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Fluid #1: Velocity analysis of fluid

flow in a channel USING FLOTRAN

• Introduction: In this example you will model fluid flow in a channel
• Physical Problem: Compute and plot the velocity distribution within the
elbow. Assume that the flow is uniform at both the inlet and the outlet
sections and that the elbow has uniform depth.
• Problem Description:

• The channel has dimensions as shown in the figure
• The flow velocity as the inlet is 10 cm/s
• Use the continuity equation to compute the flow velocity at exit
• Objective:
• To plot the velocity profile in the channel
• To plot the velocity profile across the elbow
• You are required to hand in print outs for the above
IMPORTANT: Convert all dimensions and forces into SI units

Go to the ANSYS Main Menu (on the left hand side of the screen) and click
Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>On Working Plane

Create keypoints corresponding to the vertices in the figure. The keypoints

look like below.

Now create lines joining these key points

Modeling>Create>Lines>Lines>Straight line
The model looks like the one below.
Now create fillets between lines L4-L5 and L1-L2.
Click Modeling>Create>Lines>Line Fillet.
A pop-up window will now appear. Select lines 4 and 5. Click OK.
The following window will appear:
This window assigns the fillet radius. Set this value to 0.1 m.
Repeat this process of filleting for Lines 1 and 2.
The model should look like this now:
Now make an area enclosed by these lines.

Modeling>Create>Areas>Arbitrary>By Lines
Select all the lines and click OK. The model looks like the following
The modeling of the problem is done.



· Click Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete... In the 'Element
Types' window that opens click on Add... The following window opens.
· Go to Preprocessor>Flotran Set Up>Fluid Properties.
· On the box, shown below, set the first two input fields as Air-SI, and then click on OK.
Another box will appear. Accept the default values by clicking OK.

We will model the fluid flow problem as a thermal conduction problem. The flow
corresponds to heat flux, pressure corresponds to temperature difference and
permeability corresponds to conductance.
Go to the ANSYS Main Menu
Click Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models.
The following window will appear
As displayed, choose CFD>Density. The following window appears .
Fill in 1.23 to set the density of Air. Click OK.
Now choose CFD>Viscosity. The following window appears:

Now the Material 1 has the properties defined

in the above table so the Material Models
window may be closed.


Go to Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Lines>All Lines.
In the window that comes up type 0.01 in the field for 'Element edge length'.
Now Click OK.
Now go to Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Areas>Free. Click the area and the
OK. The mesh will look like the following.

Go to Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid CFD>Velocity>On

lines. Pick the left edge of the outer block and Click OK. The following
window comes up.
Enter 0.1 in the VX value field and click OK. The 0.1 corresponds to the
velocity of 0.1 meter per second of air flowing from the left side.
Repeat the above and set the Velocity to ZERO for the air along all of the
edges of the pipe. (VX=VY=0 for all sides)

Once they have been applied, the pipe will look like this :
· Go to Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define
Loads>Apply>Fluid CFD>Pressure DOF>On Lines.
· Pick the outlet line. (The horizontal line at the top of the area) Click
· Enter 0 for the Pressure value.
· Now the Modeling of the problem is done.


• Go to ANSYS Main Menu>Solution>Flotran Set
Up>Execution Ctrl.
• The following window appears. Change the
first input field value to 300, as shown. No other
changes are needed. Click OK.

Go to Solution>Run FLOTRAN.
Wait for ANSYS to solve the problem.
Click on OK and close the 'Information' window.


• Plotting the velocity distribution…
• Go to General Postproc>Read Results>Last Set.
• Then go to General Postproc>Plot Results>Contour
Plot>Nodal Solution. The following window appears:
· Select DOF Solution and Velocity VSUM and Click
· This is what the solution should look like:
Next, go to Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Vector
Plot>Predefined. The following window will appear:

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