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Operating System with

Unix (20MCA12)
Module - 1

Prepared by :
Hemanth Kumar G
Principles of Operating Systems -
Lecture 1 1
 What is an operating system?
 Early Operating Systems
 Simple Batch Systems
 Multiprogrammed Batch Systems
 Time-sharing Systems
 Personal Computer Systems
 Parallel and Distributed Systems
 Real-time Systems

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 2
What is an Operating System?
 An OS is a program that acts an intermediary
between the user of a computer and computer
 Major cost of general purpose computing is
 OS simplifies and manages the complexity of running
application programs efficiently.

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 3
 An operating system acts as an intermediary between
the user of a computer and computer hardware. The
purpose of an operating system is to provide an
environment in which a user can execute programs in
a convenient and efficient manner.
 An operating system is a software that manages the
computer hardware. The hardware must provide
appropriate mechanisms to ensure the correct
operation of the computer system and to prevent user
programs from interfering with the proper operation
of the system.

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 4
• A more common definition is that the operating
system is the one program running at all times on the
computer (usually called the kernel), with all else
being application programs.
• An operating system is concerned with the allocation
of resources and services, such as memory,
processors, devices, and information. The operating
system correspondingly includes programs to manage
these resources, such as a traffic controller, a
scheduler, memory management module, I/O
programs, and a file system.

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 5
Goals of an Operating System
 Simplify the execution of user programs and
make solving user problems easier.
 Use computer hardware efficiently.
 Allow sharing of hardware and software resources.
 Make application software portable and versatile.
 Provide isolation, security and protection among
user programs.
 Improve overall system reliability

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 6
Why should I study Operating
 Need to understand interaction between the hardware
and applications
 New applications, new hardware..
 Need to understand basic principles in the design of
computer systems
 efficient resource management, security, flexibility
 Increasing need for specialized operating systems
 e.g. embedded operating systems for devices - cell phones,
sensors and controllers
 real-time operating systems - aircraft control, multimedia

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 7
Computer System
 Hardware
 Provides basic computing resources (CPU, memory, I/O devices).

 Operating System
 Controls and coordinates the use of hardware among application programs.

 Application Programs
 Solve computing problems of users (compilers, database systems, video games,
business programs such as banking software).

 Users
 People, machines, other computers

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 8
Abstract View of System

1 User User User
1 User
... User

compiler assembler Text editor Database




Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 9
History Of OS
Operating systems were first developed
in the late 1950s to manage tape
The General Motors Research Lab
implemented the first OS in the early
1950s for their IBM 701
In the mid-1960s, operating systems
started to use disks
Principles of Operating Systems -
Lecture 1 10
In the late 1960s, the first version of the Unix
OS was developed
The first OS built by Microsoft was DOS. It
was built in 1981 by purchasing the 86-DOS
software from a Seattle company
The present-day popular OS Windows first
came to existence in 1985 when a GUI was
created and paired with MS-DOS.

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 11
Operating System Views
 Resource allocator
 to allocate resources (software and hardware) of the
computer system and manage them efficiently.
 Control program
 Controls execution of user programs and operation of I/O
 Kernel
 The program that executes forever (everything else is an
application with respect to the kernel).

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 12
 Advantage of using Operating System
• Allows you to hide details of hardware by creating
an abstraction
• Easy to use with a GUI
• Offers an environment in which a user may execute
• The operating system must make sure that the
computer system convenient to use
• Operating System acts as an intermediary among
applications and the hardware components

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 13
• It provides the computer system resources with easy
to use format
• Acts as an intermediator between all hardware's and
software's of the system
 Disadvantages of using Operating System
• If any issue occurs in OS, you may lose all the
contents which have been stored in your system
• Operating system's software is quite expensive for
small size organization which adds burden on them.
Example Windows
• It is never entirely secure as a threat can occur at any
Principles of Operating Systems -
Lecture 1 14
 Functions of Operating System
1. Process management
2. Memory management
3. File management
4. Device Management
5. I/O System Management
6. Secondary-Storage Management
7. Security
8. Command interpretation
9. Communication management

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 15
Electronic Types of OS
Generation Year
device used Device

First 1945-55 Vaccum Tubes Plug Boards

Second 1955-65 Transistors Batch Systems

Third 1965-80 Integrated Circuits(IC) Multiprogramming

Fourth Since 1980 Large Scale Integration PC

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 16
Types of Operating System
• Batch Operating System- Sequence of jobs in a
program on a computer without manual interventions.
• Time sharing operating System- allows many users to
share the computer resources.(Max utilization of the
• Distributed operating System- Manages a group of
different computers and make appear to be a single
Principles of Operating Systems -
Lecture 1 17
• Network operating system- computers running in
different operating system can participate in common
network (It is used for security purpose).
• Real time operating system – meant applications to
Execute based on time constraint.
• Multiprogramming Systems
• Multiprocessing systems

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 18
 Examples of Operating System are –
• Windows (GUI based, PC)
• Linux (Personal, Workstations, ISP, File and print
server, Three-tier client/Server)
• macOS (Macintosh), used for Apple’s personal
computers and work stations (MacBook, iMac).
• Android (Google’s Operating System for
• iOS (Apple’s OS for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch)

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 19
General Topics

1.Operating system is Evolving

2.Operating system with 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit
3.Job accounting
4.Error detecting aids

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 20
Any Questions ?

Principles of Operating Systems -

Lecture 1 21

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