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Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed

be thy name, thy kingdom come; thy will
be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread and forgive
us in our sins as we forgive those
who sins against us; and lead us not
to the temptation but deliver us from evil.
Quote of the day
Here are the RULES in our
Online Class.

1. Mute if you are not speaking.

2. Use the raise hand button if you want
to answer. (Speak politely)
3. The teacher shall acknowledge the
student before speaking.
4. RESPECT and LISTEN to the teacher
5. Be ATTENTIVE to the class.
Things you need in this

 Arts Notebook
 Pencil Grade 1&3
 Ball pen Grade 7-12
Arts Lesson 1 –

Cinema - is from the French “cinématographe” which
comes in part from the greek “kinema” meaning
 Cinema is really just another word meaning moving
picture. It also has come to mean more generally the
process of film-making and also the building where
films are shown.
 Meaning of cinema - motion-picture theater
a motion-picture theater, movies. especially the film
industry, the art or technique of making motion
What is cinema and modernity?
 Modernism was concerned with everyday life, perception, time
and the kaleidoscopic and fractured experience of urban space.
 Cinema -with its techniques of close-up, panning, flashbacks
and montage played a major role in shaping experimental works
such as Mrs Dalloway or Ulysses.
What is film?
 A film, also called a movie or a motion picture. a series of still
photographs on film projected onto a screen using light in rapid
succession. The optical phenomenon known as persistence of
vision gives the illusion of actual, smooth, and continuous
The elements of cinema
1. Narrative - Narration can be subjective or objective and
restricted or unrestricted in terms of the flow of
information. Time can seem more compressed or more
expanded. The plot is a selection of events from the story.
Characters have specific goals, desires, and behavioral
2. Sound- Sound can affect the rhythm. Sound can also
shape one's perception of fidelities or how close the sound
is to actual sound. Space and time can also be represented
creatively using sound design techniques.
3. Mise-en-scene- The setting is indicated by the props, costumes and make-
up, and the design of the set. The set can also be an actual existing location
configured for the setting. The way actors perform visually register on camera.
Performance has facial expressions, movement of the body or body language,
and gestures. Closely related to cinematography is lighting design or the
selection of the appropriate source of light (artificial or natural; artificial key
light or fill light), direction (top light, under light, side light, back light), and
quality of light (hard light with sharp shadows or soft light
with more diffused light and gentler shadows).
4. Cinematography - many of the techniques in cinematography are those learned
in photography. The only difference is the following: that focus can be pulled
from foreground to background in one shot, the duration can be prolonged
or made abrupt; shots can be slowed down or speeded up through the slow
motion or fast motion; framing can be mobile using the crane, tilt, tracking
or dolly, and pan.
When was cinema introduced to the Philippines?
January 1, 1897 .The first film screenings in the Philippines took
place on this day. The title of the films shown were Un Homme Au
Chapeau (Man with a Hat), Une scene de danse Japonaise
(Scene from a Japanese Dance), Les Boxers (The Boxers), and
La Place de L'Opera (The Place L'Opera).

What is the first known form of cinema in the

Cinema was first introduced in Manila on January 1, 1897 –
only two days after the national hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal was
executed at the Luneta when the first six movies billed as the
Espectaculo Cientifico de Pertierre, were shown on a 60mm
Gaumont Chronophotograph projector at the Salon Pertierra
Who brought cinema in the Philippines?
One year earlier, January 1, 1897, the Philippines experienced its
first film screening, as a Spanish man, Pertierra, introduced the
chromophotograph. Half a year later, another Spaniard, Ramos,
brought the cinematograph to the Philippines.
Have A Great

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