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CusLomer 8elaLlonshlp ManagemenL

( C8M ) ln lMCC SecLor

What |s CkM ??
W CkM |s a softwarebased approach to hand||ng customer
W Store |nformat|on on current and prospect|ve customers
W 1erm app||ed to processes |mp|emented by a company to hand|e
|ts contact w|th |ts customer
W CkM |s a softwarebased approach to hand||ng customer
W Store |nformat|on on current and prospect|ve customers
W 1erm app||ed to processes |mp|emented by a company to hand|e
|ts contact w|th |ts customer
What |s CkM ??
W 1he overa|| goa|s are to f|nd attract and w|n new c||ents
nurture and reta|n those the company a|ready has ent|ce
former c||ents back |nto the fo|d and reduce the costs of
market|ng and c||ent serv|ce
W 1he overa|| goa|s are to f|nd attract and w|n new c||ents
nurture and reta|n those the company a|ready has ent|ce
former c||ents back |nto the fo|d and reduce the costs of
market|ng and c||ent serv|ce

#@he approach of ldenLlfylng esLabllshlng malnLalnlng

and enhanclng lasLlng relaLlonshlps wlLh cusLomers"
#@he formaLlon of beLween a company and lLs
#@he approach of ldenLlfylng esLabllshlng malnLalnlng
and enhanclng lasLlng relaLlonshlps wlLh cusLomers"
#@he formaLlon of beLween a company and lLs
What |s CkM ??
eta||s to be f|||ed by the Customer and |t shou|d
be entered |n the keta||er's Software
to get a Loya|ty Card
eta||s to be f|||ed by the Customer and |t shou|d
be entered |n the keta||er's Software
to get a Loya|ty Card
W Name of the Customer
W of the customer
W Mar|ta| Status
W Number of Ch||dren
W ate of Marr|age ann|versary
W Address for correspondence
W Iam||y Members
W Lma|| |d Contact hone No
W Annua| Income
W Loan taken
W Veh|c|e status Car ]|ke ] Scooter
W Cred|t card Cred|t L|m|ts
W Average Month|y Shopp|ng amount
W Vegetar|an ] Non Vegetar|an
W Name of the Customer
W of the customer
W Mar|ta| Status
W Number of Ch||dren
W ate of Marr|age ann|versary
W Address for correspondence
W Iam||y Members
W Lma|| |d Contact hone No
W Annua| Income
W Loan taken
W Veh|c|e status Car ]|ke ] Scooter
W Cred|t card Cred|t L|m|ts
W Average Month|y Shopp|ng amount
W Vegetar|an ] Non Vegetar|an
enef|ts of CkM
W ua||ty and eff|c|ency
W ecrease |n overa|| costs
W ec|s|on support
W Customer Attent|on
W ua||ty and eff|c|ency
W ecrease |n overa|| costs
W ec|s|on support
W Customer Attent|on
Loya|ty program
W Loya|ty programs are structured market|ng efforts that
reward and therefore encourage |oya| buy|ng behav|or
behav|or wh|ch |s potent|a||y of benef|c|a| to the f|rm
W Loya|ty programs are structured market|ng efforts that
reward and therefore encourage |oya| buy|ng behav|or
behav|or wh|ch |s potent|a||y of benef|c|a| to the f|rm
W Loya|ty |s an Lmot|on
W Ma|nta|n|ng a C|ose ke|at|onsh|p
W A ser|es of pos|t|ve exper|ences
Customer |oya|ty card
W A reta|| estab||shment or a reta|| group may |ssue
a |oya|ty card to a consumer who can then use |t
as a form of |dent|f|cat|on when dea||ng w|th that
reta||er y present|ng the card the purchaser |s
typ|ca||y ent|t|ed to e|ther a d|scount on the
current purchase or an a||otment of po|nts that
can be used for future purchases
W A reta|| estab||shment or a reta|| group may |ssue
a |oya|ty card to a consumer who can then use |t
as a form of |dent|f|cat|on when dea||ng w|th that
reta||er y present|ng the card the purchaser |s
typ|ca||y ent|t|ed to e|ther a d|scount on the
current purchase or an a||otment of po|nts that
can be used for future purchases
Customer |oya|ty card
W a |oya|ty card a rewards card or a po|nts card and |n the
Un|ted States e|ther a d|scount card a c|ub card or a
rewards card
W Cards typ|ca||y have a barcode or mag|strate that can be
eas||y scanned and some are even ch|p cards
W a |oya|ty card a rewards card or a po|nts card and |n the
Un|ted States e|ther a d|scount card a c|ub card or a
rewards card
W Cards typ|ca||y have a barcode or mag|strate that can be
eas||y scanned and some are even ch|p cards
Customer |oya|ty card
W In market|ng genera||y and |n keta|||ng more spec|f|ca||y a
|oya|ty card rewards card po|nts card advantage card or
c|ub card |s a p|ast|c or paper card v|sua||y s|m||ar to a cred|t
card or deb|t card that |dent|f|es the card ho|der as a
member |n a |oya|ty program Loya|ty cards are a system of
the |oya|ty bus|ness mode|
W In market|ng genera||y and |n keta|||ng more spec|f|ca||y a
|oya|ty card rewards card po|nts card advantage card or
c|ub card |s a p|ast|c or paper card v|sua||y s|m||ar to a cred|t
card or deb|t card that |dent|f|es the card ho|der as a
member |n a |oya|ty program Loya|ty cards are a system of
the |oya|ty bus|ness mode|
Customer |oya|ty card
W 1he card |ssuer requests or requ|res customers seek|ng the
|ssuance of a |oya|ty card to prov|de a usua||y m|n|ma|
amount of |dent|fy|ng or demograph|c data such as name
and address
W 1hese cards can be used to determ|ne for examp|e a g|ven
customers favor|te brand r or whether he or she |s a
vegetar|an ] Non vegetar|an
W 1he card |ssuer requests or requ|res customers seek|ng the
|ssuance of a |oya|ty card to prov|de a usua||y m|n|ma|
amount of |dent|fy|ng or demograph|c data such as name
and address
W 1hese cards can be used to determ|ne for examp|e a g|ven
customers favor|te brand r or whether he or she |s a
vegetar|an ] Non vegetar|an
Customer |oya|ty card
W App||cat|on forms usua||y enta|| agreements by the store
concern|ng customer typ|ca||y nond|sc|osure (by the store
about customers 1he store one m|ght expect uses
aggregate data |nterna||y (and somet|mes externa||y) as part
of |ts market|ng research
W App||cat|on forms usua||y enta|| agreements by the store
concern|ng customer typ|ca||y nond|sc|osure (by the store
about customers 1he store one m|ght expect uses
aggregate data |nterna||y (and somet|mes externa||y) as part
of |ts market|ng research

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