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1958 --- 1969

Course title Pak Studies
Course code PKS-101
Submitted to Ms. Gulshan Naseem
Submitted on 27th May , 2024.
Submitted by Group no. 4

Name Roll No.

Hansa Shaheen 22011510-076
Laraib Aslam 22011510-080
Syeda Fatima Zulfiqar 22011510-086
Meshal Imran 22011510-108
• Introduction
Ayub Khan’s Era
• Born on 14 May 1907 in Rehana(KPK)
(1958 – 1969)
• Got education from Ali Garh University and went to
• First native Commander-In-Chief of Pak Army
• 1953-1958 served as Defense and home minister
• 1965 re-elected as president
• Zulfiqar Ali and Mujib turned against him and he
resigned in 1969
Martial law and President of Pakistan

• On the night of 7-8 Oct, the first president of Pakistan Iskandar Mirza declare Martial las and
appointed Ayub Khan as Chief Martial law Administrator (CMLA)
• Ayub Khan became the 2nd president of Pakistan on 27th Oct, 1958.
• Martial law in Pakistan, imposed by Ayub Khan, formally ended on June 8, 1962, when the new
constitution was promulgated and parliamentary government was restored.
Constitutional and
Legal Reforms

Gave constitution in 1962

Limited role of religion
• Presidential system
• A commission appointed in October 1958-prepared a
report which contain the following statements:
Agricultural and Land • No person would own more than 500 acres of
Reforms irrigated or 1000 acres of unirrigated land.
• Utilization of resumed lands.
• Tenant’s right according to which Tenants could not
be ejected without payment of appreciate
• Three major dams were built
• Use of high yielding seeds
• Use of fertilizers and pesticides
• This era is also known as Green Revolution period
Educational Reforms 1. National Education Commission (1960): Established
to review and reform the education system, leading to the
development of a new education policy.
2. Education Policy (1962): Introduced free education
for all from grade 1 to 8, and emphasized science,
technology, and vocational training.
3. Curriculum Reforms: Updated curricula to include
modern subjects like physics, chemistry, and biology, and
introduced Pakistan Studies to promote national identity.
Educational Reforms

4. Expansion of Education: Increased funding for education, leading to a significant expansion of

schools, colleges, and universities across Pakistan.
5. Teacher Training: Established teacher training colleges and institutes to improve teacher quality
and training.
6. University Reforms: Established new universities, including Quaid-e-Azam University and Lahore
University of Engineering and Technology, and introduced a semester system.
Ayub khan’s reforms:-

 Industrial Reforms: Ayub Khan introduced industrial reforms to

boost economic productivity. The main features of the reforms were:

a. Focus on agriculture-based industries.

b. Priority of Ayub’s administration was to achieve the rapid rate of
economic growth and develop Pakistan’s industrial growth.
c. Emphasized on private sector.
Ayub khan’s Reforms:-

• Family law Reforms: The Family Laws Ordinance of 1961 introduced significant changes to
Pakistan’s family law system.

a. It aimed to reform family laws and give more rights to women.

b. Made polygamy more difficult and introduced the concept of divorce by mutual consent.
c. The ordinance introduced reforms such as raising the minimum age of marriage.
Ayub khan’s Reforms:-

• Economic Reforms: Introduced the First Five-Year Plan (1955-1960) which aimed to industrialize
and modernize the economy.

a. Established the Pakistan Industrial Development

b. Corporation (PIDC) to promote industrial development.
c. The plan aimed to accelerate economic growth and reduce poverty.
d. Investments were made in projects such as dams, irrigation systems, and transportation networks
to support agriculture and industrial expansion.
Reasons of decline

General reasons:
The concentration of political power in his own hands.
Dictatorial powers of President: people wanted a parliamentary
form of democracy
Right of adult franchise curtailed by the system of basic
Hold of the military hierarchy, civil bureaucracy, and rural elite in
• Disqualification of politicians and political parties under
Elective Bodies Disqualification Order (EBDO).
• He censored the press and control the media .
• Restrictions on Individuals fundamental rights.
• Land and Muslim family laws Reforms were revolutionary in words than in deeds.
• Urbanization but not facilities in the cities.
• Ayubs System Of Indirect Election: Under 1962 constitution indirect system of election was
• Gov and other political parties could easily force limited number of Basic Candidates Democrats to
vote for the But?.??.??
The 1965 presidential election
Fatima Jinnah challenged Ayub Khan in the election, which
was seen as a symbol of democracy vs authoritarianism.
Despite winning the popular vote, Fatima Jinnah lost the
electoral college to Ayub Khan. The election was widely
seen as rigged, and Ayub Khan’s victory was met with
widespread protests and unrest.
• Ayub Khan allegations aimed to attack her character and
discredit her during the 1965 presidential election.
Economic Instability

• 1965 war had long-term effect on Pakistan economic

• Country had no economic weapon in their armory to
fight the battle of their recovery
• Wealth began to concentrate in few hands particularly
to 22 families.
• 1968 Dr Mehboob-ul-Haq
• 67% entire industrial capital, 80% of banking and 97%
of insurance capital.
 Dissatisfaction of East Pakistan:
 East Pakistan considered Marshal law as the rule of the Punjabi-dominated Army.
 Issue of Provincial Autonomy In East Pakistan
 East Pakistan was politically deprived.
• East Pakistan was economically deprived.
 Strong opposition:
• The dynamic leadership of Bhutto, Asghar Khan, Mujeeb, Bhashani, etc.
• The wide popularity of Awami League in East Pakistan and P.P.P in West Pakistan.
Bhutto & PPP

PPP established in Dec. 1967: Objectives of genuine democracy,

Islamic Socialism, Adult franchise, and Freedom of Press.
Slogan: ‘Roti Kapra aur Makan’.
The exploitation of Tashkent by Bhutto: Kashmir
Students-Police clash (Nov. 1968) at Rawalpindi. One student died.
Bhutto attended his funeral. Achieved support of students.
The arrest of Bhutto on Nov. 13, 1968, as he insists masses violate
the law.
• Asghar Khan continued the movement.
Mujeeb and Al

Agartala Conspiracy Case (separation of East Pakistan from

West Pakistan with the armed aid of India) against Mujeeb
and a band of civil and military officers in Jan. 1968.
Bhashani gave the lead till the release of Mujeeb.
• Slogan: ‘Gheraoo, Jalaoo’. Burnt govt. Offices and
ministers’ houses. Compelled a large number of BD’s to
resign. Some were burnt alive.
Political Alliances

National Democratic Front (NDF): in Oct. 1962 by a group of East Pakistanis for the restoration of
democracy. Became party after the death of Suharwardy, its leader.
Combined Opposition Parties (COP): during Presidential elections of 1964-65. Failed to launch
effective movement due to internal differences.
• Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM): After the expire of the ban on EBDOed politicians.
April 1967. Included 5 parties;
i. Council ML iv. Awami League (Nasarullah Group)
ii. Nizam-i-Islam Party
v. NDF. Demands:
iii. Jamat-i-Islami
Political Alliances

Direct Elections on adult franchise

Full powers to the directly elected parliament
• Removal of emergency
• Restoration of civil rights
• Release of all political prisoners.
• Democratic Action Committee (DAC): Jan. 9, 1968. Included PDM, AL (six points) AL (Wali Khan
Group), and JUI. 3 more demands;
• withdrawal of all prohibitory orders under section 144.
• restoration of the right to strike
a. withdrawal of all curbs on the press.
b. Round Table Conference with Ayub on March 10, 1969. Ayub accepted 2 demands:
c. Direct elections on adult franchise
• Restoration of the parliamentary system.
 Non-Political Elements:

• Anti Ayub Movement (1968-69) launched by the Urban middle class i.e. Students, lawyers, teachers, doctors,
labourer's, politicians, etc.
• Joint Labor Council called for labourer's strike.
• Central Medical Body held a successful strike of the Doctors.
• Association of teachers participated in the anti-Ayub movement.
• Ayub resigned and Marshal law was re-imposed on March 25, 1969.
Thank you

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