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Syok Sirkulasi

Syok Sirkulasi
• Terdapat gangguan aliran darah pada vaskuler
• Ada 3 tipe :
1. Syok neurogenik
2. Syok anafilaktik
3. Syok septik
Bee sting=sengatan lebah
Neurogenic shock
• In neurogenic shock, vasodilation occurs as a
result of a loss of balance between
parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulation.
• Sympathetic stimulation causes vascular
smooth muscle to constrict, and
parasympathetic stimulation causes vascular
smooth muscle to relax or dilate
• The patient experiences a predominant
parasympathetic stimulation that causes
vasodilation lasting for an extended period,
leading to a relative hypovolemic state.
• However, blood volume is adequate, because
the vasculature is dilated; the blood volume is
displaced, producing a hypotensive (low BP)
• Neurogenic shock can be caused by spinal cord
injury, spinal anesthesia, or other nervous
system damage.
• It may also result from the depressant action
of medications or from lack of glucose (eg,
insulin reaction or shock).
• Normally, during states of stress, the
sympathetic stimulation causes the BP and
heart rate to increase.
• In neurogenic shock, the sympathetic system is
not able to respond to body stressors.
Anaphylactic shock
• Anaphylactic shock occurs in patients already
exposed to an antigen and who have
developed antibodies to it
• Anaphylactic shock is caused by a severe
allergic reaction when patients who have
already produced antibodies to a foreign
substance (antigen) develop a systemic
antigen– antibody reaction
• This process requires that the patient has
previously been exposed to the substance.
• An antigen–antibody reaction provokes mast
cells to release potent vasoactive substances,
such as histamine or bradykinin, causing
widespread vasodilation and capillary
Syok septik
• Septic shock, the most common type of
circulatory shock, is caused by widespread
Penangangan :
• Fluid Replacement Therapy
• Pharmacologic Therapy : antibiotic agents
• Nutritional Therapy
• Eka H sampai sini 19 Mar 2024
Patofisiologi Syok
Sel kekurangan darah & oksigen  ggn simpanan
ATP (adenosin tripospat)  ggn transport
aktif, ggn kontraksi otot, ggn konduksi
impuls listrik ggn metabolisme energi
• Metabolisme anaerob  sel membengkak,
membran lebih permeabel  rembesan cairan
dari dan ke dalam sel  ggn pompa kalium-
natrium  ggn mitokondria & lisosom sel 
ggn fungsi sel  kematian sel
• Perfusi tdk adekuat  Metabolisme anaerob
 penumpukan asam laktat (C3H6O3) 
asidosis metabolik  dispnea  peningkatan
pembuangan CO2  alkalosis respiratorik
Pi = ortophospat/inorganic phosphate atau gugus fosfat
sebagai pembawa energi dalam bentuk ATP (adenosina
MAP (Mean Artery Pressure)
N = 80-120 mmHg
Rumus MAP :

MAP = TD sistolik + 2 (TD diastolik)

contoh : TD pasien = 125/75

MAP = 125 +(2x75)

= 92

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