Mutants Vs Cyborgs

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Thousands of years ago there was a meteor shower that brought Vis-Stones (Energy Stones) to earth, which were

hidden until discovered by archaeologist Bryon Lyonard. The stones when touched by a human turn them into a rock animal form that lies with in their soul. The Vis-Stones are also used by an alien cyborg race N.O.V.A, who arrive on Earth to harvest the rest of the stones to power their weapons posing a threat to other planets, including Earth. Bryon has to protect his stone because once a bond is made shattering the stone destroys the soul. It becomes Bryon's duty to find the other stones to stop other humans finding the stones and defend the earth and universe from N.O.V.A.

Age: 25 Height : 57 (Human Height) 510 Occupation: Archaeologist/Hero Transformation Material: Sandstone Qualities: Intelligent, Eccentric , Optimistic Interests: Travel, Adventure, History, Reading, Puzzle Solving Planet : Earth

Bio: It has always been Bryons dream to be a founder of one of histories biggest discoveries and to be known just like his dad before him. After countless journeys of dead ends he uncovers the secret of the Visstones. With his new found abilities he is finally on an adventure he has been waiting for, although maybe in his mind there were less risks involved. The powers from the stone allow him to move rocks an boulders and hold them into place forming any object he desires, his main weapon of choice is a pick-axe. With these powers comes a great deal of responsibility, he has to use his powers to fight off the N.O.V.A cyborgs coming to harvest the stones to power their dangerous weaponry. On his travels he is accompanied by a family pet, a parrot, who guides him on his travels who accompanied his father once before.

Age: Unknown Planet: Aqualantia Modified Animal: Toad Qualities: Suffers with typical symptoms of the Napoleon Complex, Short tempered, controlling, demanding, sometimes he cant control his natural instincts especially when it comes to water flies, slugish, devious. Hates: Failure, Being given orders, being called a frog because they are smaller than toads! Cyborg Type: N.O.V.A (Neo- Aliens Optimised for Vis-Stone Advancement) Occupation: Second in command of the Aqualantian Galactic Alliance (A.G.A)

Maltoadus is from the Planet Aqualantia which is a planet completely submerged in water, the city and defences rely on the power of Vis-Stones that are only created in meteor showers. It is Maltoadus duty to make sure these stones are harvested to power the city and the growing army of technology to conquer other planets to expand there empire. Maltoadus is sent to planet Earth to harvest the stones where they have built a base at the deepest depths of the ocean, although he cannot fight or swim, as he is not so nimble, he has been given the henchman Borg to do his bidding while he lounges around back at base on his hover chair to reports back to the A.G.A. In times of trouble his hover chair acts as an escape bubble which can move swiftly through water.

Age: Unknown Height: 610 Planet: Aqulantia Modified Animal: Green Moray Eel Qualities: Awkward, heavy-handed, haphazard, slow witted. Cyborg Type: N.O.V.A (Neo- Aliens Optimised for Vis-Stone Advancement) Occupation: Hentchman of Maltoadus

A modified specimen to become part of the A.G.A as a henchman to help harvest Vis-stones . He was given machinery to fight but by a design fault it is too heavy for him to fully control which leaves him off balance. The operation processes of attaching the mechanical parts left him with a short term memory problem and a delayed reaction time. Despite all that is against him he tries to carry out the duties he is given by Maltoadus the best he can, however with Maltoadalus short fuse he tends to annoy him when he does not follow orders according to plan.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 4

Week 3

Weeks 6 & 7

Week 9

Week 8

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