CM 304

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Name : A V N L Sarojini
Designation : Lecturer
Branch : Computer Engineering
Institute : A.A.N.M. & V.V.R.S.R. Poly.,
Year/Semester :III Semester
Subject : UNIX & C
Subject Code : CM-304
Topic : Shell Programming &
Filtering Techniques
Duration : 50 Min
Sub Topic : Shell built-in commands
Teaching Aids :PPT
CM304.18 1

On completion of this period, you will be able to learn

 Shell built-in commands
– export command
– set command
– shift command
– readonly command

CM304.18 2

 UNIX provides two types of variables, the system

variables and local variables.

 UNIX allows to group multiple commands into one

line using the semicolon operator(;).

CM304.18 3
Shell built-in commands

 UNIX provides export, set, shift and readonly

commands to work on shell variables.

CM304.18 4
export command

 When the new program starts execution it creates a

process and inherits some of the environment
variables that are available in the parent process.

 By default the values stored in the shell variables are

local to the shell.

CM304.18 5
export command

 The local variables are available only in the shell in

which they are defined, they are not passed through
the child process.

CM304.18 6
export command

 The shell offers a facility of exporting local

variables to all child processes, so that once
defined they are available globally. This is done
by using export command

CM304.18 7
export command
$cat >
echo the value of x is $x
echo the value of x is $x
$export x
X is made Global
$sh variable here
the value of x is 10
the value of x is 20
$echo $x
20 CM304.18 8
readonly command (or) unchanging variable

 In some situations need may arise for variable

to have a constant (or) fixed value. We can
achieve this by using readonly statement.

$readonly a

CM304.18 9
readonly command (or) unchanging variable

 When the variable are made readonly the shell does

not allow us to change their values.

 All such readonly variables can be listed by entering

readonly at the ‘$ prompt’.

CM304.18 10
Positional Parameters

 On many occasions we may need to convey

information to a program.

 A very convenient way of doing this is by specifying

arguments at the command line.

Example: $sh 05030cm02 Kumar

CM304.18 11
Positional Parameters

 To know what has been passed to the program the shell

uses positional parameters.

 This can be thought of as variables defined by shell.

 They are nine in number, named $1, $2, $3 through $9

CM304.18 12
Positional Parameters


$sh 05030cm02 kumar

$1 is assigned to 05030cm02

$2 is assigned to kumar

CM304.18 13
Positional Parameters

 Example program to copy files

cp $1 $2
cat $2
$sh abc xyz

$1 is assigned with abc , $2 is assigned with xyz, then

abc file is copied to xyz
CM304.18 14
Positional Parameters

 Example program to change permissions of a file.

chmod 744 $1
$sh abc

CM304.18 15
set command (setting values to positional parameters)

 Setting of positional parameters as shown below is not


CM304.18 16
set command

 There is one way to assign values to the positional

parameters that is by using set command.

CM304.18 17
set command


$set hai hello welcome to UNIX

The above command sets the value of

$1 with “hai”
$2 with “hello”
$3 with “welcome”
$4 with “to”
$5 with “unix”
CM304.18 18
set command

Example : Write a shell script to display your own login


set `who am i`
echo $1

CM304.18 19
set command

 Write a shell program to display system date in the

below format
FRI 19 APR 2006

set `date`
echo $1 $3 $2 $6
CM304.18 20
shift command

 It is know that there are only 9 positional parameters.

 In case more than 9 positional parameters are given in

a command line, no error is indicated.

 To reach the remaining values we must use the shift


CM304.18 21
shift command

 When, used the shift statement shifts out the values

assigned to positional parameters to the left by an
integer value mentioned with the shift statement.

Example : $shift 5

Moves the parameter values to the left by 5 positions.

CM304.18 22
shift command
$set Everyone has the capacity to learn from mistakes. He learns
a lot from experience.

$echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
Everyone has the capacity to learn from mistakes.

$shift 5
$echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
learn from mistakes. He learns a lot from experience.

CM304.18 23
shift command

 When used with no arguments shift command shifts

the contents of positional parameters by just one
position to the left.

CM304.18 24

 UNIX provides export, set, shift and readonly commands to work

on shell variables.

 export to make local variables as global variables.

 Readonly to unchange variables.

 Set to set values to positional parameters.

 Shift to shift values of positional parameters.

CM304.18 25

1.Can we write the following statement in shell program



CM304.18 26

1.Can we write the following statement in shell program



CM304.18 27

2.If more than 9 positional parameters are given in a

command line, the shell display an error [YES/NO]

CM304.18 28

2.If more than 9 positional parameters are given in a

command line, the shell display an error [YES/NO]

CM304.18 29

 Write a shell script which will receive the filename.

This script should obtain information about this file
as given by ls -l and display it in proper format.

CM304.18 30
Frequently asked Questions

1.List and explain the shell built-in commands

CM304.18 31

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