3pd20at047 Synopsis

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The release of the body from the tension and strain of work may be
understood as a natural physical response to fatigue. Yet relaxation as a
regulated right of human labour in the Western world emerged only in the
nineteenth century, and ever since has been repeatedly checked by anxieties
about mass leisure and by the dynamics of economic growth.

Scientists began to understand the working body as a 'motor' with a

measurable capacity for work and the need for regularly spaced rest. Work
scientists like Angelo Mosso believed that output could be optimized if
exhaustion was avoided. Overwork reduced longevity, decreased fertility,
stunted the growth of youth, produced insomnia and nervousness, and
encouraged alcoholism and torpor. Efficiency in the human motor required
daily and weekly rest breaks and even regularly spaced rests
within the workday.

Since the 1970s, complex economic and social trends have reversed the
historical trend toward increased leisure time. Increased speed of
communications and transport along with the rise of global competition has
created the 24-hour economy and, with it, work at all hours. Economic
maximizing and consumerism have induced workers not only to opt for
overtime but to choose timesaving devices to aid in their leisure. This has
meant a saturation of free time with leisure goods and their maintenance.


Adventure or fun is the expenditure of time in manner designed for

therapeutic refreshment of one's body or mind. While leisure is more likely a
form of entertainment or sleep, recreation is active for the participant but in a
refreshing and diverting manner. A time in which individuals are not
compelled to do anything, and are free to choose to relax or to take part in a
leisure activity. Leisure has important social functions, including relief from
the demands and restrictions of work.

Most people enjoy socializing with friends for dinner or a drink after a hard
day at work. For many young people, having a regular night out a week is a
normal part of their free time, whether it is joining friends for a drink in a pub,
dining out in a restaurant, watching a film, playing video games or
dancing at a club.

Active leisure activities involve the exertion of physical or mental energy.

Low-impact physical activities include walking and yoga, which expend little
energy and have little contact or competition. High-impact activities such as
kick-boxing and football consume much energy and are competitive. Some
active leisure activities involve almost no physical activity, but do require a
substantial mental effort, such as playing chess or painting a picture. Active
leisure and recreation overlap significantly.

Passive leisure activities are those in which a person does not exert any
significant physical or mental energy, such as going to the cinema, watching
television, or gambling on slot machines. Some leisure experts discourage
these types of leisure activity, on the grounds that they do not provide the
benefits offered by active leisure activities. For example, acting in a
community drama (an active leisure activity) could build a person's skills or
self-confidence. Nevertheless, passive leisure activities are a good way of
relaxing for many people


A new developed sporting infrastructure is a trade mark of developed

nation of today, where in attention can be diverted from basic issues to
recreation and leisure issues.so it becomes obligatory for every developing
country to make developments in the sports sector so that the health of
the society and standard of living in general also
develop along with it


Adventure sports are important to the quality of life and communities. It

has been long associated with benefits to health such as heart disease,
diabetes and bowel cancer. It also helps decrease overweight and obesity
numbers with regular physical activity among people and communities.

Adventure sports have been reported as changing lives. The activities

create positive outcomes such as confidence, self-respect, self-esteem,
trust, self-reliance and leadership abilities.
Adventural sports provide challenges and adventures for individuals. In the
economic aspect, promoting physical activity for employees makes good
business sense. As for college students, recreational sports programs and
activities are correlated with overall college satisfaction and success.
Students become more socially oriented than other students who don't
participated in recreational sports.

Other benefits of adventural sports include reduction of stress,

improvement of happiness, build character, imprave interaction with
diverse sets of people, and contribute to time management.

Adventure is essential to the longevity of humans because it assists with

lowering stress levels. Organized recreational activities can be found at
local parks, YMCA's, churches, and other community facilities. These types
of programs are successful because they include recreation for the entire


Whole spectrum of indoor activities like

> Indoor rock climbing
> Escape room challenges
> Laser tag tournaments
> Virtual reality gaming sessions
> Indoor obstacle courses
> Team-building exercises like trust falls or problem-solving activities
> Indoor scavenger hunts
> Board game or card game tournaments
> Indoor skydiving (using wind tunnels)
> Indoor trampoline parks

Whole spectrum of outdoor activities like

> Trekking
> River Rafting
> Rock Climbing
> Boating
> Camping
> Para Gliding

> Recreation through outdoor activities

> Enhancing physical and mental fitness

> Develop positive attitude and fighting spirit

> Promote camaraderie and group cohesiveness among officer trainees

> Develop new skill sets(like rock climbing etc.)

> To develop overall personality of officer trainees


The aim of an adventure club typically revolves around promoting

outdoor activities, fostering a sense of adventure, building teamwork and
leadership skills, and encouraging members to explore new experiences
and challenges in nature.


The scope of an adventure club project could include organizing outdoor

excursions, such as hiking, camping, rock climbing, and other
adventurous activities. It might also involve promoting environmental
awareness, team-building exercises, and fostering a sense of camaraderie
among members. Additionally, the project could encompass logistics like
planning, safety measures, equipment management, and potentially even
fundraising or sponsorship efforts.


India has over 1.5 million schools, over 9 million teachers and more than
240 million enrolments1. It is home to the largest and most complex
education system in the world. “The 1990s liberalization policy gave
impetus to private un-aided schools” in the country (Sujatha and G. Rani,
2011). After the NPE 1986, and Liberalization Policy 1990, International
schools, which were affiliated to foreign boards, started growing in
numbers (Narula, 2012). The international schools were initially started in
the Europe with the aim of catering to children of expatriates. However,
globalization led to increased movement of people, goods and services
across the world. This created a global market with several employment
opportunities. Another consequence was the increase in the population of
middle income groups in the developing countries and their growing
aspirations to reap the benefits of these opportunities. International
schools were seen as equipping students with the skills required for global
market. As a result, many local elite students started attending the
international schools to obtain qualifications that can help them get
employment or higher education in foreign country with ease. Therefore,
International schools with their emphasis on international mindedness and
global citizenship started becoming popular.

There has been a significant growth in the number of schools affiliated to

international boards in India specially in the last decade. These schools are
known as International School, Global School, World School etc. It has
been observed that the most popular international boards are
namely International Baccalaureate (IB) and Cambridge International
Examination (CIE). As of March 2021, there are 186 schools affiliated to the
IB and 517 to CIE. The share of international schools is relatively small.
However, the rate at which they are increasing is significant. The nature of
international schools is varied and heterogeneous. They range from
schools offering international curriculum, expatriate students and teachers
to schools with localstudents and teachers with or without any
international board affiliation. They lack a clear structure and concrete set
of rules and regulations governing them in India (Panda, 2015-16).

International schools are being promoted to provide world-class education to

the students and also as a tool to attract foreign investments to KARNATAKA.
It is well known that availability of international schools is an important
consideration for non-Indian staff of MNCs who come to India. Continuity of
children education is an issue faced by them as they frequently move /
transfer between different countries. Also, international schools help in
contributing to better standards and quality of education in the region in
addition to a multitude of benefits.


> To design an institution which promotes education with a holistic approach

of learning which focuses on – finding children true identity, meaning and
purpose of their life. International schools provide an opportunity to develop
cross cultural understanding, an international outlook and an ability to build
quality relationships with people from diverse nationalities. A good
international school will have both students and faculty from mixed cultures
and nationalities in order to develop a
global outlook.

>To design a school of international standard for the development of the

children in the region and the state. Which would help the state to achieve
high literacy rate.

> To design a school with easily accessibility for different areas and to make
use of natural ventilation and sunlight.

>To design a school with would impart growth to students, physically,

mentally and spiritually along with inculcating them with traditionalhabits and


> To provide an environment for excellent education from the start to end.

> Environment which not only teach academics also experience and practical
learning skills.
> To provide spaces where the learning experience would be enhanced.

> Auditorium to be used for cultural performance of the students

> Interaction spaces where they can interact and sharing of knowledge
would be enhanced.

>One main objective should be to obtain multiple perspectives while exploring

all potential problems and opportunities.

> Regarding the school environment, these are

continuously high levels of simulation.

> SIGHT – visual elements, colours, room decoration,

furniture, equipment etc.

> SMELL – olfactory elements-kitchen, locker rooms,

heating system etc.

> Liking indoor and outdoor space.

> Corridor and public spaces.

> SAFTEY ASPECT- fire safety provisions such as fire

alarms, detectors, etc and other provisions such as monitoring TV’s cameras

> PLANNING- Circulation, approach, direction, spaces

contacts, outside space planning, mass planning, traffic line
separationpedestrian and vehicular.

> Open areas to be treated well, includes play grounds,

parks, gardens.

> LANDSCAPE- also for buffer zones [noise reduction]

> BUILDING ORIENTATIN- for good lighting and

> PARKING SPACES- adequate parking for visitors as well

as thehouse vehicles.
> Hence, the massing, building materials, greenery, open areas
etc should enhance a schooling environment.

>To design a school which would follow the international
baccalaureate (IB) or IGCSE as their education system, along with
traditional Indianteaching methods.

>Also, the involvement of the students would be equally
distributed in the academic and sports field, by having a
playground which would facilitate the other facilities.

>To promote more interaction among the students, the hostels
would be based on sharing basis which would make them self –
sufficient and reliant on themselves and also bring in a bonding
among their apartment mates.


> Innovative solutions to be in corporate into sustainable
energyresidential school and to develop, integrate this energy
use in the building

 > With the increase in the growth of education industry and

the developments of in the country. There would be a growth in
the migration of the international students who would come and
study in India.

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