
 Materials /Ingredients:
 coffee
 some sugar
 water
 milk / brown sugar
 Equipment :
 Stove
 Cup/glass
 Pan
 Spoon
 Steps :
 First, Boil some water in a pan with medium heat,
wait until it is really boiling.
 Second, Prepare a cup/a glass
 Third/ (Next), Put a spoon of coffee in the
 After that, Add some sugar and milk to the cup,
based on preferences.
 And then, After the water had already boiled, pour
the hot water in the cup.
 Last, Mix it by stirring it
 Finally, A cup of hot coffee is ready to be served.
 Title: How to make ginger drink
 Aim / Purpose: To know how to make ginger drink
to treat colds

 Materials/ingredients :
 Fresh ginger
 Water
 Lime
 Brown sugar
 Equipment:

 Stove
 Tea spoon
 Glass / Cup
 Grater
 How to make/steps
 First: Prepare the fresh ginger
 Second, Grate 1.5 spoon of fresh ginger.
 Third : Boil two or four glasses of water .
 Then, Add ginger to the boiling water.
 After that, Let the ginger soak for about 5-10
 Next: add brown sugar
 The last step, filter the water to save the grated
ginger and add lime if you want.
 Finally: Ginger water can be drunk both hot and
 1. How to be a good journalist
 2. how to be a good news anchor/tv presenter
 3. how to be a good photographer
 4. How to be a good MC
 5. how to be a good public speaker
 6. How to be a good announcer
 7. How to be a good orator
Do with your partner using procedure taxt:
General topic (social science)
 How to make dalgona coffee
 How to make chatea
 How t o make millenial drink from coffee
 How to make millenial food/cake from coffee (banana
nugget, blackforest, boba drink, etc)
 How to make millenial cake/food from tea
 How to make tradisional drink/tradisional cake/ tradisional
food (sarabba, kapurung, pallubasa etc)
 The title: How to make …………………
 Anisa: Hi, Good morning Ardi. Can you help me
to make .................
 Ardi: Yes, of course. We have to prepare the
ingredient and the equipments.
 Anisa: Here is the ingredients: 1………,
2……….3,…………..4……… and what about the
equipments ardi?. Can you mention?
 Ardi:The equipments are: 1…….2,………..3,
Annisa: Ok ardi. The ingredients and the equipments
is already completed. We can start how to
Ardi:That’s right. What is the first step Nisa?
Annisa: The first step is
……and the second
is………………………………………can you
continue the next step ardi?
Ardi: Of course. The third
is…………………………………………….. And
Annisa: Let me continue the next step. The fifth
is………………………………………, after that
Ardi: Finally/the last
 Annisa: Alhamdulillah, we have already make the
tutorial how to make / serve
 Ardi: yes, we can try our result. Lets eat/drink.
 Annisa: Thankyou so much for your helping me
ardi and dont forget to practice in your home with
your sister.
 Ardi: Of course. You are welcome nisa.

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