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Negotiations cont.

A. Macdonald
roleplay: speeding up meetings
 Managers in the US claim that 90% of meetings are a waste of time, as most spend
10- 15 hours a week in meetings, ways need to be found of speeding up meetings.
 The facilitator is role D
 Other roles are distributed one per participant(all must not be used)
 Use own creative ideas as well as role card.

 Agenda
 Presentation of proposals to make meetings quicker
 Proposal discussion
 Recommendations for future meetings

A. Macdonald
Think of any kind of negotiation that you may be involved in at work(if you work) with
your boss/colleagues or in your studies with lecturers fellow students or private life with
a bank, insurance co. or travel agency

 How do you need to prepare for the negotiation?

 What is your objective in the negotiation?
 Assuming you will not get everything you want, what is your best
realistic alternative?
 What is the level at which you would realistically settle.

A. Macdonald
Idioms: used in negotiations

 To play your cards close to your chest

 To send out feelers
 To test the waters
 To call someone’s bluff
 To hedge your bets

A. Macdonald
Type of negotiation

 Towards agreement: both trying to suit joint interests(win-win)

 Independent advantage: each trying to get best deal

 Conflict: aiming to win and make other lose (win-lose)

A. Macdonald
Facts and figures

 Prepare statistical data

 Know facts
 Prepare visuals

A. Macdonald
Strengths and weaknesses

 List your bargaining strengths

 Know your weaknesses
 Calculate your bargaining position

A. Macdonald
Possible concessions

 Plan your bargaining strategy

 List essential conditions (impossible to concede)
 List possible concessions

A. Macdonald
Opening statement

 State general objectives

 State priorities
 State independent(not joint) objectives
 Keep it brief!

A. Macdonald
Neg. tips


A. Macdonald

 A year ago an advertising consultancy, U.R.COOL services, agreed to design

and run a 12-week advertising campaign for WE.R.NOT Ltd. Using specialist
journals, TV and web sites
 WE.R.NOT Ltd are not happy with the campaign
 The first advertisements were a month late; missing 2 important trade fairs.
 The AD’s did not appear in two key industrial journals/sites/tv spots
 A special price of €188, 000 was agreed initially with the agreement of doing
further business together.

A. Macdonald
Final Meeting/Negotiation

 (25 min duration of meeting)

 Prepare roles with arguments/counter arguments
 Implement negotiation/meeting language/terminology
 Neg skills/structure/Negotiating strategy

A. Macdonald
Report Writing

 To be uploaded by 22nd November 2021 12:00

 Should include:
 • Title page: report title- your full name
 • Executive summary –
 • Table of contents (if applicable)
 • Introduction
 • Body
 • Conclusion
 • Recommendation (where applicable)

A. Macdonald
Writing style:

 • Formal /passive form

 • Simple/clear/concise
 • Avoid unnecessary detail

 Length.
 • Min. 1 full page - Max. 2 pages
 • Letter Size 11.5

A. Macdonald
 Write a report for “Collaboration and negotiations skills” potential future
participants relating to your experience. The report could also be used by
department and lecturer for possible course assessment and future changes.
 Don’t forget: Base your analyses on objective evidence rather than personal
 The report could include:
 • Brief overview/review of “Collaboration and negotiations skills”
 • Assessment of improved/trained/acquired skill and knowledge
 • Problems/situations encountered while facilitating/participating
 • Observed Situations/Problems within meetings led by colleagues
with/without learn effect
 • Possible solutions for situations above
 • Benefit of seminar/if any/future action
 • Covid-19 effects (if any)
 • Possible recommendations for future changes /improvements to course
A. Macdonald
Don’t forget: Base your analyses on objective evidence
rather than personal opinion

 Topic B: YouTube: conflict management TedTalks

 Write a short report for your peers on the 6 conflict management Ted Talks.
Present the main takeaways from each “talk”.
 Accumulated message, relevant information you take out of talks that could
benefit the rest of the team in relation to conflict management.
 Recommendation on possible effective methods to collaborate the main
takeaways to group
 Relativity to overall course content

A. Macdonald

 Why There’s So Much Conflict at Work and What You Can Do to Fix It | Liz Kislik | TEDxBaylorSchool 15.44


 Conflict is a place of possibility | Dana Caspersen | TEDxHackneyWomen 16.16


 Why Conflict is a Good Thing | Dale Feinauer | TEDxOshkosh


 Conflict as a natural resource | Charles Irvine | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool 16.15


 Cultivating Collaboration: Don't Be So Defensive! | Jim Tamm | TEDxSantaCruz 15.17


 Finding Confidence in Conflict | Kwame Christian | TEDxDayton 11.26

A. Macdonald
Pre-task Discussion

 You are members of the Committee for Sustainable Tourism in your

city, which is an international port. You need to put forward proposals
and negotiate an agreement which will make tourism more
sustainable for the local residents and also benefit the local economy.

 What could happen to the city and its residents if tourism continues
to develop in an unsustainable way?
 What would happen to the city and local businesses if tourism
development was strictly controlled?

A. Macdonald
Well done, you survived

A. Macdonald

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