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Put subtitles on the memes below.
“MEME ME!” Put subtitles on the memes below.
“MEME ME!” Put subtitles on the memes below.
“MEME ME!” Put subtitles on the memes below.

Words that expresses strong feeling.







Terminal and Internal Marks of Punctuation
Terminal Marks of Punctuation
• refers to the punctuation marks used at the end of sentences.
- a period is used to the end of a declarative or imperative sentence whether
complete or elliptical.
Ex. She come to see you. (declarative)
Come to see me. (elliptical sentence)
- a period is used after abbreviations.
Ex. Dr. A. M. Moreno is here.
I’ll meet you at 10 A.M. in the library.
The U.S.A. is a large country.

Terminal Marks of Punctuation
B. Question Mark ?
-the question mark is used to end a direct question. It always goes at the end
of the sentence, inside the quotation marks if the sentence is a quotation.
Ex. Do you like ice cream?
She asked, “Do you like ice cream?”
Are you coming to the party tonight?
C. Exclamation Mark !
- is a punctuation mark that indicates a strong feeling or emphasis. An
exclamation mark is the most common form of end punctuation. It is used after
an interjection or exclamation to indicate a strong feeling.
Ex. How clever of you!
Wow! You have reached in time.
Internal Marks of Punctuation
• are forms of punctuation that go inside a sentence.
A. Comma ,
- is one of the most important punctuation marks. It is used to separate ideas
or items in a list.
- Commas are used between principal clauses connected by a co-ordinating
conjuctions (and, or, for, nor)
Ex. After the class the boys rushed out of the room, but the girls remained
- Commas are used after and introductory clause or phrase.
Ex. Shouting to his classmates to try to catch him, Pedro ran home. (Phrase)
After Elsa had finished writing her theme, she handed it in. (Clause)
Internal Marks of Punctuation
• are forms of punctuation that go inside a sentence.
A. Comma ,
- Commas are used to set off introductory, transitional, or parenthetical words, including
interjections which are not exclamatory.
Ex. Yes, I understand you.
Well, why don’t you come in?
I shall do my best, however, to tell you what I know.
Oh, I don’t believe you.
-Commas are used to separate series of words and phrases, or short clauses which are related
and not punctuated internally.
Ex. I need rice, meat, and fish. (words)
He went out of the door, across the yard, and into the street. (phrases)
I want to know where you got it, how you got it, and why you got it. (Clauses)
Internal Marks of Punctuation
• are forms of punctuation that go inside a sentence.
A. Comma ,
- Commas are used to indicate the omission of a word or words previously
used in the same construction.
Ex. Some students are intelligent; others, not so intelligent.
- Commas are used to set off direct words in direct address.
Ex. Edna, where are you?
- The comma is used in any case where its omission might cause confusion.
Ex. With the children on, the bus rolled away.

Internal Marks of Punctuation
• are forms of punctuation that go inside a sentence.
C. Colon :
- The colon generally is a mark of anticipation of introduction. It is used between when the second
explains or clarifies the first.
Ex. The importance of play for children is this: it keeps them healthy, and it teaches them to get along
with others on a basis of fair play.
- The colon precedes a series of enumeration formally introduced.
Ex. I need the following things: thread, needle, colored cloth, and a round wooden frame.
- The colon may be used after the salutation of a business letter.
Ex. Dear Mr. Santas: or Gentlemen:
- The colon may be used to separate chapter and verse in citing a Scriptural passage and to separate hour
and minutes in stating time.
Ex. I’ll mee you this afternoon at 4:30 o’clock.
A beautiful verse from the Bible is John 3:16.
Internal Marks of Punctuation
• are forms of punctuation that go inside a sentence.
D. Dash –
- The dash has definite uses and should not be used as a lazy substitute for
punctuation. It is used to indicate hesitancy in speaking or a shift in thought.
Ex. “Why—but I thought you knew” he said.
The truth is this—but who wants to go into that again.
- The dash may be used to indicate the omission of letters, figures or words.
Ex. In 19—Manding Left A—, a little town in B—.

Internal Marks of Punctuation
• are forms of punctuation that go inside a sentence.
E. Parentheses ()
- These are used to enclose matter not essential to the main thought of the
sentence. This is done when commas would not be adequate.
Ex. But she could not understand (she never tried to) why the disliked her.
-These are used to enclose figures, letter, signs, and dates inserted in a sentence.
Ex. The three types of outlines are (1) topic outline, 2 sentence outline, and (3)
paragraph outline.

Internal Marks of Punctuation
• are forms of punctuation that go inside a sentence.
F. Brackets []
- These are used to set off explanatory matter inserted in a quoted passage.
Ex. In a letter to Jose, Lisa wrote, “Our English teacher said that the book [Gulliver’s Travels] was
full of incredible errors.”
G. Quotation Mark “ ”
- Double quotation marks are used to enclose the exact words of a speaker. In British publications,
single quotation marks are used.
Ex. June said, “I’m sorry, but I can’t do it”
- Double quotation marks are used to enclose the title of a short poem, a short story, an article, or a
chapter of a book.
Ex. “The Rainy Day” is a poem written by long fellow.
Macbeth is a moving play.
Internal Marks of Punctuation
• are forms of punctuation that go inside a sentence.
F. Brackets []
- These are used to set off explanatory matter inserted in a quoted passage.
Ex. In a letter to Jose, Lisa wrote, “Our English teacher said that the book [Gulliver’s Travels] was
full of incredible errors.”
G. Quotation Mark “ ”
- Double quotation marks are used to enclose the exact words of a speaker. In British publications,
single quotation marks are used.
Ex. June said, “I’m sorry, but I can’t do it”
- Double quotation marks are used to enclose the title of a short poem, a short story, an article, or a
chapter of a book.
Ex. “The Rainy Day” is a poem written by long fellow.
Macbeth is a moving play.
Internal Marks of Punctuation
• are forms of punctuation that go inside a sentence.
G. Quotation Mark “ ”
Ex. “ If you own a copy of Tale of Two Cities,” my friend said, “lend it to me.”
“ You will have to support yourself”; however, she advised her daughter to go.
Did you ask me who wrote “Ode to the West Wind”?
H. Apostrophe ‘
- It is used to indicate the omission of one or more letter or figures.
Ex. It’s time to go home.
Oliver Wendel Holmes was a member of the famous class of ‘29 at Harvard.
- Apostrophe and S are used to show the possessive case of singular and of plural nouns not ending in s or
Ex. The boy’s arms is broken.
That is the men’s room.
Internal Marks of Punctuation
• are forms of punctuation that go inside a sentence.
I. Hyphen -
- The rules for using the hyphen in compound words are neither uniform nor lasting. The
best policy is to consult the latest dictionary. The following rules are helpful but not
-The hyphen is used with compound numbers, twenty-one through ninety-nine.
- The hyphen is normally used between two or more words forming and adjective which
precedes the noun it modifies.
Ex. It was a house-to-house campaign.
It was a ten-foot pole.
- A hyphen is required to divide a word at the end of a line. The division is made at the
end of a syllable.


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