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For SMK/MAK Grade XI

6 Let’s Discuss This Issue
Discussion Texts
A discussion text is an argumentative text that contains the pros and cons objectively.

The communicative purpose of a discussion text is to present a problem or issue from

at least two points of view, before arriving at a conclusion or recommendation.

An issue is presented with information and explanation of some opinions of experts in

their field: usually the opinions presented are contradictory (pros and cons).

Discussion text can be in the form of seminar material and discourse related to
controversial issues.
Issue is located in the first paragraph. It
Issue presents the problem or issue to be

∙ It is an argument for taking a particular path.

Argument pro ∙ Argument pros have positive aspects and
outcomes of the decision/action.
∙ It is an argument against the issue.
Argument con ∙ Argument cons have negative aspects
and outcomes of the decision/action.

It concludes or recommends the author’s

Conclusion or view on the issue being discussed in the hope
recommendation that the reader can follow and agree with the
author's opinions.
Language Features of a Discussion Text

 Using simple present tense.

 Using modalities, such as must, should, could, would, may,
 Using additive, contrastive, and casual connection (using
words that compare: opposite conjunctions), such as
similarly, however, furthermore, on the other hand,
moreover, in addition, but, nevertheless, but, in the other
side and the consequences.
 Focusing on generic human and non-human participants.
 Using the language of discussion: according, opinion.
 Using thinking words such as: feel, hope, believe, etc.
 Using adverbial of manner such as: hopefully, deliberately.
Modal Verbs
Modal verbs give the readers information about the degree of
obligation or certainty involved in the action.

Modality can be demonstrated through careful word choice and

may include selective use of verbs, adverbs, adjectives, or nouns to
heighten/strengthen or weaken/lessen potency.

Low modality shows less certainty, obligation, probability,

importance, frequency, extent, intensity, confidence, or emphasis.

High modality shows a high degree of these.

Contrastive Conjunctions
 A contrastive conjunction is a conjunction that connects two
sentences that are contradictory.
 This means that the relationship between the first sentence and
the second sentence is different or opposite.
 There are several popular and commonly used contrastive
conjunctions such as: though, although, whereas, even though,
even if, unless, yet, but, however, despite, in spite of, nevertheless,
and notwithstanding.
 Examples:
• Quinta wanted to go skiing this Saturday; however, she's
changed her mind because of the weather.
• On the one hand, sales have increased; on the other, profits
have declined.
• Notwithstanding his best efforts, he came in fourth from last.

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