Lever System Lect 2

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Lever System

 Theprinciple of the moment or the torque is essential

while giving resistance or assistance to the patient
depending on the principle of lever which states that:

Effort x effort arm= Resistance x Resistance arm

So, While giving resistance to the patient, the muscular contraction or the effort depends on:

 The distance

 The angle
Class of lever in two- join muscles
 Two joint muscles ( Biarticular muscles)
are muscles, which pass over two joints at
the same time.
 E.g: Rectus femoris
 This articular muscle is considered to be
2nd class over the proximal joint and 3rd
class over the distal joint

Characteristics of two-joint muscles:
1. They produce motion in more than one joint
at the same time. So they are more efficient
than one-joint muscles in performing patterns
of movement, (e.g. flexion of the elbow with
flexion of the shoulder and flexion of the wrist
at the same time).
2. Active insufficiency
 When the two-joint muscle is shortened over the two
joints at the same, it will lose its tension after certain
 Active insufficient muscle means that the muscle
cannot produce its complete tension at both joints at
the same time. If the muscle contracts while it passes
over two joints, the muscle becomes unable to complete
the range of motion over both joints at the same time. So
the muscle loses its tension over one joint to complete
the range of motion over the other joint.
 Straight leg raising:
Clinical application
 Tendon muscle action or tenodesis
Tenodesis: is the movement which
occur in one joint due to passive tension
of the muscle in the other joint when
the muscle passes over two joints at the
same time.
E.g : spastic hand pattern in
hemiplegic patient
3. Passive insufficiency:
 When the two-joint muscle is lengthened over the two
joints at the same time, it will cause pain after
certain limit.
 For example, if a subject is trying to touch his toes from
sitting or standing (flex ion of the hip joint with
extension of the knee joint is done passively by the
weight of the upper body), after certain limit pain will
be felt at the posterior part of the thigh which is the
location of the hamstring muscles.
 Pulley is a simple machine that performs a mechanical Job.
It consists of grooved wheel and a cord or a rope running
over it.
Function pulleys:
 I- Change the direction of a force.

 2- Balance forces as the first class of lever.

 3-Modify the effect of force.
 4- Magnify forces via increasing the mechanical dvantages.
Component of Pulley system:

Types of Pulleys:
1. Fixed Pulley:
2. Mobile Pulley:
 3- Mixed Pulley:
Anatomical application:
Good Luck

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