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Scenarios – Foundational Planning Framework

 The goal of the IBM BCM Program is to help maintain the ongoing operation of IBM's business services and minimize the effect of
any disruption to those services that might be caused by a threat, physical site incident, natural or manmade disaster, or human-
based incident resulting in a significant loss (temporary or permanent) of human resources and/or a critical skill base.

 As it is impractical to plan for all potential threatening events, IBM has identified four impact scenarios as a foundational planning
framework. Consider the following impact scenarios that might occur due to natural, physical, or man-made disruptive threats (e.g.
earthquake, fire, social/political unrest, health threat (pandemic) or others that are specific to the business/geographic region. Also,
in case of unavailability of IT event, is there a manual work around or the business satisfied with the IT Disaster Recovery Plan?).

 Scenario 1 – Workplace Unavailable

All or part of the site is inaccessible or unusable

 Scenario 2 - Workforce Unavailable

Local event prevents 20% or more of the workers from working. Based on the nature and size of your organization
you should be prepared to for face other workforce risks like transportation disruption, workforce strike or larger
events as pandemic. The 20% hurdle rate is a suggested guideline, and only through BCP testing can you determine
the actual disruption percentage which is most appropriate for your business operations

 Scenario 3 – IT Unavailability
No access to one or more critical applications or critical IT Infrastructure components used locally by the Business

 Scenario 4 - Regional Disaster

A widespread event that prevents the critical workforce from accessing their workplace and critical IT.

 For each impact scenario, document and implement continuity and recovery actions to mitigate risk to the business if the impact
lasts longer than your business ’Maximum Acceptable Outage (MAO)’. Establish, implement, and maintain reasonable business
continuity mitigation strategies to help enable business recovery in accordance with the established business impact and risks
considering the MAO. These actions are in the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) that is centrally located and accessible to key
personnel at all times

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