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The testing equipment used to detect faults in
the operation of electronic devices by creating
stimulus signals and capture responses from
electronic devices under test is known as
electronic test equipment. If any faults are
detected, then identified faults can be traced
an rectified using electronic testing
equipment. Most often all electrical and
electronic circuits are tested and
troubleshooted to detect faults or abnormal
functioning if any.
Th e Basic Electro n ics Testin g Eq u ip m en ts U n d er
th is Categ or y I n clu d e th e Fo llo w in g

• Voltmeter
• A ba sic elec tronics devic e or instrume nt use d
to mea sure voltage or ele ctrica l pot e ntia l
difference betwee n two points in e le c tric a l
circ uits is known a s voltme ter. The re a re t wo
types of voltme ters: analog and di gi ta l. An
analog voltme ter moves a pointe r a c ross a
sc ale in proportiona l to the volta ge of the
electric al circuit. A digital voltme te r
mea sures an unknown input volta ge by
converting the volta ge to a digi ta l va lue by
using a converter and then displ a ys the
voltage in numeric form.
• An electrical instrument that
measures electrical resistance is
known as an ohmmeter. The
instrument used to measure small
value of resistance are micro-
ohmmeters. Similarly meg-
ohmmeters is used to make large
resistance measurements. Resistance
values are measured in ohms (Ω).
Originally, ohmmeter is designed
with a small battery to apply a
voltage to a resistance.
A measuring instrument which is used to
measure the electric current in a circuit
is known as an ammeter. The units of
measurement for electric current is
amperes (A) Earlier ammeters w ere
laboratory instruments which depend on
the earth’s magnetic field for operation.
In an era of the 19th century, improved
instruments were designed which could
be placed in any position and allow s
accurate measurements in electric pow er
A multimeter is an electronic instrument used
to measure the three basic electrical
characteristics: voltage, current and
resistance. It has multiple functions and acts
like ohmmeter, voltmeter and ammeter and
also used for household wiring, electric
motors, testing batteries and power supplies.
The multimeter is a handheld device with a
needle over a numeric LCD digital display for
indication purpose. It is also used to test
continuity between two points in an electrical
circuit. There are three types of multimeters
made available in the market such as: digital
multimeter, analog multimeter and fluke
A powe r supply is a n e le c tronic instrum e nt tha t
supplie s e le c tric e ne rgy to a n e le c tric loa d.
Re gula te d powe r supplie s re fe rs to a powe r
supply whic h supplie s a va rie ty of output
volta ge s use d for be nc h te sting of
e le c tronic c irc uits, with the va ria tion of output
volta ge s or some pre se t volta ge s. Alm ost a ll
the e le c tronic c irc uits m a ke use of a DC sourc e
of powe r for ope ra tion. A re gula te d powe r
supply c onsists of va rious bloc ks suc h a s a n
ordina ry powe r supply a nd a volta ge re gula ting
de vic e . The output ge ne ra te d from ordina ry
powe r supply is fe d to the volta ge re gula ting
de vic e tha t provide s the fina l output. The ma in
func tion of a powe r supply is to c onve rt one
form of e le c tric a l e ne rgy into a nothe r.
A signal generator is also named as
pitch generator, function generator or
frequency generator is an electronic
device used for generating electronic
signals either in the analog or digital
domains (repeating or non-repeating
signals). Signal generators are used in
testing, designing and repairing electro
acoustic or electronic devices.

A pulse generator is either an electronic

circuit or a piece of electronic test
equipment used to generate electrical pulses
in different shapes: mostly used for tests at
analog or electrical level. Pulse generators
are used to control the width,
frequency,delay based on the low and high
voltage levels of the pulses and with respect
to an internal and external triggering. There
are three types of pulse generators namely
optical pulse generator, bench pulse
generators and microwave pulsers.
A digital ge ne rator is an electronic t e st ing
e quipment or software used to genera te di gi ta l
e l e ctronics stimuli. Digital e lectroni c s st imuli a re
a spe cific type of electrical wa veform va rying
be tween two conventional voltages c orre sponding
to two logic ga tes (e ither 1 or 0, low or high).
The function of the digital pa tte rn ge ne ra t or is to
st imulate the inputs of a electronic de vi c e . For
tha t purpose, the voltage levels are ge ne ra t e d by
a digital pattern ge ne ra tor are compa re d to I/O
st a ndards of digital e lectronic s: TT L, LVTTL a nd
LVDS. It is also known a s a logic sourc e be c a use
it is a source of synchronous digital sti mul us.

The oscilloscope is an electronic test

instrument that constantly obverses
varying voltage signals as a two
dimensional plot of one or more signals
as a function of time. The other names
for oscilloscope are oscillograph,
cathode ray oscilloscope or digital
storage oscilloscope. It is also used for
converting non electrical signals such as
vibration or sound into voltages and then
displays the result.

Digital frequency counter is an

electrical test equipment used for
measuring the frequency of
repetitive signals and elapsed time
between events. Digital frequency
counters are also used to measure
the radio frequency where it is
important to measure the precise
frequency of a particular signal.

LCR Meter name itself indicates that it

is used to measure the inductance,
capacitance and resistance of
electronics components. The inductance,
capacitance and resistance are denoted
by the letters L, C, and R so it is named
as LCR Meter. A variety of meters are
made available in the market, but simple
versions of LCR meters indicates
impedance only for converting the values
to capacitance or inductance

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