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Sehejdeep Singh
What is petroleum?
Petroleum is a crude oil is found trapped in underground rocks. This is why it
is it is called petroleum ( “petra” means rock, and “oleum” means oil)
Origin of petroleum

Petroleum was formed from organisms living in the sea. As

these organisms died, their bodies settled at the bottom of
the sea and got covered with layers of sand and clay. Over
millions of years, the absence of air, high temperature, and
high pressure transformed the dead organisms into
Occurrence of petroleum
Petroleum occurs at a moderate depth (500 m to 200 m)
between the 2 layers of impervious rocks. The petroleum is
lighter than water & hence, floats over it. Natural gas is
found above petroleum, trapped between the rock cap &
petroleum layer. The hole is drilled in the Earth's crust &
when it reached the rock cap, the natural gas comes out first
with a great pressure. When the pressure of gas subsides,
petroleum starts flowing out due to the pressure of natural
Refining of Petroleum
Petroleum is a mixture of many substances such as gas, petrol, diesel, kerosene,
lubricating oil, paraffin wax, etc. As these constituents serve different purposes, it is
important to separate them, or in other words, refine the crude oil. This process of
separation of various constituents of petroleum is called petroleum refining.
This is done in oil refineries. It is a three-step process-:

 The first step is separation where the crude oil is separated into various components
through The distillation process. The heavier constituents remain settled at the
bottom whereas lighter constituents rise up as vapour, or remain liquid.
 Second step these constituents, which are still quite heavy, are converted into gas,
gasoline, and diesel. Thus, the next step is conversion. These have certain impurities.
 The last step is treating, where they are treated to obtain pure forms of various
Some important uses of petroleum

1.Petroleum Gas in Liquid form (LPG)

2. Petrol

3. Kerosene

4. Diesel

5. Lubricating oil

6. Paraffin wax

7. Bitumen
LPG(liquefied Petroleum Gas)
LPG or (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is produced during oil
refining or is extracted during the natural gas production
process. If you release LPG, gas is emitted. LPG commonly
is used as fuel for gas barbecue grills and gas cooktops and
ovens, for gas fireplaces, and in portable heaters.
Petrol And Diesel

Petroleum is converted to useful products such as

petrol in three steps: distillation, cracking, and
reforming. Petrol is short term for "refined
petroleum or distillate petroleum“.
Petrol is used as fuel for cars. Diesel is used as fuel
for bigger vehicles such as trucks, buses and also
Kerosene is produced by fractional distillation of
crude oil in an oil refinery. Cooking, lighting, and
heating are the main household services provided by
kerosene. Some of the examples of lightning is
lantern (Hindi term lalten) which was used in houses
even it is also used today in some parts of the world .
Lubricating Oil

Most lubricating oils come from petroleum or crude oil.

In order to get a lubricating oil the crude oil must be sent
through a refinery. It is used to reduce the friction, heat,
and wear between mechanical components that are in
contact with each other. Lubricating oil is used in
motorized vehicles.
Paraffin Wax

Paraffin wax is obtained from petroleum by dewaxing

light lubricating oil stocks. It is used in candles, wax
paper, polishes, cosmetics, and electrical insulators and
supplies a waterproof coating for wood.
Bitumen is produced through the distillation of crude oil
and also occurs naturally. Bitumen is known for its
waterproofing and adhesive properties. It is composed of
complex hydrocarbons and contains elements like
calcium, iron, sulfur, and hydrogen. It is known for its
waterproofing and adhesive properties. It is also used for
construction of roads

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