Geometrical Shapes

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Putra Anom S (
Describing Geometrical Shapes
Geometric shapes are images that
represent different shapes of objects. Some are
two-dimensional, and some are three-
dimensional. In the field of geometry, two-
dimensional shapes are flat shapes that are
closed figures such as circles, squares,
rectangles, rhombuses, and so on. Whereas in
solid geometry, three-dimensional shapes are
cubes, blocks, cones, spheres, and cylinders.
Two Dimensional Geometrical Shapes

square triangle
Squares are quadrilaterals where all four sides Triangle is a polygon, which is made
and angles are equal and the angles at all of three sides and consists of three
vertices are equal every 90 degrees. edges and three vertices.
rectangle is a quadrilateral with two pairs
of opposite sides that are the same length
and interior angles are right angles to each
circle other
Parallelogram is a
Circle is the locus of all points at quadrilateral with two
a certain distance from the pairs of parallel sides and
reference center point. opposite angles that are
Three Dimensional Geometrical Shapes
cube cone
Cube is a three-dimensional A cone is a solid body whose base is
plane shape that has 6 faces, 8 circular and narrows smoothly from the
vertices, and 12 edges. The surface upwards at a point called the
face of the cube is square. apex or vertex.

Block tube
A Block is also a three- A tube is a 3d solid shape having
dimensional solid that has 6 sides, ball two parallel circular bases
8 points, and 12 sides, but the A ball is a spherical shape in the 3d plane, connected by a curved surface. It
sides of the block are rectangular. whose radius is extended into three has no knots.
dimensions (x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis).
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