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1979 interviewers asked graduates from the
Harvard’s MBA Program simple question

“Have you set clear, written goals for your future and
made plans to accomplish them?”

84% had no specific goals at all

13% had goals but they were not committed to paper

3% had clear, written goals and plans to accomplish

1989 the interviewers again
interviewed the graduates of that class.
 The 13% of the class who had goals were
earning, on average, twice as much as the 84
percent who had no goals at all.
 Even more staggering – the three percent who
had clear, written goals were earning, on
average, ten times as much as the other 97
percent put together.
After World War II, the Japanese
economy was in ruins. Industry and
government set goals
1950 Goal: To be the #1 nation in the production of
textiles – accomplished 1959
1960 Goal: To be the #1 nation in the production of steel
(little iron ore/coal)
1970 Goal: To be the #1 nation in the production of
autos – accomplished 1980
1980 Goal: To be the #1 nation in the production of
There are four types of people

 Passive 60%
 Active 15%
 Reactive 23%
 Proactive 2%

Only proactive people have goals

and success
Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG)
A Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG, pronounced BEE-hag) is
a strategic business statement similar to a vision statement which
is created

• A clearly articulated goal with a clear finish line

• Achievable within a specific timeframe (10-30 years)
• Tangible, energizing, highly focused – people get it right

Boeing, 1950 (BHAG):

“Become the dominant player in commercial
aircraft and bring the world into the jet age.”
 Stanford University (Role-Model BHAG):
“Become the Harvard of the west.”
 Nike (Common-enemy BHAG):
“Crush Adidas”
Paul J Meyer in his book Unlocking Your
Legacy narrates an interesting finding of a
survey in US
 3% successful- goal
 10% successful-thought about goal
 60% less successful-short range goal
 27% failures – never consider to think
about the goal
‘Is there any thing
worse than
Blindness? Oh,
yes ! A person
with sight and no
------Helen Keller
“Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and
I’ll give you a man who will make
history. But give me a man without a
goal, and I’ll give you a stock clerk.”
– J.C. Penney

James Cash "J. C." Penney Jr. (September 16, 1875 –

February 12, 1971) was an American businessman and
entrepreneur who founded the J. C. Penney stores in 1902.
Setting Goals is a Choice

“You can choose to set goals and realize your

potential, or you can choose not to set them.
Now if you choose not to set them you have
to understand that the consequences will
not be good down the road.”

– Zig Ziglar
1. Is there any purpose behind life?
2. What is goal?
3. Is goal a matter?
4. Why don’t people put goals?
5. What are the advantages of Goal setting?
6. How to set a goal?
7. Areas of goals?
8. My Goal Statement

What is a Goal?

“something that you hope to achieve”

Progressive realization of a worthy

Many people are driven by pleasure
Many people are driven by guilt
Many people are driven by anger
Many people are driven by fear
Many people are driven by materialism
Many people are driven by identity crisis
Benefits of setting a goal

 Knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life

 Knowing your purpose simplifies your life

 Knowing your purpose focuses your life

 Knowing your purpose motivates your life

 Knowing your purpose fulfills your life.

 Knowing your purpose directs your life.

8 Goal Setting Mistakes

Mistake 1: Setting Unrealistic Goals

Mistake 2: Focusing on Too Few Areas
Mistake 3: Underestimating Completion Time
Mistake 4: Not Appreciating Failure
Mistake 5: Setting "Other People's Goals
 Mistake 6: Not Reviewing Progress
Mistake 8: Setting Too Many Goals
Why people don’t put goals in life?

 Carelessness
 Planlessness
 Meaninglessness
 Ignorance
 Security
 Fear of failure
Advantages of Goal Setting
 Goals gives direction in life .
 Goals promote enthusiasm.
 Goals simplify the decision –making process.
 Goal setting builds confidence
 Goal provide a system of measure.
 Goals help you be accountable.
 Goals generate respect
 Goals identify desires and increases persistence
Why people do not set goals
 The fear of defeat
 The fear of being ridiculed
 Carelessness
 Lack of confidence
 Over confidence
 Fear of hard work
 Super spiritualism
 Ignorance
 Reluctance to come out of the comfort zone
 A goal-less life
What if you don’t set ?
You will be disregarded
If you are not part in solution .you are part in the problem.
You will be distracted
You disturb your own life:

A Planless life not only destructs it life but also disturbs

You will be delayed
You will be destroyed
“Life is
either a daring
adventure or
Dare to struggle
and flourish or
Rest to perish”
-Helen Keller,
Writer and Naturalist
“If you are born
poor, it is not
your mistake.
But, if you die
poor, it is
your mistake”
- Bill Gates
How to put goal?

S= Specific: clear, particular, definite, certain

M= Measurable: assessable, calculable
A= Attainable: achievable (your side factors )
R= Realistic: Practical ( Outside factors)
T= Time bound: deadline, borderline.
E= Evaluate
R= Revision
“How much land does a man need?
Six feet”
---- Leo Tolstoy

“Dear Mr. Tolstoy

Six feet land is for dead man but living
needs a cherry orchard”

Man has purpose in life….

Anthropological evidence
Cosmological evidence
Geographical evidence
Climatical evidence
Embryological evidence
Social evidence
Theological evidence
Moral evidence

“The strength of gravity shows that it was

intended to lead up to man. Man was in
mind .why? Because the strength of gravity
was just the right strength for the size of the
earth to support man. For man to walk on this
planet with 12000 kilometers of the earth
beneath his feet, man had to have the two
gravity balances in his head rightly tuned”
------ Dr. Nigel

The moment man enters into the space…..

Your height rises spinal cord expands 2 inches
all the fluids in body spill out
Bones will be split
Body will be pierced
Throat will be choked
Heart will be throbbed
The vacuum of space will pull the air from your body.
Oxygen in the rest of your body will also expand
You will not experience any exploding eyeballs
You'll also feel the spit on your tongue and sweat .
You will be frozen, die from asphyxiation or decompression.
body expand outward like a balloon being filled with air.
You will live 15 seconds before lost consciousness.

Biosphere 2
University of Arizona
3.14-acre (12,700 m2)
Constructed between 1987 and 1991,
cost $200 million from 1985 to 2007,
The glass facility is elevated nearly 4,000
feet above sea level
Santa Catalina Mountains,
1,900 square meter rainforest,
an 850 square meter ocean with a
coral reef, a 450 square meter
mangrove wetlands, a 1,300 square
meter savannah grassland, a 1,400
square meter fog desert,
a 2,500 square meter agricultural system,
Biosphere II was a miserable (and expensive) failure.
Numerous problems plagued the crew almost from the very
beginning. A mysterious loss of oxygen and widespread
extinction were the most notable.
Sir Arthur Eddington,
Stars And Atoms,1927

Hydrogen atoms (93%)mass

=1.7X10-27 kg
Average stellar mass =2.0*1030 kg
Average =
1.7X 10-27 + 2.0X 1030 =30.30-26.77 =1.76
2 2
101.76 = 5.8X10 or 58 kg (128
average weight and size of adult
man is 58 kg
Man is at the exact
physical centre of the
universe in size …..

“From his central position man

can survey the grandest works
of Nature with the astronomer,
or the minutest works with the
physicist. To-night I ask you to
look both ways. For the road to
a knowledge of the stars leads
through the atom; and
important knowledge of the
atom has been reached through
the stars”.

“ Man can’t live anywhere with

any other creature on the planet.
Man is a social being. No man is
an island. Man is incredibly
“All the evidence available in the biological
science supports the core proposition that
the cosmos is specially designed whole with
the life and man kind as its fundamental goal
and purposes , a whole in which all facets of
reality have their meaning and explanation in
this central fact”

--- Dr. Michal Denton

Senior research fellow Human Molecular
Genetics, University of Otago. New Zealand

Male releases 120 crores of

At a time but enters only single
Into female womb……

you are chosen out of

crores of chromosomes.


CHANCE !!!!!!!!!
Identify my goal -ACTIVITY
 Will
 Thrill
 Skill
 Motivation factors


To be rich business Money Speaking skill

Draw Picture of What Do You Want to

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