Leadership Portrait A3Template

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[insert leader name] —

[insert leadership function and company name]

Leader portrait by [insert student names and 9 digit ID numbers (001 XXX XXX) ]

Background Information
Describe the background of the leader your
group would like to portray. This should
include the key information to better
understand why this person leads the way
he/she/they does and how he/she/they
approached the leadership challenge you
would like to analyse. This can be done in
bullet points.

Leadership Challenge
Outline a challenge the leader had to manage. For example, this can be leading in times
of an organisational scandal or other crisis, managing an organisational change or
developing the company form a small start-up to an established company. Describe how
the leader communicated or behaved and demonstrated leadership to influence and
mobilise his/her/their followers during this challenge.

Leadership Approach/Concept Evaluation of Leadership

Chose and draw on one or two Effectiveness/Endorsement
theoretical concepts covered in State whether your leader was effective in
the module to describe the mastering his/her/their leadership challenge
leader’s leadership style. In this, described above. Use the chosen leadership
also provide a definition of this concept to analyse and explain why this leader
leadership concept and state was effective/endorsed or less so in mastering the
what is the key assumption or challenge. Also discuss whether the fact that this
proposition of this leadership leader is female and/or from an ethnic minority
concept. background in the respective context implied
obstacles or maybe benefits for being effective or
endorsed as a leader. Base your argumentation on
the key assumptions or proposition of the chosen
References leadership concept.
Try to use only the key references in your poster. Like in a written Use Harvard referencing style in-text and here in the
essay, you need to cite and provide references to the articles you reference list. Have a look at the Moodle page for guidance
mentioned in the poster. how to use Harvard referencing in your work.
This is not different from any other written work.
[insert leader name] —
[insert leadership function and company name]

Leader portrait by [insert student names and Student IDs]

Background Information
Describe the background of the leader you
group would like to portray. This should
include the key information to better
understand why this person leads the way
he/she/their does and how he/she/their
approached the leadership challenge you
would like to analyse. This can be done in
bullet points.

Leadership Challenge
Outline a challenge the leader had to manage. For example, this can be leading in times
of an organisational scandal or other crisis, managing an organisational change or
developing the company form a small start-up to an established company. Describe how
the leader communicated or behaved and demonstrated leadership to influence and
mobilise his/her/their followers during this challenge.

Leadership Approach/Concept Evaluation of Leadership

Chose and draw on one or two Effectiveness/Endorsement
theoretical concepts covered in State whether your leader was effective in
the module to describe the mastering his/her/their leadership challenge
leader’s leadership style. In this, described above. Use the chosen leadership
also provide a definition of this concept to analyse and explain why this leader
leadership concept and state was effective/endorsed or less so in mastering the
what is the key assumption or challenge. Also discuss whether the fact that this
proposition of this leadership leader is female and/or from an ethnic minority
concept. background in the respective context implied
obstacles or maybe benefits for being effective or
endorsed as a leader. Base your argumentation on
the key assumptions or proposition of the chosen
References leadership concept.
Try to use only the key references in your poster. Like in a written Use Harvard referencing style in-text and here in the
essay, you need to cite and provide references to the articles you reference list. Have a look at the Moodle page for guidance
mentioned in the poster. how to use Harvard referencing in your work.
This is not different from any other written work.

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