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Ghana Map

The term Ghanaian Dance forms and its


Complexities of the term Ghanaian Dance

Ghana is a large country made up of many

ethnic groups and each ethnic group having
its own unique diverse cultural mix.
The ethnic groups in Ghana are grouped or
settled together in communities, districts,
and regions

Theethnic groups have unique cultural
behaviour patterns.

Thedances in Ghana should be termed
ethnic or tribal dance forms

 Any of the tribal or ethnic dance forms performed

outside Ghana should be termed a Ghanaian
dance form by non-Ghanaian and should be called
a tribal dance form by a native of Ghana.
Types/Kind of Dance
• Social/Recreational Dances – Dances that are used to
entertain or make merry and to socialize.( Kpanlogo, Gome,
• Communal Dances – Dances that expresses the life of the
community more than the mood of an individual or a couple.
In coming together to do these dances gives one another a
sense of belonging and of solidarity. This a time to connect
each other to be part of that collective rhythm of the life in
which young and old, rich and poor, men and women
contribute to the society.
• Religious Dances – Dances associated with religion (Akom. Yeve, Kple))

• Cult Dances – Dances performed only by the initiates of a secret society.

• Occupational Dances – Dances that depicts the kind of work of a people or

actions that characterizes occupation of a person. (Adevu –hunters dance,
Fisher folk dance)


 Ceremonial Dances – Dances performed to commemorate important

events. ( Fontomfrom, Kete, Damba, Kundum)
 Palace/Court Dances – Dance performed at the palace. ( Adowa,
 War Dances – Dances that have been generated out of wars. (Agbekor,
 Political Dances – These dances expresses a political conviction that
is guided by content of ideas, styles, meaning and symbols.
Functions of Dance
When we talk about function, what do we mean?
- To perform the purpose of a particular thing.
- The purpose for which something is designed.
- An activity that is natural to or the purpose of a person or thing.

What is dance?
The movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space for the
purpose of expressing and idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the
movement itself.
Functions of Dance

 Vehicle to express joy or have fun  Kills boredom

 Celebrate life  Kills shyness
 Overcome problems  Throw light on the history and geneology of
 the people
Express feelings ( sorrow, joy etc.)
 Enact historical event
 Exercise and build our bodies for longevity
 Brings Popularity
 Win hearts of the opposite sex
 Enhances other art forms. (Drama/Theatre,
 To insult
 Identify Status  Dance to honour our gods
 Creates profession thus being done for  Dance to heal
economic gains
Occassions for Dances
Occassions for Dances Occassions for Dances

 Out- dooring/ naming ceremony  Greetings

 Marriages  Celebrations
 Funerals  During atheletics
 Initiation rites eg. Puberty  Demonstrations
 Meeting  During floats
 At the hearing of good news  Worship (Christian, Moslem, Traditional)
 Festival celebrations
Role of Music in Dance

 Sets the pace for the dancer  It tells the mood of the dancer
 It conveys meaning  It determines the type of dance
 It motivates the dancer  It controls the movement of the dance
 It sustains the dancer  It cues the dancer
 It adds beauty to the dance  It determines the dance.

 To us (Africans) it is said that to live is to dance by the late Prof. Mawere

Opoku who was a renowned Ghanaian choreographer. In the life cycle of our
human cycle, dance is found in all aspects of the cycle that is from birth to
 Therefore we say Dance is a celebration of life

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