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Social Ethical and

Legal responsibilities
in the of Technology
Tools and Resources
 To
observe social, ethical, and legal responsibilities in the use of t
echnology tools and resources, you
 Take care of technology equipment.
 Explore appropriate and safe sites for learning and research.
 Be aware of copyright law, Fair Use Act, and Creative
 Help prevent cyberbullying.
 Be mindful of self-image.
Digital Citizenship vs. Global Citizenship

 Since we are considered citizens of the community we live in, then as users of
the internet we can also call ourselves as citizens of the digital world where
we live, learn and work in an interconnected manner. Digital citizenship is an
idea that all person using the internet have civic rights and responsibilities. It
centers around safe,savvy and ethical use of technology
Five tenets of global digital citizenship

 Global digital citizen

The citizen is conscientious, respectful, and compassionate an
individual who strives to establish a sense of global community in
all their online and offline relationships, duties, and
endeavours.The Global Digital Citizen is defined by 5 unique

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