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How does
impact consumer
©2000 Prentice Hall
Chapter 2

Consumer Research
Consumer Research Paradigms



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Quantitative Research

• Descriptive in nature.
• Enables marketers to “predict” consumer
• Research methods include experiments, survey
techniques, and observation.
• Findings are descriptive, empirical and

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A consumer behavior
research approach that
regards the consumer
Positivism behavior discipline as an
applied marketing science.
Its main focus is on
consumer decision making.

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Qualitative Research

• Consists of depth interviews, focus groups,

metaphor analysis, collage research, and
projective techniques.
• Administered by highly trained interviewer-
• Findings tend to be subjective.
• Findings not usually generalizable
• Small sample sizes.

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A postmodernist approach to
the study of consumer
Interpretivism behavior that focuses on the
act of consuming rather than
on the act of buying.

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• Concerned with act of consumption

rather than in the act of buying.
• Uses qualitative research.
• Use depth interviews.
• Often used to help make business

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A lengthy and relatively
unstructured interview
designed to uncover a
consumer’s underlying
attitudes and/or motivations.

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Table 2.1 Comparisons between
Positivism and Interpretivism
Positivism Interpretivism

consumer Understanding
actions practices

Positivism Interpretivism

Quantitative Qualitative

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Table 2.1 continued
Positivism Interpretivism

• Rationality; consumers make • There is no single, objective truth

decisions after weighing alternatives • Reality is subjective
• The causes and effects of behavior • Cause and effect cannot be isolated
can be identified and isolate • Each consumption experience is
• Individuals are problem solvers who unique
engage in information processing • Researcher/respondent interactions
• A single reality exists affect research findings
• Events can be objectively measured • Findings are often not generalized to
• Causes of behavior can be identified, larger populations
by manipulating causes, the marketer
can influence behavior
• Findings can be generalized to larger

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Combining Qualitative and
Quantitative Research Findings

• The research paradigms are complementary in

• Produce a richer and more robust profile of
consumer behavior than either research
approach used alone.

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The Consumer Research Process

• The six major steps in the consumer research

process are:
– defining the objectives of the research
– collecting and evaluating secondary data
– designing a primary research study
– collecting primary data
– analyzing the data
– preparing a report on the findings

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Figure 2.2 The Consumer Research Process

Develop Objectives

Collect Secondary Data

Design Qualitative Research Design Quantitative Research

• Method • Method
• Screener questionnaire • Sample design
• Discussion guide • Data collection instrument

Conduct Research
Collect Primary Data
(Using highly trained
(Usually by field staff)
Analyze Data Analyze Data
(Subjective) (Objective)

Prepare Report Prepare report

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Developing Research Objectives

• Defining purposes and objectives helps

ensure an appropriate research design.
• A statement of objectives helps to define
the type and level of information needed.

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Data that has been collected
Secondary for reasons other than the
Data specific research project at

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Collecting Secondary Data

• Secondary information is any data originally

generated for some purpose other than the
present research objectives.
• Provides clues and direction for the design of
primary research.

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Original research undertaken
by individual researchers or
Primary organizations to meet
Research specific objectives.
Collected information is
called Primary Data.

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Table 2.2 Major Sources of Secondary Data
Internal Internal sources include company profit-loss statements, balance
Sources sheets, sales figures, sales-call reports, invoices, inventory records,
and prior research reports.
Statistical Abstract of the U.S., updated annually, provides summary data
Government on demographic, economic, social, and other aspects of the American
Publications economy and society.
Country and City Data Book, updated every three years, presents statistical
information for counties, cities, and other geographical units on
populations, education, employment, aggregate and median income,
housing, bank deposits, retail sales, etc.
U.S. Industrial Outlook provides projections of industrial activity by
industry and includes data on production, sales, shipments,employment etc
Marketing Information Guide provides a monthly annotated bibliography
of marketing information.
Other government publications include the Annual Survey of
Manufacturers; Business Statistics; Census of Manufacturers; Census of
Population; Census f Retail Trade, Wholesale Trade, and Selected Service
Industries; Census of Transportation; Federal Reserve Bulletin; Monthly
Labor Review; Survey of Current Business; and Vital Statistics Report.

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Table 2.2 continued

Periodicals Business Periodicals Index, a monthly, lists business articles

and Books appearing in a wide variety of business publications.
Standard and Poor’s Industry Surveys provides updated statistics and
analyses of industries.
Moody’s Manuals provides financial data and names of executives in
major companies.
Encyclopedia of Associations provides information on every major
trade and professional association in the United States.
Marketing journals include the Journal of Marketing, Journal of
Marketing Research, and Journal of Consumer Research.
Useful trade magazines include Advertising Age, Chain Store Age,
Progressive Grocer, Sales and Marketing Management, and Store.
Useful general business magazines include Business Week, Fortune,
Forbes, and Harvard Business Review.

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Table 2.2 continued
A.C. Nielsen Company provides data on products and brands sold through
Commercial retail outlets (Retail Index Services), data on television audiences (Media
Data Research Services), magazine circulation data (Neodata Services, Inc.), etc.
Market Research Corporation of America provides data on weekly family
purchases of consumer products (National Consumer Panel); data on home
food consumption (National Menu Census); and data on 6,000 retail, drug,
and discount retailers in various geographical areas (Metro Trade Audits).
Selling Areas-Marketing, Inc., provides reports on warehouse withdrawals
to food stores in selected market areas (SAMI reports).
Simmons Market Research Bureau provides annual reports covering
television markets, sporting goods, proprietary drugs, etc., giving
demographic data by sex, income, age, and brand preferences (selective
markets and media reaching them).
Burke Marketing Services, Inc., provides TV campaign testing in
controlled marketing labs, marketing modeling, retail store audits,
physiological measures of advertising stimuli, pre- and post-TV copy
testing, and customer survey research.
Markets Facts, Inc., provides consumer mil panel, market test-store audit
services, shopping mall facilities, WATS telephone interviewing, and ad
hoc survey research.
Other commercial research houses selling data to subscribers include the
Audit Bureau of Circulation, Audits and Surveys, Dun and Bradstreet,
Opinion Research, Roper-Starch, and Arbitron.

Source: Adopted from Philip Kotler, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control 9th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 1997).
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Designing Primary Research

• Quantitative studies more likely for collecting

descriptive information.
• Qualitative studies may be used to get new

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Quantitative Research Designs


Sample Design

Data Collection

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Data Collection Methods




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Observational Research

• Helps marketers gain an in-depth understanding of

the relationship between people and products by
watching them buying and using products.
• Helps researchers gain a better understanding of
what the product symbolizes.
• Widely used by interpretivist researchers.

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• Can be used to test the relative sales appeal of

many types of variables.
• Only one variable is manipulated at a time,
keeping other elements constant.
• Can be conducted in laboratories or in the

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Personal Interview



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Table 2.3 Comparative Advantages of Mail,
Telephone, and Personal Interview Surveys
Cost Low Moderate High Low
Speed Slow Immediate Slow Fast

Response rate Low Moderate High Self-selection

Excellent Good Difficult Excellent
N/A Moderate Problematic N/A
N/A Easy Difficult N/A
Quality of
Limited Limited Excellent Excellent
©2000 Prentice Hall
Data Collection Instruments

Questionnaires Inventories

Attitude Discussion
Discussion Guides

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The degree to which a
measurement instrument
accurately reflects what it is
designed to measure.

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The degree to which a
measurement instrument is
consistent in what it

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• Used primarily for quantitative research.

• Can be sent in the mail, or administered by
interviewers in person or by telephone.
• Can be disguised or undisguised as to its true
• Questions can be open-ended or closed-ended.

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Personal Inventories

• Presents a series of statements to which

respondents indicate their degree of agreement
or disagreement.
• An inventory presents a list of statements,
while a questionnaire asks a series of

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Attitude Scales

• The three most frequently used scales are:

– Likert scales: easy for researchers to prepare
and interpret, and simple for consumers to
– Semantic differential scales: relatively easy to
construct and administer.
– Rank-order scales: subjects rank items in order
of preference in terms of some criteria.

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Figure 2.3 Example of a Likert Scale
Please place the number that best indicates how strongly you agree or
disagree with each of the following statements about shopping on-line in the
space to the left of the statement.

1 = Agree Strongly
2 = Agree
3 = Neither Agree or Disagree
4 = Disagree
5 = Disagree Strongly

_____ a. It is fun to shop online.

_____ b. Products often cost more on-line than they are worth.
_____ c. It is a good way to find out about new products.
_____ d. I’m afraid to give out my credit card number on-line.
_____ e. I can shop whenever I want--even at 2 o’clock in the
_____ f. Some Web sites really encourage you to browse.
_____ g. It’s easy to compare different makes and models one-line.
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Figure 2.4 Semantic Differential Profiles of
Three Pay-Per-Movie Services



2 Cable


Clarity of
Number of


Ease of


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Figure 2.5 Rank-Order Scales
A. Please rank the following e-mail providers in terms of ease of access
by placing a 1 in front of the service you think is best, a 2 alongside
the second best, and continuing until you have ranked all six service

_____ America Online _____ AT&T Worldnet

_____ Netscape _____ Juno
_____ Microsoft Explorer _____ Erols

B. Rank the following computer manufacturers in terms of hotline help

by placing a 1 next to the one who provides the best telephone help a
2 next to the second best, until you have ranked all six.

_____ IBM _____Hewlett Packard

_____ Dell _____ Gateway
_____ Compaq _____ NEC

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Qualitative Data Collection Methods

Depth Interviews

Metaphor Analysis

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Depth Interviews

• A lengthy non structured interview between a

respondent and a highly trained interviewer.
• Interviewer minimizes his or her own
participation after establishing the general
subject matter.
• Can provide marketers with valuable ideas
about product design and provide insights for
positioning or repositioning the product.

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A qualitative research
method in which about eight
to ten persons participate in
Focus Group
an unstructured group
interview about a product or
service concept.

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Focus Groups
• Consists of 8 to 10 respondents who meet with a
moderator-analyst for a focused group discussion.
• Respondents encouraged to discuss their interests,
attitudes, reactions, motives, lifestyles, feelings
about the product or product category, usage
experience, etc.
• Respondents recruited on the basis of consumer
profiles, based on specifications defined by
marketing management.

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Figure 2.6 Selected Portions of a
Discussion Guide
1. Why did you decide to use your current cellular company?
2. How long have you used you current cellular company? (Probe)
3. Have you ever switched services? When? What caused the
change? (Probe)
4. What do you think of the overall quality of your current service?
5. What are the important criteria in electing a cellular service?

Examples of Probe questions:

a. Tell me more about that...
b. Share your thinking on this…
c. Does anyone see it differently...

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Research procedures
designed to identify
consumers’ subconscious
feelings and motivations.
These tests often require
consumers to interpret
ambiguous stimuli such as
incomplete sentences,
cartoons, or inkblots.

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Projective Techniques

• Consist of a variety of disguised “tests” that

contain ambiguous stimuli.
• Sometimes administered as part of a focus
group, but usually used with depth interviews.
• The theory is that respondents’ inner feelings
influence how they perceive stimuli.

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Sampling Plan Decisions

Whom to survey?

How many?

How to
select them?
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Table 2.4 Probability and Nonprobability
Sampling Designs
Simple random Every member of the population has a known and
sample equal chance of being selected.
Systematic random A member of the population is selected at random
sample and then every “nth” person is selected.
Stratified random The population is divided into mutually exclusive
sample groups (such as age groups), and random samples
are drawn from each group.
Cluster (area) The population is divided into mutually exclusive
sample groups (such as blocks), and the researcher draws
a sample of the groups to interview.

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Table 2.4 continued

Convenience The researcher selects the most accessible
sample population members from whom to obtain
information (e.g., students in a classroom)
Judgment sample The researcher uses his or her judgment to select
population members who are good sources for
accurate information (e.g., experts in the relevant
field of study).
Quota sample The researcher interviews a prescribed number of
people in each of several categories (e.g., 50 men
and 5 women).

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• Qualitative Research: Moderator or
test administrator usually analyzes
• Quantitative Research: Researcher
supervises the analysis.
– Open-ended responses are coded and
– Responses are tabulated and analyzed

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Conducting A Research Study

• Researchers often adapt the research

process to the special needs of the study.
• Together with the marketing manager, the
researcher specifies the parameters of the
population to be studied.
• A qualitative study might be undertaken
first to gather information about the target
population's attitudes and concerns about
certain items.
• Then a quantitative study may be
conducted to confirm and attach “hard”
numbers to the findings.

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