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An overview of the History of

Online Education
Safa Akermi
Awatef Ghannouchi
2-Defining Online Learning
3-Early Origins of Distance Education
4-Technological Innovations in Distance Education
5-Rise of Online Learning Platforms
6-E-Learning today
7-Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Distance
8-Future Trends in Distance Learning
Online education has transitioned from being merely a passing trend to
becoming a mainstream method of learning. In the fall of 2012, a
significant 69% of chief academic leaders acknowledged the critical role of
online learning in their long-term educational strategies. Furthermore, out
of the 20.6 million students enrolled in higher education, 6.7 million were
found to be engaged in online courses. As educational technology continues
to progress, it is inevitable that the methods of delivering and receiving
knowledge will evolve in both traditional and online classrooms.
Understanding and examining the advancements in educational technology is
essential to enhancing the quality of education provided today and to
effectively engaging, inspiring, and educating students in the 21st century.
Defining online learning
 Online learning is any type of study that takes place remotely,
using the internet. Also known as distance learning or e-
learning, this method of study allows students to work from
their own homes, rather than attending a school or university.
 This method of learning allows students to work through
educational course material in their own time without having
to travel to an in-person classroom.
 It allows for more flexible learning and gives students the
freedom to study alongside other commitments like work or
Early Origins of Distance Education
Boston, USA – 1728
• Before the internet era, distance learning had its roots as far back as 1728 in Boston, within the
British North American Colonies.
• Caleb Philipps pioneered this form of education by offering shorthand courses, delivered through
weekly lessons sent by post and advertised in the Boston Gazette.
Gloucestershire, UK – 1840s
• Over a century later, in the 1840s, Sir Isaac Pitman revolutionized distance education by
introducing correspondence courses in shorthand.
• Pitman's courses differed from Philipps' as he provided feedback by evaluating and returning
students' work, contributing to the enduring usage of Pitman Shorthand by professionals like
journalists and secretaries.
University of London, UK – 1858
• The University of London established its External Programme in 1858, enabling students outside
London to pursue degrees through distance education.
• This marked a significant milestone, as it facilitated global access to higher education through
remote delivery of course materials and assignments.
Technological Innovations in Distance Education
University of Wisconsin, U.S. – 1892
• The term 'distance education' was first coined by the University of
Wisconsin in 1892, followed by the adoption of recorded lectures sent
via phonographs in 1906.
• In 1965, telephone-based instructional courses commenced,
demonstrating the university's pioneering efforts in utilizing
telecommunication for education.
University of Alberta, Canada – 1968
• In 1968, the University of Alberta pioneered online courses,
teaching over 20,000 students through the IBM 1500 network.
• This innovative approach allowed for remote delivery of course
materials, assessment of tasks, and organization of documents,
laying the groundwork for modern online learning.
Technological Innovations in Distance Education

Open University, UK – 1969

• The establishment of the Open University in 1969 by the UK Labour government, under Harold
Wilson's leadership, marked a significant advancement in distance education.
• Prime Minister Wilson's vision of a 'University in the Air' aimed to democratize higher
education, making it accessible to a wider audience through radio and TV broadcasts.

University of Toronto, Canada – 1984

• The University of Toronto introduced the first entirely online course in 1984, followed by the
launch of the Electronic University Network in 1986 for Commodore 64 and DOS computers.
Rise of Online Learning Platforms
University of Phoenix, USA – 1986
● • University of Phoenix made history in 1986 by becoming the world's first fully
online collegiate institution, offering bachelor's and master's degrees.
● • This pioneering initiative revolutionized access to advanced education, opening
doors for learners worldwide.

MIT MOOCs, USA – 2012

● • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) led the advent of Massive Open
Online Courses (MOOCs) in 2012 through its MITx program.
● • These free and open courses paved the way for widespread accessibility to
high-quality education, leading to the establishment of edX, a non-profit
organization jointly owned by MIT and Harvard University.
E-Learning today
 E-learning has emerged as the most rapidly expanding sector within the
education domain, experiencing a remarkable 900% growth worldwide
since 2000.
 Presently, over 180 million individuals globally utilize Massive Open
Online Courses (MOOCs), either for accessing free educational content
or opting for premium courses.
 This trend has significantly broadened the reach of learning, making it
accessible to anyone with a computer and internet access.
 Projections indicate substantial growth in the UK's online learning
platforms, with anticipated revenues reaching £0.43 billion by 2023 and
£0.56 billion by 2027.
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Distance Learning

 The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of online learning,

leading to a 74% increase in distance education in 2020.
 Educational institutions worldwide transitioned to virtual platforms,
resulting in a surge in e-learning participation.
 Online searches for courses surged by 200% during the pandemic,
highlighting the shift towards digital education.
Future Trends in Distance Learning

 Virtual Reality (VR) is reshaping the educational landscape by offering

immersive and interactive learning experiences.
 By 2025, the global education market is projected to reach $7.3
trillion, emphasizing the growing significance of online learning.
 The e-learning sector is expected to grow to $375 billion by 2026,
showcasing the continuous expansion of digital education opportunities.
● To sum up , the presentation was an attempt to provide a comprehensive overview of
the history and evolution of distance learning, tracing its origins from the 18th
century to the present digital age. Key milestones include the introduction of
correspondence courses in shorthand, the establishment of the University of London's
External Programme, and the launch of the Open University in the UK. Technological
advancements, such as online platforms and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs),
have revolutionized access to education globally. The COVID-19 pandemic further
accelerated the shift towards online learning, with a significant increase in distance
education participation. The future of distance learning is projected to embrace
virtual reality and witness substantial growth in the e-learning sector. Overall, the
document highlights the transformative impact of technology on education and the
increasing importance of online learning in the modern educational landscape.

[1] JSTOR Daily – Three Centuries of Distance Learning –
[2] E-Learning Industry – Future of E-Learning is VR –
[3] Oxford College -
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