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A team is a number of person associated together in work or activity: as a group on one side.

Team building will improve up the motivation of the employee to work as a team as well as an individual. These learning programs help the individual to learn new skills by doing things (action). The main aim of team building is to build up the connection between the individual while attractive the team work and communication.

An organization is the planned coordination of the activities of a number of people for the achievement of some common explicit purpose or goals through the division of labor and function, and through a hierarchy of authority and responsibility.

Understanding some basics of motivational theories will help you to become a successful project manager. You will already have read that the main roles of a project manager are to plan, organize, co-ordinate, control and lead. Motivation can be defined as the set of process which accounts for an individuals direction, intensity, and persistent of effort toward achieving a goal.

The early theories are as follows: Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory Hertzbergs Two-Factor Theory McGregors Theory X and Theory Y McClellands Theory of Needs

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Hertzbergs two-factor Theory

McGregors Theory X and Theory Y

McClelland's Theory of Needs

Achievement (nAch)

People who desires achievement in their life and who works for it would distinguish themselves and at most of the times they try to escape high and low risk situations. They avoid low risk situations assuming that the success they gain through it not worthy or genuine. If high risk situation is considered, people thing that the success comes by chance and not by their hard work. These kinds of nAch people go for moderate projects where there is 50% chance for success and 50% chances for failure and they prefer to work individually or with other high achievers and they require regular genuine feedbacks to monitor themselves with regards to achievement. These sorts of people would be motivated when they are given challenging projects with achievable goals. Monetary rewards would also help in their motivation up to some extent.

Affiliation (nAff)

People who seek for affiliation would like to work in harmony with other staffs and they highly feel to be accepted by others. They usually conform to the norms of their relevant work group. These types of people would prefer jobs like customer service oriented tasks since they prefer employment which gives a significant personal interaction. These sorts of people would be motivated if they are employed in a cooperative environment. Power (nPow)

There are two types of powers. One is personal and the other one is intuitional or social According to their personal characters, peoples need for power could differ either personal power or institutional/social power. Most of the time, people who seek personal power would like to direct others and this is often felt as undesirable. People who desire institutional power would be self motivated to organize the efforts of the other staff to further the goals of the company. Generally managers with institutional power would be more effective than personal power.

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