Theoretical Fra WPS Office

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Theoretical frameworks for

studying contemporary
What is theoritical

A theoretical framework is a conceptual

structure that provides a systematic way to
organize and understand a set of concepts or
ideas. Title text addition

Analysis of
1. Social Class
A division of society based on social economic status. Title text addition

2. Race
The idea of people can be divided into different groups
based on their appearance.

3. Ethnicity
the identification of a group based on a perceived cultural
The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer, or pr

distinctiveness that makes the group into a "people".

4. Gender
A gender characteristic of a women, men and
LGBTQIA+ ethnicity Race
1.Global Age
- it is a period of time when there is a prevailing sence of
interconnectedness of all human beings of a common fate for human
species's and of threat to our life on this Earth.

2. Globalization
-a process of interaction and integration among the people campanies
government of different nations, a process driven of international
trade and investment and aided by information technology
Title text addition

Title text addition Title text addition


1. Transnational - a process that interconnect

individuals and social group across specific geo-
political borders.
2. Transnationality - Rise a new communities and
formation of new social identities and relations that
cannot be define as nation states.
3. Globality - Omnipresence of the process of
globalization signifies social Condition.
Thank you for

Magarse, Marla
Santos, Ryza Bail

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