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Importance of Planning and

Hierarchy of Plans
“Someone is sitting in the shade today because
someone planted a tree a long time ago”

Warren Buffett
“The time to repair the roof is when the
sun is shining”

John F. Kennedy
What is Planning?
Planning – is one of the most important project
management and time management techniques.
- is preparing a sequence of actions/steps to
achieve some specific goal.
- helps an organization chart a course for the
achievement of its goals.
Importance of Planning
 increases efficiency
 reduces risks
 facilitates proper coordination
 aids in organizing
 Gives right direction
 Keeps good control
 helps to achieve objectives
 Motivates personnel
 Encourages creativity and innovation
 helps in decision-making
Planning process addresses the following
 Where are we?

What do we have to work with?

Where do we want to be?

How do we get there?

S T U C K !!!
I have heard that monkeys are caught
through using coconut shells with holes as
traps. The shells have holes big enough for
food to be placed inside, but small enough
for only the hand of the monkey to pass
through. When a monkey puts its hand
through the hole to get the food, it wouldn’t
be able to pull out its hand unless it lets go
of the food. The monkey is stuck and is
eventually caught.
Friends, regardless of our relation too
monkeys, we do act similarly. There
are things we desire and are not willing
to let go of, even if holding on to them
causes us difficulty, stagnation or
outright harm. These desires could
very well be harmful behaviors we
habitually cling to. And because we
seem unable to let go, we end up stuck!
As Rush Limbaugh said, “Being stuck is a
position few of us like. We want something
new but cannot let go of the old – old ideas,
beliefs, habits, even thoughts. We are out of
contact with our own genius. Sometimes we
know we are stuck; sometimes we don’t. In
both cases we have to do something.”
Are you stuck? Let go…..
Hierarchy of Plans

One way to look at planning is as a hierarchy of

the components of a plan.
Processes and Actions
Measures of Performance
Vision – where the unit wants to be or how it wants to
be viewed at some point in the future.
Mission – Why the organization exists, what services or
products it provides.
Values – What is important to the organization at its
Goals – specific accomplishments that will indicate the
unit is moving toward it vision.
Processes and Actions – what must actually be done on
a day-to-day basis to implement a strategy
Measure of Performance – quantitative or qualitative
data that will indicate how close a unit has come to
accomplishing a goal.
Other Hierarchy of Plans:
The three (3) levels based on length of the
planning time frame, level of detail in the plan,
and where within the organization the plan is
 Strategic plans – address a time frame of 5-10
years, may be vaque, and are developed at the
organizational or executive level.
 Managereal/tactical plans – address a 12-month
time frame, have a high level of detail, and are
developed at the unit or department head level.
 Operational plans – may address only a one to
four week time frame, are very detailed and
may be developed at the supervisory level.

Additionally, to accomplish a specific task,

project plans may be developed.
Strategic/managerial /
tactical plans Operational/project plans
Past Knowledge What previous goals were Lessons learned about
accomplished, or modified; what worked well or could
any known causes be improved
Present Situation  internal and/external  resources needed (time,
opportunities and/or  people, equipment,
challenges training , funds)
 organizational strengths Resources available
 environmental trends
Future Accomplishments  where you are going Action plans:
 how you will get there  what will be done
 who will do it
When it will be
“ If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if
you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if
you are planning for a lifetime, educate

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