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Empowering Aceh: Unveiling Current Energy

Landscapes and Untapped Potential

Final Project I – MS4091

Teuku Nilnal Lyusi Nashtam – 13120171

Dr. Yuli Setyo Indartono

(Geography and Demography) Presentation
Energy Consumption
(Electricity and Fuel)
Renewable Energy in Aceh
(Potential and Implementation)

Energy Saving Potential

(Transportation Fuel)

• Area 56,839.09 km2
• Bordered by the Indian Ocean on the north and west, the Strait
of Malacca on the east, and the province of North Sumatra on
the Southeast
• Aceh is largely mountainous, with several plains along the
coast [1]
• Placed directly at the end of the Great Sumatran Fault, which is
seismically active [2]

• Has several active volcanoes

• Aceh has a tropical climate, with temperatures averaging
28 °C in coastal plains, 26 °C in inland and mountainous
areas, and 23°C in higher mountain areas
• Relative humidity between 70 and 90 percent.
• Dry season from June to September and rainy season from
December to March [4]

[1] Nasution (Director). (2023). Provinsi Aceh Dalam Angka 2023 (Alimuddin, Ed.). Badan Pusat Statistik Aceh.
[2] Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Aceh". Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 Feb. 2024, Accessed 13 February 2024.
[3] Rafie, M.T., Sahara, D.P., Cummins, P.R. et al. Stress accumulation and earthquake activity on the Great Sumatran Fault, Indonesia. Nat Hazards 116, 3401–3425 (2023).
[4] 3

• Aceh population is estimated at 5,407,855 as of 2022

• Population sex ratio (male/female population) at 1.01
• The labor force is estimated at 2,394,994
• Only 472,147 have a college degree or other equivalent education [1]

• Aceh has a total of 23 cities and regencies (Kota/Kabupaten)

• 290 Subdistricts (Kecamatan)
• 6,515 Villages (Desa/Kelurahan)
• 4,350 Villages are in plain area, 2,011 in slope area, and 153
in valley area [1]

[1] Nasution (Director). (2023). Provinsi Aceh Dalam Angka 2023 (Alimuddin, Ed.). Badan Pusat Statistik Aceh. 4
Aceh Energy Consumption
Electricity and Fuel

Electricity Fuel
• 3,154 GWh sold from PT PLN Aceh in 2022 • 74,288 metric tons of 3 kg LPG was sold in 2019 [6]

• Electricity sold consists of 60% household usage, 17.1% • Aceh was allotted 350,917 kL of subsidized Biosolar (B30) in
business, 7.7% government, 7.25% industries, 7.25% social, 2020
0.7% other usage. • 190,685 kL of subsidized gasoline [7]
• A total of 1,664,628 unique costumers [1]

[1] Nasution (Director). (2023). Provinsi Aceh Dalam Angka 2023 (Alimuddin, Ed.). Badan Pusat Statistik Aceh. 5
Renewable Energy in Aceh
Potential and Implementation (1)

Hydro Power Geothermal Power

• Total potential power of hydropower is up to 5,147 MW • Total potential power of geothermal power is up to 1,143 MWe [8]
• There are 3 PLTMH that are already operating. These 3 combined
power are 28.4 MW [8]

[8] 6
Renewable Energy in Aceh
Potential and Implementation (1)

Solar Power Wind Power

• There are several potential sites for PV panel • There are several potential sites for wind power farm
• The radiation flux ranges from 550 W/m2 to 650 W/m2 [9] • The wind speed ranges from 4 m/s to 7.21 m/s [9]

[9] 7
Energy Saving Potential
Transportation Fuel

Fuel Savings

• One of the most important roads in Aceh is Jalan Medan-Banda

• Jalan Medan-Banda Aceh is 610 km long [10]
• The toll road will reduce the distance to only 471 km [11]
• Up to 139 km shorter in distance
• With the assumption
o The traffic consists of 4735.3 heavy vehicles/day and 1281.5
light vehicles/day [12]
o Fuel consumption for heavy vehicles and light vehicles,
respectively, are 6 km/liter and 8.99 km/liter [13] , [14]
• The toll road will reduce fuel usage by an estimated 40,031.1
kL/year of diesel fuel and 7,231.4 kL/year of gasoline

[12] Widari, Lis & Akbar, Said & Fajar, Rizky. (2021). ANALISIS TINGKAT PELAYANAN JALAN (Studi Kasus Jalan Medan–Banda Aceh km 254+800 s.d km 256+700). TERAS JURNAL. 5. 10.29103/tj.v5i2.11. 8
[14] Zulfikri, Zulfikri & Maimunah, Siti. (2019). Kajian Konsumsi Bbm Pengguna Kendaraan Pribadi Roda Empat Di Jabodetabek. Warta Penelitian Perhubungan. 22. 513. 10.25104/warlit.v22i5.1116.

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