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People in Arabia - Bedouins
1. More than 80% of Arabs.
2. They travel as much as 500 miles a year.
3. Their valuable possession are camels.
4. They live in tribe (Qabilah) led by a Sheikh.
5. Due to scarcity of pastures in Arabia, Bedouins raided
their neighbours and thus, they were naturally born
The role of the sheikh:

1. Head of a tribe.
2. Elected by a council of Elders and chosen on merit.
3. He has ultimate authority in his role.
4. He has to protect the tribe.
5. He solves disputes and gives justice.
6. He protects the weaker members of the tribe.
The role of the sheikh:

7. His social standing is determined on how well he does

8. He has to make decisions on tribal alliances and warfare.
The features of city dwellers in Pre-Islamic

1.Settlers in towns followed a commercial ethos to

2.Trade was the main economy.
3.Mecca was situated on the caravan trade routes.
4.Barter and exchange of goods at trade fairs.
5.Carving and selling of idols
The features of city dwellers in Pre-Islamic

1.Money lending was common

2.Unfair rates of interest were charged
3.Buying and selling of slaves – often treated cruelly
4.Women and girls had no status
5.Taif was a centre of the leather/tanning industry
6.Taxation system

1. Qabilah = Tribe
2. Banu = Clan
3. Sheikh = Tribe leader
Features of polytheism before
1. People worshipped idols.
2. The chief Goddesses are Laat, Uzza, Manat.
3. The chief God is Hubal.
4. Ka’ba was the centre of worship with 360 idols
placed around and inside the structure.
Features of polytheism before
1. Some people worshipped stones, trees, Sun, Moon
and stars.
2. They placed their personal deities in their houses.
3. They also worshipped their ancestors, spirits and
4. Human and animals sacrifice were made.
The importance of Mecca as a
centre of pilgrimage before Islam.
1.The Ka’ba existed as a religious centre from the time
of the Prophet Adam (AS).
2.The Ka’ba stands in the centre of Mecca and was the
first house of worship appointed by God.
3.Ibrahim and his son Ismail are believed to have rebuilt
the Ka’ba.
The importance of Mecca as a
centre of pilgrimage before Islam.
1.In Pre-Islamic Arabia it was the sanctuary of Al Lah
with 360 idols in it.
2.Mecca was the focus of fairs/markets and pilgrimages
in honour of these idols.
3.Mecca was at the centre of trade routes and pilgrims
from all over Arabia came to worship at the Ka’ba.
The importance of Mecca as a
centre of pilgrimage before Islam.
1. The settlement at Mecca was based around a water source
connected to the story of Hagar and Ismael’s survival in the
desert, the well of Zamzam.
2. The sanctity of the Ka’ba was important and protected.
3. Violence was forbidden (haram) within a twenty-mile radius of
the Ka’ba.
4. Sacrifices and circumambulation of the Ka’ba were rituals
practised by worshippers.
The importance of Mecca as a
centre of pilgrimage before Islam.
1. Mecca was controlled by the Quraish. The chiefs of the
Quraish were traditionally honoured as the custodians of the
2. The Ka’ba was a symbol of glory and power as well as
spiritual benefit.
3. The sanctity of the Ka’ba and pilgrimage to Mecca was
essential to the survival of the Quraish who made their living
from taxes levied on pilgrims.
Features of nomadic life and tribal
customs in Pre-Islamic period.
1. Outside the cities the Arabs led a nomadic lifestyle.
2. They were scattered tribes, crossing the desert areas
from oasis to oasis to find water and food for their
3. They were proud and warlike and often raided caravans.
4. Nomadic Arabs (Bedouins) formed tribal groups and clans
on the basis of kinship.
Features of nomadic life and tribal
customs in Pre-Islamic period.
1.The clans were the family groups within a tribe.
2.The Chief (Shaykh) was elected by a Council of
3.The Shaykh was chosen on merit – not a hereditary
4.The Shaykh had ultimate authority.
Features of nomadic life and tribal
customs in Pre-Islamic period.
He was depended upon to protect the tribe, lead raids
on neighbouring tribes (to capture camels and cattle),
solve disputes and dispense justice, distribute goods
and possessions and protect the weaker members.
Features of nomadic life and tribal
customs in Pre-Islamic period.
1. Individual loyalty to the tribe was of paramount importance.
2. There was a great sense of collective responsibility because
life was difficult.
3. Tribal alliances were valued. Honour had to be preserved at
all costs.
4. Warfare between tribes for revenge/superiority might go on
for generations.
Features of nomadic life and tribal
customs in Pre-Islamic period.
Muruwah was a tribal chivalric code of honour that
involved courage, patience, endurance and generosity.
Hospitality was important.

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