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Drugs and Abuse

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Drugs and Abuse
Drug abuse is a complex problem that affects individuals, families, and
communities. This presentation will explore the various aspects of drug abuse,
including its definition, effects, and prevention.
The Definition of Drugs and Psychotropic

Illegal Drugs Prescription Drugs Psychotropic Substances

Illegal drugs are those that have Prescription drugs are legal drugs Psychotropic substances are
been declared illegal by the that are only available through a chemical substances that affect the
government and include prescription from a licensed brain and alter perception, mood,
substances like cocaine, heroin, healthcare provider. Misuse of and behavior. They include
and methamphetamine. prescription drugs is an important substances like marijuana, LSD,
form of drug abuse. and ecstasy.
The Effects of Drug Abuse
1 Physical Effects 2 Mental Health Effects 3 Social Effects

Drug abuse can lead to a Drug abuse can have

variety of physical health Drug abuse can also have serious social and
problems, including heart serious mental health economic impacts,
disease, liver damage, and effects, including including decreased
respiratory problems. depression, anxiety, and productivity, increased
psychosis. crime rates, and strained
The Different Types of Illegal Drugs

1 Depressants

Depressants include drugs like alcohol,

barbiturates, and benzodiazepines. They
Stimulants 2 slow down the central nervous system,
Stimulants include drugs like cocaine, leading to sedation and reduced anxiety.
amphetamines, and methamphetamine.
They speed up the central nervous system,
leading to increased alertness, euphoria, 3 Opioids
and heightened energy levels.
Opioids include drugs like heroin,
morphine, and fentanyl. They are
commonly used to treat pain but can be
highly addictive and lead to serious health
problems, including overdose and death.
The Signs of Drug Abuse
Physical Symptoms Behavioral Changes

Physical symptoms of drug abuse can include Behavioral changes can include irritability, mood
bloodshot eyes, a persistent cough, slurred speech, swings, increased secrecy, and loss of interest in
and sudden weight loss or gain. activities that were once enjoyed.

Family and Social Problems Physical Objects

Family and social problems can include financial Drug paraphernalia, including needles, pipes, and
difficulties, legal problems, and strained scales, may be an indicator of drug abuse.
The Impact of Drug Abuse on Health

Lungs Damage Heart Diseases Liver Cirrhosis

Smoking drugs like marijuana or Drug abuse can lead to the Alcohol abuse, in particular, can
tobacco can lead to respiratory development of heart disease and damage the liver and lead to
problems, including bronchitis and an increased risk of heart attack cirrhosis.
lung cancer. and stroke.
Prevention of Drug Abuse
Education Family Support Community
Education is the key to Family support can play an
prevention. By understanding the important role in preventing Communities can help prevent
risks associated with drug abuse, drug abuse by providing a safe drug abuse by working together
individuals can make informed and supportive environment. to provide resources and support
choices. for individuals at risk.
Rehabilitation and Recovery

1 Detoxification

Detoxification is the process of removing

substances from the body and managing
Therapy 2 withdrawal symptoms.
Therapy can help individuals address the
underlying issues that contribute to drug
abuse and develop coping strategies. 3 Support Groups

Support groups, such as Narcotics

Anonymous, can provide a valuable source
of support and encouragement during the
recovery process.
Steps to Overcoming Drug Abuse
1 Admit the Problem

Admitting the problem is the first step towards recovery.

2 Seek Help

Seek help from a healthcare provider, therapist, or support group.

3 Create a Plan

Create a plan for recovery, including steps for avoiding triggers and developing
healthy habits.

4 Maintain Sobriety

Maintain sobriety by engaging in healthy activities and establishing a support


Narcotics are substances or substances that can affect a person's

psychological state (thoughts, feelings and behavior) and can
cause dependence both physically and psychologically.
Meanwhile, psychotropics are substances or drugs, both natural
and synthetic, not narcotics, which have psychoactive properties
through selective influence on the central nervous system which
causes characteristic changes in mental activity and behavior.

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