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‘AI Empowered Legal Website’

Name Roll Number PRN

Nikhil Kande 431013 22010039

Prasanna Eklahare 431009 22010596

Pranav Andhale 432002 22010461

Shrirang Deshpande 432014 22010067

Sponsored By : TechSterr Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


● Introduction
● Problem Statement
● Modules Split up
● Methodology
● Technologies Used
● Proposed Outcomes

Our project introduces an AI-driven chatbot and website designed to make legal
knowledge accessible to everyone. Focused on accessibility and fairness, we
strive to simplify the legal system, making it affordable and user-friendly.

Our platform helps individuals, offering legal insights, while also assisting
lawyers in research, case brief preparations and daily tasks. With an simple
interface for web access, natural language processing ensures effective

● Objective:
The objective of the proposed system is to develop an AI-powered legal chatbot that can
provide accurate and detailed responses to legal questions.
● Key Features:
○ Context-Aware Responses: Maintaining context during conversations to provide relevant
○ Detailed Explanations: The chatbot will be designed to generate responses with more
than 50 words to ensure thorough explanations.
○ Chat History Storage: Conversations with users will be logged for reference.
○ Brief Generation: Generating the brief summary of the whole conversation
● Project structure can be divided into Frontend, Machine learning & backend server.

● Frontend
○ User facing module that collects user queries and displays model responses in appropriate
manner. We use React which is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for
building user interfaces based on components.
○ Axios library is used to fetch responses from model, it is a promise-based HTTP client that
connects to an endpoint. Unlike the fetch() method, the response returned from this library
contains the JSON format we need and offers robust error handling.
○ React Hooks are used for implementing lifecycle methods in functional components.
useState is a react hook used to hold state in a functional component. React Router
helps for routing client side routing
● Machine learning model
○ Chatbot: core module that interacts with the Google Palm API and language models.
Processes user queries and generates context-aware and detailed responses.
○ Context Management Module: Manages the context of the conversation to provide
relevant responses.
○ Data Summarizer: Used to summarize model generated responses to create suitable
data reports.
○ Data Storage Module: Responsible for storing chat history securely in JSON data format
for easy retrieval.

● Flask Server
○ Flask is a micro web framework written in python for developing web applications.
○ It allows to define routes, handle HTTP requests and responses and render templates to
create a dynamic web pages.
1. User Interaction:
- Users engage with the chatbot by submitting legal inquiries.
- Input is processed by the Chatbot Engine, utilizing the Google Palm API and language
models to generate text responses.

2. Context-Aware Responses:
- The chatbot considers context from previous questions and answers.
- Responses are crafted using a custom prompt, ensuring relevance to the user's legal

3. Data Storage:
- A JSON database serves as the data storage mechanism for retaining chat history.
- The history includes user questions and corresponding bot responses.
4. Summary Generation:
- A summarizer component condenses the lengthy responses generated by the bot.
- This summary encapsulates key information for a more concise overview.

5. PDF Report Generation:

- A PDF generator creates reports containing the original questions and the generated
- These reports serve as briefs, offering an organized view of the legal interactions.

6. Feedback Loop:
- The chat history and summaries contribute to an evolving knowledge base, enhancing
the chatbots future responses.
- Users receive both detailed responses and streamlined summaries for a comprehensive
● Python:
○ Python is a versatile programming language commonly used for natural language
processing and AI development.
○ It serves as the primary programming language for building the chatbot.
● Google Palm API:
○ The Google Palm API provides access to advanced language models, such as PALM 2,
for natural language understanding and generation.
○ It is used to integrate powerful text generation capabilities into the chatbot.
● dotenv (Environment Variable Management):
○ The dotenv library is used to manage environment variables, including sensitive
information like API keys, securely.
● Data Storage:
○ Chat history and related data are stored using JSON files, utilizing either the local file
system or cloud storage solutions like Amazon S3 based on project requirements.

● Machine Learning Libraries:

○ The code employs the `google.generativeai` library for utilizing the Google Palm API, along
with external libraries such as `summa` for text summarization and `reportlab` for PDF
report generation.
1. Google.generativeai - Google Generative AI High level API client library
2. Summa - TextRank implementation for text summarization and keyword extraction in
3. Reportlab - An Open Source Python library for generating PDFs and graphics.

● Accurate Legal Information Provision: Ensuring the chatbot delivers precise and
trustworthy answers to legal inquiries, fostering a better comprehension of legal issues and
potentially minimizing the necessity for extensive research.
● Contextual Conversations Management: Facilitating the chatbot's ability to retain context
throughout interactions, allowing for context-aware responses that take into account the
user's prior questions and the overall conversation flow.
● Summarized Response Archiving: Utilizing the Brief Generator to store only condensed
responses, consisting of crucial keywords that encapsulate the context of the conversation.
The proposed AI legal chatbot system aims to provide an efficient and accurate platform for
users to seek legal information and advice, with a focus on Indian law. It prioritizes user
experience, data security, and continuous improvement through user feedback.

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