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DIR® Floortime™ ABA

Goal of DIR: understand each unique child's Goal of ABA: "make the autistic child
individual profile and to then promote the indistinguishable from his non-autistic peers“
developmental process to help the child reach
his or her fullest potential

DIR has been shown to improve development ABA has been shown to improve behavior
and behavior. alone.

DIR works to address the core deficits while It is primarily facilitated through the use of
strengthening the core capacities of relating, extrinsic motivators such as reinforcement and
communicating, and thinking. punishment.

Fundamentally believes the behaviors we see Behaviorists believe humans can be fully
on the surface are the result of a complex understood through our behaviors and our
developmental process we all go through as learned responses to the world we live.
our brains and bodies grow.

DIR values individual differences ABA principles are rooted in making the child
(neurodiversity) and it values helping every look and behave normally.
person achieve their fullest potential.
The definition of normal is inherently rooted in
a value judgment of what is normal and

Includes a stabilizing of behaviors and often Believes that using methods causing the child
times expression of behaviors that are more distress or pain is acceptable if the goal is
compliant with social norms positive behavioral change or shaping

The goal of the treatment is not normalization.

DIR and DIR professionals see behaviors as

primarily a manifestation or result of processes
that are going on inside the child's mind and

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