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Kelompok 8
topic :
5.Nursing Assesment
6.Nursing Diagnosis
Cancer is a disease that occurs due to uncontrolled growth of
abnormal cells and can spread to the surrounding area. The
initial symptoms of cancer may not be very significant, so the
disease is often only detected when it is in an advanced stage.
This disease can occur in any part of the body. Normally,
human cells grow and reproduce through a process called cell
Sosial Environment Chemistry: food,
Physical: radiation, cigarrets
Genetics: breast,
Viruses: generally in uterus
Abnormal cells form a cluster and begin to proliferate abnormally, allowing growth
regulatory signals the environment surrounding the cell. Cells acquire invasive
characteristics resulting in changes to the surrounding network. Cells infiltrate tissue
and gain access to the lymph and blood vessels, which carry cells to other areas of
the body. This event is called metastasis (cancer spread to other parts of the body).
Cancer cells are called malignant neoplasms and are classified and are named based
on the location of the tissue where the cells grow the cancer. Failure of the immune
system to destroy cells abnormality quickly and precisely causes cells to grow
become large enough to be treated using immune system
normal. Specific categories of agents or factors that play a role in carcinomagenesis
(malignant transformation) include viruses and bacteria, physical agents, chemical
agents, genetic or familial factors, dietary factors, and
hormonal agents.
nursing assesment
Assess for the following subjective and objective data:
• Unexplained weight loss
• Fatigue and weakness
• Persistent pain
• Changes in the skin, such as yellowing or darkening
• Changes in bowel or bladder habits
• Difficulty swallowing or persistent indigestion
• Changes in a mole or wart
• Persistent cough or hoarseness
• Unexplained bleeding or bruising
Lumps or thickening in the body, such as the breast or testicles
nursing diagnosis
• Pain due to cancer
• Nutritional imbalance less than the body's needs
• Fear and anxiety associated with a cancer diagnosis
• Changes in poor body image.
• Knowledge deficit about cancer conditions and treatment

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