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Achievement Test-
Revised (PIAT-R)

By: Melissa Stevenson, Rachel Piereson, Tracy Tossi,

Courtney Ruhno, Katie Guikema, Lindsey Johnson, and
Caroline Brohn
Basic Information
Name: Peabody Individual Achievement Test- Revised (PIAT-R)
-$461.00 per complete kit including 4 easels, 50 combined test record and written
expression, booklists, NU Manual, carry bag.
-$630.00 per complete kit with ASSIST-includes ASSIST kit, 4 easels, 50 combined
test record and written expression, booklists, NU Manual, carry bag.
General Purpose:The purpose of PIAT-R, is to measure the academic achievement
of students ages 5 through 22 years old. It is made up of six subtests. The PIAT-R is
designed to be employed in an educational or research setting. It offers a multiple-
choice format which makes it ideal for assessing low individuals.
Administration Time: Approximately 50 to 70 minutes
Domains Assessed:
-General Information -Reading Recognition
-Reading Comprehension -Written Expression
-Mathematics -Spelling
Description and Example of
Assessment Task: (Reading)
General Information-
-100 open-ended questions
-Areas assessed: science, social studies, fine arts,
humanities, and recreation
-Example questions: “What is the chemical formula of
water?” or “Name a color”.
Reading Subtest
Reading Recognition-
-100 items
-Divided into two parts
*Part 1- are pre-reading activities and are in multiple
choice format
*Part 2- the subject reads aloud single represented
What the subject sees:

Part 1 Part 2
Reading Subtest
Reading Comprehension-
-82 items
-Each item requires two plates
*The first plate the subject will read silently
*The second page the subject will choose the best
picture out of a series of four that best represents the
meaning of the sentence that they read.
What the subject sees:
Plate 1: Plate 2:
The pony has a
big hat on its
Demonstration of the test:
PIAT-R Demonstration
Scoring Procedures:
● Untimed but not unlimited time
o Administer in order of General Information, Reading Recognition,
then Reading Comprehension
● Determine starting point based on background information
● Establish Basal item and Ceiling item before determining the Raw Score
o Basal item- lowest item of the highest five consecutive correct
o Ceiling item- highest item of the lowest seven consecutive responses
containing five errors.
o If examinee responds incorrectly to an item after the starting point
without establishing the Basal item, the examiner must proceed
backward in the items until five consecutive items are answered
● Raw Score= Ceiling item minus errors between the Basal item
and Ceiling item
● Special circumstances regarding reading recognition and reading
Standardization Sample
-The sample contained over 1,000 students
grades K-12, from four regions of the
continental US: West, South, North Central and
- The sample was selected with the same
proportional distribution as the US census
data, based on the dimensions of sex,
socioeconomic status and race or ethnic group.
-Did not include students with special needs or
students from Alaska or Hawaii.
●Content Validity:
o Extensive developmental process for each subtest.
o High reliability scores:
 Kuder-Richardson
 Split-Half

●Construct Validity:
o Correlated scores with the original PIAT and the
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R)
o Median correlations between PIAT-R and PPVT-R
range from .50 to .72
-Examiner must be very familiar with
procedures and scoring protocol
-Basal and ceiling scoring
-Reading comprehension portion?
-Reliable test with proper execution
-Standardization sample over 25 years old
-Special needs students not included

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