Topic Marriage

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• A religious sacrament.
• Socially approved union of man and woman aiming at procreation,
pleasure and observance of certain social obligations.
• K.M. Kapadia- “Marriage and Family in India”- Main aims of Hindu
Marriage are :-

1. Dharma ; which means fulfilment of one’s religious obligations. It is

the highest aim of hindu marriage.
2. Praja ; means progeny. Get a son to fulfill PITR RINA (Parental
3. Rati ; meaning pleasure, particularly sexual pleasure.
Important Rites in Hindu Marriage

1. Vagadana (Oral Promise) also known as “Panigrahana Sankalpa”.

2. Homa (Sacred Fire)
3. Kanyadana ; giving away the bride as a gift to the bridegreoom in the
presence of sacred fire and people.
4. Panigrahana (Holding the hand of the bride).
5. Mangalaya Dharana (Tying of the mangalsutra). In north India –
6. Saptapadi; seven steps around the sacred fire. Seven vows.
Four Ashramas in Hinduism
1. Brahmacharya (Student Life)
2. Grihastha (Family Life)
3. Vanaprastha (Retired Life)
4. Sanyasa (Renunciation)

Marriage is considered as the gateway to Grihastha Ashram.

Three Rinas (Religious Debts)

5. Pitr Rina
6. Deva Rina
7. Guru Rina
Forms of Hindu Marriage
1. Brahm Vivah:- Most ideal form of marriage. Bride is given to a groom
of high learning capacity and character.
2. Daiv Vivah:- Bride is offered by her father to a priest as Dakshina.
3. Arsh Vivah:- A cow or a bull is offered to the father of the bride by the
groom, particularly a Sage, as gift.
4. Prajapatya Vivah:- Where a man and woman are married with a vow
to perform religious duties together.
5. Asur Vivah:- Bridegroom pays bride price to bride’s father or kinsmen.
6. Gandharva Vivah:- Love Marriage.
7. Rakshas Vivah:- Marriage by capture.
8. Piascha Vivah:- Man enters into sexul relationship with a sleeping,
unconscious or drunk woman.
Values Involved in Hindu Marriage

1. Indissoluble Martial Bond.

2. Social Duty towards family and community.

3. Ideal of Prativrata associated with marriage.

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