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Vietnam war

Leonard Kisielinski
Vietnam was good resoursed country, that was controled by France.
during ww2 vietnam was invaded by Japen. After war uprising against
Japen broke out as a result two states were created:
Democratic Republic of Vietnam and South Vietnam. SV was controlled b

Hồ Chí Minh –
Leader of a
communist party
and DRV
Ngô Đình
Diệm - French
puppet standing
at the head of
• In this situation, the United
States began providing
military and financial
support to the South
Vietnamese government,
considering it a bulwark
against the expansion of
communism in the region.
This support led to a
further escalation of the
conflict between the North
How started and South and an
escalation of the war.

• Following Vietnam's
• The decision to partition the country was the result of an
independence in 1954
agreement between the Allies at Potsdam in 1945, but this did
under the Geneva
not resolve the internal conflict over the country's independence
Agreement, the north
The course of the Vietnam War

• Origins of the conflict: The Vietnam War began in

the 1950s when communist forces from the north,
backed by the USSR and China, fought the South
Vietnamese government, supported by the US and
other western states.
• Escalating American involvement: In the 1960s, in response
to rising tensions, the US decided to become fully militarily
involved in the conflict. The introduction of large contingents
of US troops was intended to support the South Vietnamese
government in its fight against Vietcong and North Vietnamese
The course of the Vietnam War

• Difficult fighting and high casualties: Despite

technological superiority and military support from
the US, fighting in Vietnam was difficult and
extremely bloody. Vietcong guerrillas and regular
North Vietnamese forces inflicted heavy losses on US
• Protests keeping the waragainst
resistance going forthe
war: As the conflict
escalated, public protests against the Vietnam War grew in the
United States. Anti-war movements and demonstrations were
widespread, influencing public opinion and political decisions.
The course of the Vietnam War

• Withdrawal and collapse: In the late 1960s and early

1970s, the United States began to gradually withdraw
its troops from Vietnam. Despite attempts to negotiate
peace, fighting continued. Finally, in 1975, after the
fall of Saigon, the war ended in victory for the
communists, leading to the reunification of Vietnam
under their rule.

The armament of the Vietnam War included M16

and AK-47 rifles, heavy machine guns like the
M60 and RPD, howitzer artillery, light anti-tank
grenade launchers like the RPG-7, air support
using B-52 bombers and fighters, and
controversial chemical weapons like Agent
Orange and napalm. The Vietcong frequently used
improvised explosive devices and booby traps to
inflict casualties on US and South Vietnamese
forces. These armaments reflected the brutality
and complexity of the conflict, which involved
fighting on different fronts and required varied
• Destruction of the country: The Vietnam War caused massive damage to infrastructure, including
homes, roads, bridges and farmland.

• Human suffering: Millions of people lost their lives and hundreds of thousands were injured or suffered
permanent physical and psychological damage.

• Development of anti-war movements: The conflict contributed to the growth of anti-war movements
around the world, particularly in the United States, where public protests against the war gained strength.

• Changes in international politics: The Vietnam War influenced changes in the international politics of
many countries, especially in the context of the confrontation between the Eastern and Western blocs
during the Cold War.

• Impact on society: The war had long-lasting effects on society in Vietnam and around the world,
leading to a re-evaluation of attitudes towards militarism and a strengthening of the non-violent social

• Split in society: The conflict caused a split in Vietnamese society, deepening political and cultural
divisions between the north and south.
What the f*** is a

kilometre Thank you

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