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Human Value Management: Values for Managers

Exploring the Relevance

What is Human Value
 85% of consumers are more likely to support businesses that
demonstrate social and environmental responsibility.
 73% of executives believe that a company's culture influences business
performance. (Source: Deloitte)
 93% of executives believe that corporate reputation is linked to a
company's values and ethics. (Source: Forbes)
 Organizations that value employees' development and well-being have
31% lower employee turnover. (Source: Harvard Business Review)

The Relevance of Values in Management

Some data that highlights the significance of values in
today's business landscape. 3
Core Values in Management

Integrity Accountability

Transparency Fairness

Respect & Empathy

Benefits of • Enhanced Trust and
• Improved Employee Morale
Management and Engagement
• Better Decision-Making
• Sustainable Organizational

Challenges in Implementing Values
• Balancing Values with Profit
• Maintaining Consistency
• Navigating Ethical Dilemmas
• Measuring and monitoring
• Adapting to changing values
• Ensuring employee alignment
• Crisis management
Case Studies
Case Study 1: The Walt Disney Company
 Background: The Walt Disney Company is known for its strong
commitment to core values like creativity, integrity, and inclusion.
 Outcome: By promoting values, Disney has maintained a positive
corporate culture and has also ensured strong customer loyalty.
Case Study 2: Patagonia
 Background: Clothing company Patagonia is widely recognized for its
dedication to environmental and social responsibility.
 Outcome: Embracing values like sustainability and ethical manufacturing,
Patagonia has seen increased brand reputation and customer loyalty.
How to Foster Values in Management

1.Lead by Example
2.Communicate Values Effectively
3.Incorporate Values into Decision-Making
4.Training and Development
5.Recognition and Rewards
6.Feedback Mechanisms
7.Regular Evaluation and Adaptation

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