1 Radar (Eng)

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Radar 1

Radar 2

Radar 3

Make you Visible

Radar 4
Echolocation & Prey Detection

• Bats have the ability to navigate and catch i

nsects even in total darkness.


• bats do not have a sensitive auditory sense n

or an outstanding smell nor a sharp vision.
Radar 5
What are the reasons for these?

Radar 6
• In fact, bats have the complicated structure
of ears which can emit pulses of high-frequ
ency sounds that are reflected back as echos
to a bat's ears from surrounding surfaces, in
dicating the position, relative distance, and
even the character of objects in its environm

Radar 7
Radar 8
1. Bat sends out pulses of high-frequency sound.
2. Sound bounces off insect in bat’s path and returns to bat.
3. Bat may alter course as it repeats pulses.
4. Bat uses pattern of echoes to determine how close insects i
5. With continual feedback, bat homes it on prey and capture
s a meal.

Radar 9
• Human beings also have one thing, which is
more powerful than bats’ ears.

What’s it ?

That is radar.
Radar 10
First Practical Radar

• In 1935, Sir Robert Watson-Watt, a British

physicist, invented a practical radar system,
which helped England withstand the
German Nazis’ attack and fulfilled an
indelible function during the World War II.

Radar 11
Sir Robert Watson-Watt
• British physicist

• produced the first practical radar system in


Radar 12
Sir Robert Watson-Watt

• His work gave the British a head start in

this important technology, and by 1939 they
had established a chain of radar stations
along the south and east coasts of England
to detect aggressors in the air or on the sea.

Radar 13
What is a Radar
• an electronic system

• used to locate objects beyond the range of

vision, and to determine their distance by
projecting radio waves against them.

Radar 14
Introduction of Radar
• radar is derived from the phrase "radio
detection and ranging,"

• the name used by the U.S. and its allies

during World War II for a variety of devices
concerned with radio detection and position

Radar 15
• All radar systems employ a high-frequency
radio transmitter to send out a beam of
electromagnetic waves, ranging in
wavelength from a few centimeters to about
1 m (about 3 ft).
• Distant objects in the path of the beam
reflect these waves back to the transmitter.

Radar 16
A typical radar scene

Radar 17
• Basic concepts of radar are based on the la
ws of radio-wave reflection

• In 1864, the British physicist James Clerk

Maxwell developed the equations governin
g the behaviour of electromagnetic waves.

Radar 18
Heinrich Hertz

• In 1886 the German physicist Heinrich

Hertz demonstrated these principles in

Radar 19
Radio Echoes
• In 1904 the German engineer Christian Hue
lsmeyer - first proposed the use of radio ech
oes in a detecting device designed to avoid
collisions in marine navigation.

• In 1922 Guglielmo Marconi, Italian invento

r, suggested a similar device in 1922.
Radar 20
• In 1924, the British physicist Sir Edward
Victor Appleton used radio echoes to
determine the height of the ionosphere.

• The first successful radio range-finding

experiment .

Radar 21
First Practical Radar
• In 1935, the British physicist Sir Robert
Watson-Watt produced the first practical
radar system.
• In 1939 a chain of radar stations were
established along the south and east coasts
of England to detect aggressors in the air or
on the sea.

Radar 22
Chain Home Radar

Radar 23
Chain Home Low Radar

Radar 24
• In 1939 an electron tube called the
resonant-cavity magnetron was invented by
the physicist Henry Boot and biophysicist
John T. Randall.
• It is capable of generating high-frequency
radio pulses with a large amount of power.
• Start the development of the microwave
Radar 25
Microwave radar
• Microwave radar, also called LIDAR (light
detection and ranging),

• It is used to-day for communications and to

measure atmospheric pollution.

Radar 26
• The advanced radar systems developed in th
e 1930s played an important role in the Batt
le of Britain.

Radar 27
Role of radar in WW-II
• Historians generally agree that this crucial b
attle could not have been won without radar.

• In the words of one German fighter ace, "Th

e British had an extraordinary advantage...
which was their radar and fighter control ne
twork and organisation."

Radar 28
Churchill said that three things played
decisive roles in winning the Battle of
British :
(i) the RAF pilots,
(ii) The Spitfire fighter, and
(iii) Radar

Radar 29
• Radio waves travel at the speed of light (at
about 300,000 km/sec)

Radar 30
Radar equipment consists of
(i) a transmitter,
(ii) an antenna,
(iii) a receiver, and
(iv) an indicator.

Radar 31
• The transmitter broadcasts a beam of
electromagnetic waves by means of an
antenna, which concentrates the waves into
a shaped beam pointing in the desired
• When these waves strike an object in the
path of the beam, some are reflected from
the object, forming an echo signal.
Radar 32
• The antenna collects the energy contained
in the echo signal and delivers it to the

Radar 33
Receiver and Indicator.
• Through an amplification process and
computer processing, the radar receiver
produces a visual signal on the screen of the
indicator, essentially a computer display

Radar 34
Primary-Radar System

• Primary-radar systems operate on the

principle of a passive echo from the target.

Radar 35
Secondary-Radar System
• Secondary-Radar System depends on a
response from the target.

• Most of these devices are used in navigation

and in communication.

Radar 36
Countermeasures against Radars
• During World War I disruption of enemy
radio communications was practiced only
• Interference with radar communications
was of strategic importance in World War
II, because both sides depended greatly on
radar in many aspects of the war.

Radar 37
Countermeasures against Radars

1. Flying Low
2. Stealth Technology
3. Electronic Counter Measure (EMC)

Radar 38
Stealth Technology

Radar 39
Space-based Radar
• Radar located on satellites in earth orbit
• Use to monitor global land and sea
• Increasingly important in an era of global
warming and ever-scarcer natural resources.

Radar 40
Space-based Radar
• Other important applications include crop
monitoring and weather forecasting.

• Space-based radar has been a key compone

nt in the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

Radar 41
More recent developments

• Before and during World War II, several lab

oratories were established to develop radar,
the most famous being the Radiation Labor
atory (Rad Lab) at the Massachusetts Institu
te of Technology (MIT).

Radar 42
• Virtually all of the techniques used in
modern radars were identified in this
massive effort, although many of these
discoveries were not implemented until
recently because the technological advances
required lagged far behind the theoretical.

Radar 43
Some recent improvements
I. Microwave electronically steered antennas

II. Phase-stable and gridded microwave

transmitter amplifiers

III. Digital computer signal processing

IV. Pulse compression

Radar 44
V. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm

VI. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR)

VII. Sophisticated smoothing and predication algorithms

VIII. Low-observable targets

Radar 45
Radar 46

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